人教版英语必修四课时作业Unit 3 Section 1 巩固.docx

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《人教版英语必修四课时作业Unit 3 Section 1 巩固.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语必修四课时作业Unit 3 Section 1 巩固.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Section .单词拼写1 I content (使满足)myself with a cup of coffee every day.2 They were astonished (惊诧的)at the news that they would have to give up the chance.3 I would like to entertain (款待)my friends to dinner tomorrow evening.4 The plan to expand the company overseas was a complete failure (失败)5 I

2、 was convinced (使信服)of his right decision.6 The boss directed (指示)that the worker set out at once.7 The disease is throughout (遍及)the country.8 We must work harder to overcome (克服)our shortcomings.9 The new musical comedy (喜剧)took the fancy of the public.10 He raised his hands in a gesture (手势)of de

3、spair.选词填空up to now, be content with, badly off, star in, pick out, be convinced of, cut off, entertain.to1 He was fired because the boss was not content with his job.2 I haven t heard from him up to now .3 She has starred in some thirty films.4 The school is now badly off for experienced teachers.5

4、 The buyer was convinced of the salesmans honesty.6 My father helped me pick out a new book.7 Did he entertain you to dinner yesterday?8 The government cut off the supply of oil to the enemy.用所给词的适当形式填空1 They heard the little girl give a loud shout of astonishment (astonish)2 Barbecue is a favourite

5、 way of entertaining (entertain) friends.3 We should never be contented (content)with book knowledge only.4 Some performers (perform) are giving a wonderful performance (perform) on the stage.5 What was the cause of his failure (fail) ?1 His convincing (convince) argument made people present convinc

6、ed(convince)7 He set about helping homeless (home) women and children to place of safety.8 Fortunately (fortunate) the train was late so we did not miss it.9 She went off in the opposite direction (direct)10 We were amused by his humorous (humor) gesture.单句改错1 We shouldnt complain about poverty sinc

7、e many families are much badly off than we are.(badlyworse)2 We found that meaningful that we get together to have fun once in a while.(第一个 thatit) 3With so many people attend the party, the hall became crowded.(attendattending)4 Which is known to us all, the earth travels around the sun.(WhichAs)4 The bread winner left home without a word, having left the family in a poorer situation.(having leftleaving)


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