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1、地址:阳新县兴国镇枫林路 联系电话:0714-7313188新概念NCE1教学目标课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons12A.词汇:a. coat n. 上衣,外套 b. dress n. 连衣裙;服装B.课文:a. Excuse me !对不起,打扰了 b.Yes? = whats the matter? c.Pardon? I beg your pardon ? Pardon me.C.语法:含be的一般现在时陈述句变为:一般疑问句a. Excuse me !b. Pardon ?c. 含be陈述句变为一般疑问句A.背诵 B.熟练掌握其用法C.熟练运用Lessons34A.词汇:a.

2、 please int. 请 b. sorry adj. 对不起的 c. sir n. 先生 d. my 我的B.课文:Here is your umbrella and your coat.C.语法:含be的一般现在时陈述句变为否定句 A. a. pleaseb. sorryB. Heres C. 含be陈述句变为否定句A熟练掌握其用法B熟练运用C熟练运用Lessons 5-6Lessons 7-8A.词汇:a. Mr.先生 b. Miss小姐 c.国籍,国家名字 d. make n.牌子,类型B.课文:This is Miss sophie Dupont . Nice to meet yo

3、u.C.语法:a.含be的一般现在时的特殊疑问句 b.冠词a和an用法A. 词汇:a. I 我 b. am 是 c. are 是 d. name n. 名字B. 课文:a. My name is Robent b.What nationality ae you? c. Whats your job?A: a. Mr. b. MissB.This is 介绍某人C: a.特殊疑问句 b.冠词:a, anA: b. am c. areB: a. My name is b. What nationality are you ? c. Whats your job?A. a,b熟练运用 c 一般了解B

4、. 熟练运用C. a.熟练掌握 b. 熟练掌握A: b,c 熟练运用B: a,b,c 熟练运用课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lesson9-10A. 词汇:a. hellol. 喂 b. how 怎样 c.thanks 谢谢 d.fine 美好的 e.look 看B. 课文:a.How are you today?C. 语法:a. how 用法 b.形容词的意义与作用A. a,b,c用法B. a. How are you?C. a how 用法A. e用法熟练掌握B. a熟练运用C. a熟练掌握b 一般掌握Lesson11-12A. 词汇:a. whose 谁的 b.catch v.抓 c.pe

5、rhaps adv.大概B. 课文:a.Whose shirt is that? b.Here you are. c.whose 引导的特殊疑问句 d.所有格形容词和所有格代词B. c.whose 引导的特殊疑问句 d.所有格形容词和所有格代词A. 一般掌握B. a,b 一般掌握c,d 熟练运用Lesson13-14A. 词汇:a. come v. 来 b. same adj.相同的the same c. smant adj. 时髦的,聪明的B. 课文:a.Its the same colour. b. That is a lovely hat !C. 语法:a. what colour(s)

6、 引导的特殊 疑问句 b.祈使句A: b. same - The sameB: a. Its the same colourC: a. what colour(s) 引导特殊疑问句 b.祈使句A.a,c一般掌握,b,熟练掌握B. a.熟练掌握 b.一般了解C, a,b熟练掌握Lesson15-16A. 词汇:a. officer n.官员 office n.办公室 b. tourist n.旅游者 tour v.旅游 c. 颜色 B.课文:a, Here they are! C,语法:a.名词变复数 b.名词变复数发音规则C, a.名词变复数A. 背诵B. 一般了解C. a,b熟练掌握并运用课

7、程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lesson17-18A. 词汇:a. custorm n.习惯customs n.海关B. 课文: a. How do you do? b. Come and meet our employees.C.语法:a.名词变复数的不规则变化A. How do you do?B.名词变复数不规则变化A.一般了解B.会运用C.熟练掌握Lesson19-20A. 词汇:a. right adj. 好,可以 b. matter n.事情,事件B. 课文:a. Whats the matter? b. Two ice creams please.= Give us two ice

