译林版四年级英语下册4B Unit 3语法知识整理.docx

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1、四年级英语(下册)语法知识整理4B Unit 3 My dayWords:1. usually 通常;常常 近义词:often 经常解析:usually 所表示的动作频率比 often 要多,表示经常做某事。eg : We _ (通常) play table tennis after school .2. go to school (动词短语)上学eg : school , lets , to , go (.)(连词成句) _3. in the morning (介词短语)在上午解析:“在早上,在下午,在晚上”一般用介词 in , 但在具体某一天的早上,则用 on in the afterno

2、on 在下午 in the evening 在晚上( )1. I have a swimming lesson _ the morning .A . in B . on C . at( )2. They usually play football _ Saturday afternoon .A . in B . on C . at4. have lunch (动词短语)吃午饭注:表示“一日三餐”的单词前面不能加冠词(the / a / an)eg : 我们在十二点钟吃午饭。 We _ _ _ twelve .5. in the afternoon 在下午解析:“在下午”一般用介词 in,但在具

3、体某一天的下午,则用介词 oneg : 他们下午有体育课。 They have PE _ _ _ .6. play football (动词短语)踢足球注:在表示球类运动的单词前不能加冠词(the / a / an )在表示乐器前加 theeg : 你会踢足球吗? Can you _ _ ?7. go home (动词短语) 回家解析:go home 中的 home 是副词,故前面不能加介词 to , 还有 there , here 前也不能 加 to . (go home 回家 go there 去那儿 come here 过来)eg : home , lets , now , go (.)

4、 _8. homework (名词)家庭作业 不可数名词,没有复数形式do ones homework 做家庭作业让我们现在做家庭作业吧。 Lets do our homework now .9. have dinner (动词短语) 吃晚饭 近义词 have supper 吃晚饭eg : 是时间吃晚饭了。(两种) It is time to _ _ . = It is time for _ . eg:( )Its seven in the evening . Lets have _ .A . breakfast B .lunch C . dinner10. watch TV (动词短语) 看

5、电视eg :我现在能看电视吗? Can I _ _ now ?11. go to bed (动词短语) 睡觉 get up 起床eg:我在十点钟睡觉。 I _ _ _ _ 10 .Text :1. 用来告诉别人自己通常在某个时间做某事时的陈述句: I usually at .eg : 我通常在四点钟踢足球。 I usually play football at four .eg : lunch , I , at , have , twelve , usually (.) _2. 问你(通常)在具体某个时间做某事:What time do you (usually) + 动词短语 ?eg : I

6、 usually go to school at seven forty ._ _ do you usually go to school ?eg : I have lunch at twelve ._ _ do you have lunch ?eg : I do my homework at five thirty ._ _ do you _ _ _ ?eg : I usually have dinner at six fifteen ._ _ do you _ _ _ ?Cartoon time :1. 问现在几点了? What time is it now ? = Whats the t

7、ime ? 回答:Its 时间。/ 时间。 eg:现在几点钟了? 四点三十分。What time is it now ? Its four thirty . Four thirty .eg : Its twelve oclock ._ _ is it now ?_ the _ now ?_ _ the _ now ?2. 你能看的有什么吗? What can you see ? 回答:I can see .eg : I can see some dolls ._ _ _ see ?3. 感叹句的结构:What + a /an + 形容词 + 名词 ! = How + 形容词 !eg:一幅好漂亮

8、的图画啊! What a nice picture !eg: 真好看! How nice ! = How beautiful !4B Unit 3 重点词汇一、短语上学 go to school 在下午 in the afternoon 吃午饭 have lunch 回家 go home 在下午 in the afternoon 踢足球 play football 在七点四十分 at seven forty吃晚饭 have dinner 看电视 watch TV 去睡觉 go to bed在晚上 in the evening 在夜里 at night在那边 over there做家庭作业 do

9、 my homework 每天 every day 什么时间 what time二、句子你什么时候起床? When do you get up ?= What time do you get up ?我起床在六点半。 I get up at six thirty . = At six thirty .我通常在七点四十分上学。 I usually go to school at seven forty .我在早上有四节课。 I have four lessons in the morning .我在十二点钟吃午饭。 I have lunch at twelve .我在下午有两节课。 I have

10、 two lessons in the afternoon .我在五点三十分做家庭作业。 I do my homework at five thirty .我每天在九点钟睡觉。 I go to bed at nine every day .你每天什么时候吃晚饭? When do you have dinner every day ?现在几点钟了? What time is it now ? 好大的一块蛋糕啊! What a big cake ! 你能看到那边有什么吗?我能看的一块蛋糕。What can you see over there ? I can see a cake . 我喜欢蛋糕。(肯定句或陈述句) I like cakes . 我不喜欢蛋糕。(否定句) I dont like cakes . 你喜欢蛋糕吗?(一般疑问句) Do you like cakes ?


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