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1、科普版五年级下册期末试题 笔试部分一英汉互译。1.turn left4.go shopping7.在八点钟2. see a film5. would like8.在右边3. watch TV6. 关上门9.去睡觉二单项选择。( ) 1. Do you often get up_ six_SundayA. at,on B. in,on C. at,in( ) 2. Where is he from?-he _ from chinaA. come B. comes C. coming( ) 3. _ I speak to Chen Fang, please?A. Am B. May C. Do(

2、) 4._ are you doing?- I am doing my homework. A. What B. Which C. When( ) 5. Whose birds_these?.A. am B. is C. are( ) 6. The goats are grass.A. eat B. eats C. eating( ) 7、What day is today? Its .A. two B. Saturday C. mine( ) 8. there any apples in the box?A. Is B. Are C. Am( )9. pensils do you want?

3、-Two.A. How many B.How much C. How old( )10.Are you in ?A.class two B. class Two C. Class Two( )10. Whose watch is this?- Its .A. my B. mine C. me( )11. do you do?- Im a teacher.A. What B. Which C. When( )12. My brother reading a book.A. Is B. Are C. Am( )13. How many are there in the box?A. an eras

4、er B. erasers C. eraser( )14. He to school at seven every day.A. is go B. go C. goes( )15. There a book on the desk.A. Is B. Are C.has三确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。A B( ) 1. What are you doing? A Its Monday.( ) 2. May I speak to Marry? B. No, it isnt.( ) 3. What day is today? C. Im washing my face.( ) 4. What

5、do you do on the weekend? ( ) 5. Is this dog yours?( ) 6. how many pupils are there?( ) 7. What can he do?( ) 8. Lets go shopping.( ) 9. What do you do?( )10. Whats the time?D. Its nine twenty. E. I often go hiking.F. I am a policeman. G. Great.H. He can skate.I. Sorry,shes not in. J. There are fifty-five.


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