8、creams please.C.语法:There be 句型A. a. rightB. b. Two ice creams please.C. There be 句型B.熟练掌握C.熟练运用Lesson21-22A: a: give giv v.给b: large 与big区别c:small与 little区别B: 课文:a.Which book ?C:语法:a.代词:主格、宾格 b.which引导的特殊疑问句A. a. give v. C.语法:a代词A. 熟知B. 一般掌握C. a.一般掌握b.熟练掌握Lessons23-24A:词汇:a. on prep.在之上 b. desk 同 ta

9、ble 区别B: 课文:a. Give me some glasses. b. The ones on the shelf c. These ? =Do you want these ?C: 语法:介词on的用法A. a. on 在之上B. a. Give me some glasses.C. 介词on的用法A. 一般了解B. a熟练掌握C. 熟练掌握Lessons25-26A. 词汇:a. middle n.中间in the middle of b. in prep.在里面c. cup glassB:语法:a. 定冠词the用法 b.where引导的特殊疑问句A: a. in the mid

10、dle of b. cup glassB. a.定冠词 theA. 一般运用B. a.熟练掌握b.一般运用课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons27-28A. 词汇:a. near prep.靠 近adj.靠近的,接近的,近似的,几乎的B. 语法:a.there be 结构变成疑问句 b. some 和any用法区别A. a. nearB. b. some 和any用法A.a.一般运用B. a.熟练运用 b.熟练掌握Lessons29-30A. 词汇:a. shut v.关 b. untidy adj.乱,不整齐 c. must 必须,应该 d.air n.空气 v.使通水 e. empt

11、y v.使空,把倒出 adj.空的B. 课文:a. Air the roomC. 语法:must 情态动词用法A. a. shutb.airc. emptyC. must 用法A. a,c,d,e 熟练掌握B. 熟练运用Lessons31-32A. 词汇:a. under prep. 在之下 b.across prep.横过,穿过 Run across 跑着穿过B. 课文:a. wheres=where is b. what about the dog ?C. 语法:a.现在进行时A. a. underb. curossB. b.What about the dog?C. 现在进行时A,B 熟

12、练运用C熟练掌握Lessons33-34A.词汇:a, with prep.和在一起 b.over. prep跨越,在之上. c.wait v. 等 d. jump v.跳C. 课文:a.It is a fine day today. b.some clouds c.Mr. Jones is with his family.A: c.waitB: a.It is a fine day today.C:Mr. Jones is with his family.A. C熟练掌握B. 熟练掌握Lessons35-36A. 词汇;a. go into 走进,进入 b. sit on 坐在上 c. ru

13、n along沿着跑B语法:a.介词of用法“的” b.along beside 用法A. a. go intoc. run alongB. a.介词of “的”A. 熟练掌握B. a.熟练运用b.一般掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons37-38A. 词汇:a. make v. 做 b. paint v.上漆,涂 c. listen v. 听B. 课文:a. It is for my daughter.C. 用法:be going to 句型A. a. make 做b. listen 听C. be going to 句型A. a ,c 熟练掌握B. 一般了解C. 熟练掌握Lesso

14、ns39-40A. 词汇:a. in front of 在之前 in the front of 在前部 b. drop v. 落下,掉下,放下 c. send v.送给,寄B. 课文:a. Give it to me. b. There we are !就放在那里C.语法:祈使句的否定句 A: a. in front ofin the front of B: Give it to me .C:祈使句否定句Aa.熟练掌握B一般掌握C熟练掌握Lessons41-42A. 词汇: a bar of 一条,一板 a loaf of 一个 a bottle of 一瓶 a pound of 一磅B. 课

15、文:a. Put it on this chair.C. 语法:There is + 单数名词的不可数 名词 There are +复数名词D. There is +areA. 一般记忆B. 一般掌握C. 熟练掌握Lessons43-44A. 词汇:a. find v. b. boil v. c. behind. Prep.B. 课文:a. The kettles boilingkettle = water in the kettleC:语法:情态动词can的用法A. a. findC. 语法:情态动词can的用法A.一般记忆B.一般掌握C.熟练掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons4

