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1、教案(教学设计)The Seventh Period:Culture CornerA letter from a senior high student.The General Idea of This Period参考模板In this period, we will just review what we have learned in this module and learn some simand difference between US and Chiese school systems.Teaching Aims1. Review the useful words, expre

2、ssions and sentences learned in this module. 2. Master some everyday English.3. Learn some information about the school systems.Teaching Important Points1. Try to talk with others in English.2. Improve the students reading ability by reading the material.3. Learn something about the school systems.T

3、eaching Difficult Points1. How to communicate with others in English.2. Master some information about the school systems.Teaching Methods1. Speaking, listening, reading and practicing.2. Pair work or group work.Teaching Aids1. the blackboard2. the multimediaTeaching ProceduresS tep 1 Greeting and Le

4、ad-inT : Good morning, everyone!S : Good morning, Mr/Ms.T : Do you like you high school life?S :S : And would you like to study in the USA? What do you know about the high school system in the US?S :different test system,shorter time at school and many after school activities.T : Great! Lets read a

5、letter from a senior high school to know the US high school system. Turn to page 9 and read the passage quickly,anser this question:Whats similar and whats differet in the American and Chiese school systems?S tep 2T : Tell us your answers, please.S :S : Excellent, you got it. Now, read it again and

6、then discuss the main idea of each para.XXX,the main idea of para 1 is.S :T : After knowing the US school system, lets fill in the chart to get more details.S tep 3T hings to prepare US secondary school system Chinese secondary schoolsystemYears (before going to Twelve years Twelve yearscollege)Scho

7、ol diplomaInfluence on schoolcurriculumDifferent stagesThe first semester(time)The second semester (time)School scheduleForeign language to chooseAfter-school activitiesThe chance to go to university1. The primary school (Grades one to five).2. The secondary school(Gradessix to eight).3. The high sc

8、hool (Grades nine to twelve).From September to December.From January to May.From 7:50 A. m. to 3 . Spanishfootball, basketball, volleyball,table tennis, theater clubHigh school diploma.1. Primary school (Grades one to six).2. Junior middle school(Gradesone to three).3. Senior high school (Grades 1-3

9、).Through January.February through July.From 7:30 A. m. to 5 . English(sometimes)basketball, footballPass College EntranceExamination.T: By comparing, we know that in US students have more spare time than Chinese students. Thus they can develop their interest in other things, also they will be good

10、students in many ways of course, as Chinese students, we also should use this limited time to develop our potential and become excellent students.T: Do you want to know something about England school system? I will show you a passage on the screen.The Education System in England and WalesIn England

11、and Wales, 1 must go to school by 2 from age 5 to 16,unless their parents should 3 that they can 4 an adequate 5 for them at home. There is a 6 between the State System and the Private System is free of 7 to all children, while Private School education is very 8 .The majority of children go to State

12、 Schools. The school system is 9 down into three sections:A. Infants School (ages 4-7)B. Junior School (ages 7-11)C. Secondary School (ages 11-16/18)Infants and Junior School together are known as 10 School. There are two types of State Secondary School: 11 Schools and 12 Schools. Many Grammar Schoo

13、ls have long13 going back 500 years to the time when they were founded. To go to a Grammar School, students have to pass an exam, and the 14 ,is generally more 15 ,and most students stay at school until they are 18 and go on to University or College.Answers:1. childrenT: I will read the whole passag

14、e. You should look at the screen and fill in the blanks according to your listening.Step 4 Summary and HomeworkT: In this lesson, weve gone through all the important things learned in this unit. We also halearned some information about foreign school systems. After class, you should write a brochure about your school according to the information on Page 10.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 1 Culture CornerA letter from a senior high student.


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