16、5-46A. 词汇:a. ask v.请求,要求 ask sb to do sth. b. lift v.拿起,搬起 c. make v. 制作,产生B.课文:a. Can she type this letter for me ?b.Whats the matter?C.语法:a.情态动词can的用法表“能力” A.词汇:a. askb. makeB. b. Whats the maller?C. Can用法A. 熟练掌握B. a一般了解 b.熟练掌握C熟练掌握Lessons47-48A. 词汇:a, like v. 喜欢 b. want v.想 want to do sth.B. 课文:a

17、. Do you want a cup? b. Do you want any sugar?C. 语法:一般现在时(一般动词)A. a. like b. wantB. a. Do you want a cup?b. Do you want any sugar?C. 一般现在时A. a,b 熟练掌握B. a,b 熟练掌握C. 熟练掌握Lessons49-50A. 词汇:a. tell 告诉 tell sb to do sth. b. either 和too用法区别B. 课文:a. What about some steak? b. To tell you the truth.C. 语法:a.选择

18、疑问句 b.一般现在时的单数第三人称形式A. a. tellb.either B. a. Do you want a cup?b. Do you want any sugar?C.一般现在时A a,b 熟练掌握Ba,b 一般掌握Ca一般了解 b.熟练掌握Lessons51-52A. 词汇:a. climate n.气候 b.pleasant,pleasing,please区别 c, .国籍与国名 d.sometimes有时B. 课文:a. Where do you come from? b.Whats the climate like in your country?C.语法:a. What

19、(be,look,etc.) like?A. 词汇:b. pleasant d. sometimesC.b Whats like?A. a,c记忆b一般了解c熟练掌握Lessons53-54A. 词汇:a. always adv.总是 b. like v.喜欢prep.像一样 c.mild adj.(天气等)温暖的,暖和的,(性情等)温和的 d.rise v.(日,月等)升起,(河水)上涨B: 课文:a. in the North = in the north of England b. The sun rises early and sets late. early, late 为副词修饰动

20、词A: b. like d.riseA. a,c一般了解b,d熟练掌握B. a. b 一般掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons55-56A词汇:a, arrive v到达到来 b, live v 居住 生活 c, stay v 呆住 停留B课文:a, go to nork 上班 b,stay at home 呆在家 c, do the homework 料理家务 d, at night 在夜里C语法:a,一般现在时同时间频度副词 和时间状语连接。 b,第三人称单数的谓语动词变 复数。A:a arriveb liveB a go to work Cdo the homeworkC b第

21、三人称单数的谓语动词变复数A a b 熟悉掌握c 一般掌握B.a c 熟练掌握 B d一般了解C d 一般了解B 熟练掌握Lessons57-58A 词汇:a.play. v 玩,游戏 b.cook .v 烹调煮n厨子炊事员B 课文:a.by car 乘汽车 By bus(boat,plane) b.on foot 不行C.语法:a.一般现在时与现在进行时用法 区别A:a play b cookC.语法:aA. a b熟练掌握B. 一般了解C. a熟练掌握Lessons59-60A 词汇:a change.n.零钱 v变化.转变 b size n 尺码 号 大小B课文:a writing pa

22、per 信纸 Paper 为不可数名词BI only have small boxes Ionly have small boxes of chalk C Do you want one?Do you want one small box of chalkD What else do you want ?What else.C 语法:have 用法“拥有,具有”B.d what dlse.C have 用法B.a,b,c一般了解d 重点掌握C 重点掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons61-62A. 词汇:a. feal v.觉得,感到 b. remember v.记得,回忆,记住 c

23、. must必须 d. look看B. 课文:a. feel ill 感觉病了 look ill 看起来有病 b. Thats good news for Jimmy news 为不可数名词 c. she has a headache她头疼 d. take / have an aspirin 服/吃一片阿司匹林 e. have a temperature 发烧C. 语法:a. have a cold / headche etc. b.情态动词must用法A. a. feeld. lookB. a. fell illC. b 情态动词must用法A .b.c一般了解ad重点掌握B.a重点掌握 b

24、cde一般掌握C.b重点掌握 a一般掌握Lessons63-64A. 词汇:a. keep v.保持,保存,保留,保守b. remain v.保持,续续B. 课文:a. play with 玩东西b. make a noise 搞出声响c. lean out of the window把身子探出窗外C.语法:表示禁令dont和mustnt区别A. a. keepB. a. play withb.make a noiseA.a熟练掌握b. 一般了解B.a.b重点掌握c. 一般了解C.一般了解Lessons65-66A. 词汇:a. enjoy v.过的快活 乐于,喜爱;享受 b.hear v.听

25、见B. 课文:a. Jills eighteen years old. 基数词+year(s) old“几岁” b.Thats all right不用谢C. 语法:a.反身代词 b.时间与日期表达法A. a. enjoyB. a. Jills eighteen years oldC. a.反身代词b.时间日期表达法A.a 熟练掌握b一般掌握B.a熟练运用b一般了解C.熟练掌握Lessons67-68A.词汇:a. spend v.花费;度过 b. country n.国家,国土,乡村 adj.乡下的,乡村风味的D. 课文:a. Were you at the butchers? at the

26、butchers=at the butchers shop b. be absent from缺席 c.the country乡下C.语法:a.一般过去时A: a. spend b. countryB:a. at the butchersC. 一般过去时A. a,b熟练掌握B. a熟练掌握 b,c一般掌握C. 熟练掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons69-70A. 词汇:a. stand v.站立,直立 stand up b. finish v.结束,完美,完善B. 课文:d. hundreds of数以百计的e. at the race观看比赛f. car number fifte

27、en第15号车C. 语法:a. 介词at ,on ,in 用法A. b finishB. a. hundreds ofC. a. 介词at ,on ,in 用法A.a.一般了解b.熟练掌握B.a熟练掌握b,c一般了解C. a熟练掌握Lessons71-72A. 词汇:a. answer v.回答,答复 n.方案B. 课文:a.Whats Ron Marton like,Pauline.What is sb. Like?询问某人外貌品行b.He telephoned me four times yesterday?Once一次 twice二次 three times三次c.the day bef

28、ore yesterday前天d.answer the telephone接电话e.she cant speak to you now! speak to和某人讲话C.语法:动词原形变为过去时方法A. b. answerB.a. What is sb like?e.speak toC.动词原形变为过去式方法A.a熟练掌握B. a,e熟练掌握b,c,d一般了解C熟练掌握Lessons73-74A.词汇:a.lose v.迷失,丢失,失去b.understand v.理解,懂,明了,了解B课文:a.She does not know London very well knowwell对了解b.lo

29、se ones way迷路c.ask(sb.) the way向(某人)问路d.say to oneself心中暗想e.tell sb. The way to告诉某人(去)路C:语法:形容词变为副词的方法B. b. lose ones way c. ask(sb.) the way e.tell sb. The way toC. adj.-adv.方法A. 一般了解B. a,d,一般了解b,c,e熟练掌握C.熟练掌握Lessons75-76A. 词汇:a.wear v.穿着,戴着 put on穿b. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的,不安的B.课文: a.What size? 什

30、么尺码C.语法:一般过去时与时间短语连用A:a. wear 同put on区别C: 一般过去时与时间短语连用A. a熟练运用b一般了解Ba. 一般了解c熟练掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons77-78A.词汇:a. urgent adj.紧迫的,急迫的b.appointment n.约定,约会B.课文:a.I want to see the dentist want to see sb.想见某人b.have an appointment with sb.与某人约会c.at the moment此时C.语法:否定疑问句B.a. I want to see the dentistb.

31、have an appointment with sb.C.否定疑问句A. 一般了解B. a,b熟练掌握C. 一般掌握Lessons79-80A.词汇:a. hope v.希望,盼望 n.希望b.need v.需要 n.需要物,必要B. 课文:a.Im not going to get any? get=buyC语法:must 与need用法区别A.a.hopeb. needC.must 与need区别A. a,b熟练掌握B. a一般了解C. 一般掌握Lessons81-82A. 词汇:a.nearly adv.b. ready adj.B. 语法:have用法B. have 用法A: 一般了

32、解B: 熟练掌握Lessons83-84A.词汇:a. leave v.b. pack v.C. 课文:a. Lets go into the living-room 祈使句b. Ive just had a cup Ive just had a cup of coffee.C语法:现在完成时A.a. leaveC: 现在完成时Aa熟练掌握b一般了解B. a,c一般了解C.熟练掌握课程学习内容学习重点掌握程度Lessons85-86A.词汇:a. beautiful adj. 美丽的,出色的B.课文:a. Ive never been there.never “从无,从未”b. Have yo

33、u ever been here.ever “曾经,在任何时候”C.语法:have been与 have gone区别C. have been同 have gone 区别A.B一般了解C 熟练掌握Lessons87-88A.词汇:a. repair v.修理,修复 弥补,赔偿b. try v. 试图,设法。尝试try to do sth. try doing sth.B.课文:a.When did you bring it to us?bring 带来 take拿走b.Theyre still working on it. work on 从事,干c. have a look at it 看一

34、下C. 语法:现在完成时的疑问句式与否定式A b. try to do sth.try doing sth.B. b. work onC. 语法:现在完成时的疑问句式与否定式A. a)一般了解 b)熟练了解B. 一般了解C.熟练掌握Lessons89-90A.词汇: a) retire v.退休,离职 b)worth v.相当于价值,值钱B课文:a. I believe that this house is for sale.believe sb.相信某人b. How long have you lived here?how long 询问时间长短或物体的长度c. How much does

35、this house?C.语法: for+一般时间 Since+时间点A. b. worthC. for +一般时间 Since +时间点A. a.一般了解 b.熟练掌握B.一般了解C.熟练掌握课 程学 习 内 容学 习 重 点掌 握 程 度Lessons9192A.词汇:a.miss v. 想念,惦念 错过b.still adv. 还是,仍然,还要B.语法:一般将来时B.一般将来时A.一般了解B.熟练掌握Lessons9394A.词汇:a.return v. 回,返回,归还,退还b.lucky adj. 有好运的,碰巧的B.课文:a.next-door 隔壁的b.the month afte

36、r next 再下个月C.语法:可与一般将来时连用的时间短语 this/next week this/next year etc.C.可同一般将来时连用的时间短语A.B.一般了解C.熟练掌握Lessons9596A.词汇:a.exact adj. 精确的,确切的b.catch v. 赶上,及时赶到 听清楚,理解B.课文:a.plenty of 充足的,时间的C.语法:had better和must用法,区别A.b.catchC.had better同must区别A.a.一般了解 b.会应用B.一般了解C.熟练掌握Lessons9798A.词汇:a.belong v. 属于b.describe

37、v. 形容,描述 describeas 把说成B.课文:a.I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day .the other day “几天前”C.语法:所有格形容词和所有格代词C.所有格形容词和所有格代词A.B.一般掌握C.熟练掌握Lessons99100A.词汇:a.slip v. 滑倒,滑落,下滑b.hunt v. 弄痛,危害c.help v. 帮助,援助B.课文:a.get up 起床,起来b.be afraid that 害怕 be sure that 以为C.语法:a.宾语从句 b.间接引语A.c.helpB.b.b

38、e afraid thatC.a.宾语从句A.a.b.一般了解 c.熟练掌握B.一般了解C.a.熟练掌握 b.一般了解Lessons101102A.词汇:a.write v. 写b.soon adv. 不久,快B.课文:a.speak up 大声地说 up表程度由弱到强,由低到高C.语法:直接引语和间接引语B.a.speak upC.直接引语与间接引语A.一般了解B.熟练运用C.熟练掌握Lessons103104A.词汇:a.fail v. 失败,及格(身体等)衰退,变弱,凋谢b.hate v. 讨厌,不喜欢,有反感;憎恨B.课文:a.the rest 剩余部分b.at the top of 在顶端 at the bottom of 在末


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