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1、条件句后置There are some potential hazards if students are separated from each other only based on different intelligence. P59 line14 条件句后置Modern civilizations, however, stand for the development of times, and should be at least equally crucial with historical legacies, if not more than. P82 line16 条件句后置

2、强调句Some people suppose that it is government that should shoulder the responsibility for those two important aspects. P4 line2 强调句It is government that should be responsible for students expenses. P50 line24 强调句修饰语前置Consequently, compared with uncreative machines, it is people who are more dynamic a

3、nd efficient in cracking down on crimes. P45 line19 修饰语前置,强调句Compared with veteran workers, college graduates lack rich working experience, so they are in a disadvantageous position in job markets. P63 line14 修饰语前置Protected by advanced anti-crime facilities, people tend to grow more estranged from e

4、ach other. P45 line6 修饰语前置Lack of necessary money to support their future learning, they have to drop out of school, and it is absolutely a shame for government, whose function is to serve the people. P50 line20 修饰语前置As the most influential mentors in students life, teachers are supposed to be respo

5、nsible for guiding students how to distinguish right from wrong. P68 line7 修饰语前置Meanwhile, being blind to local traditional customs, some people even arouse strong enmity from people in destination. P90 line21 修饰语前置Moreover, heavily dependent on technological conveniences, we grow more indolent, whi

6、ch will lead to lack of creative power. P99 line23 修饰语前置倒装句Only through space research can people live a better life. P8 line22 倒装句If that is true, only by efficient coordination of government can essential money and suitable experts be guaranteed for successful experiments. P17 line8 倒装句My view is

7、that only by advanced weapons can the police maximize the efficiency of cracking down on crimes. P32 line20 倒装句After all, only when animals live better can humans derive great comfort from the nature. P126 line24 倒装句It is a truism that only in a material-rewarding life can people acquire a higher wo

8、rking efficiency, thereby contributing more to society. P117 line6 倒装句By contrast, only when animals live a safe life can humans enjoy a truly secure life. P117 line14 倒装句For intelligent students, the materials instilled should be more challenging than the average ones, and only in this way can thei

9、r learning efficiency be maximized. P58 line9 倒装句Moreover, only after recognizing the glory of traditional culture accumulated in museums can we be more patriotic and love our own country. P86 line9 倒装句By contrast, if humans can provide sufficient protection and support for animals, just like pets i

10、n families, then not only can animals live a better life, but also humans can benefit considerably from a harmonious biosphere. P135 line5 倒装句If that is true, only through governmental coordination can industrial, agricultural or commercial departments all attach importance to the environment and en

11、vironmental pollution be combated. P173 line12 倒装句双重否定句Without the exploration of unknown places, human beings can never solve the alarming energy crisis thoroughly. P8 line6 双重否定句On the other hand, we can never emphasize teachers role in class too much. P107 line16 双重否定From barbarian states to mode

12、rn civilizations, no progress can be achieved without exploring unknown places and the invention of airplanes is a case in point. P8 line13 双重否定句状语前置As for me, however, by stricter punishment and more suitable policy, we can address this social problem. P26 line5 状语前置In my opinion, however, before s

13、erving as eligible policemen, they have to undergo strict training both physically and psychologically, so those undesirable phenomena is unlikely to take place. P32 line17 状语前置Aware of the root reasons of juvenile delinquency, we can pinpoint the following methods to address this social scourge. P4

14、1 line18 状语前置On the other hand, due to the necessity and urgency in medical field, it is somewhat pardonable to conduct some experiments on laboratory animals in order to combat and conquer the diseases afflicting humans for long. P126 line18 状语前置Meanwhile, through making a comparison between the pa

15、st and the present, we can learn from historical lessons, avoid the same blunders and contribute more to modern society. P86 line7 状语前置Along with modern inventions upgrading our life to an ever-increasingly comfortable one, we are confronted with an array of troubles, such as traffic jam, and energy

16、 crisis. P130 line1 状语前置Compared with the computer, teachers are more capable of cultivating the necessary skills essential to students all-round development, such as interpersonal relationship and cooperation, which are out of the reach of the computer. P107 line17 状语前置名词从句The unique significance o

17、f university determines that what kind of knowledge is taught will inevitably draw considerable attention. P54 line2 名词从句做宾语When children are still young, what they urgently need is enough love and suitable guidance from parents. p13 line19 名词从句当主语What teachers ought to teach, knowledge or morality,

18、 however, causes different opinions. P68 line5 名词从句做主语形式从句It is rather difficult and unrealistic for schools to design suitable curricula which can cater for the needs of diverse students. P58 line6 形式主语句It is highly beneficial to teach students according to their individual aptitude. P59 line22 形式主

19、语句It seems that omnipotent human beings are capable of any accomplishments on the earth, including exploiting randomly their companions, animals. P125 line1 形式主语句The ever-increasing living standards make it possible that people can travel abroad, appreciating fascinating exotic cultures. P90 line1 形

20、式宾语句插入语Therefore, inevitably, government should pay for those significant fields to fulfill its promise for people. P4 line8 插入语Students usually lack sufficient social experience, so possibly, they are confronted with the potential dangers of being cheated or even life threatened. P50 line13 插入语Chil

21、dren, vulnerable to evil temptations, are in desperate need of love and guidance from parents, so if parents are blind to childrens growth, then nobody will care for children, who are sorely tempted by social evils, such as violence and smut. P41 line5 插入语Granted, prison, as a deterrent to crimes, c

22、an punish those offenders who infringe on others benefits, and accordingly, social stability can be guaranteed. P36 line5插入语The freedom of speech, which is the foundation of the mass media, will be in danger of collapse. P13 line 11 定语从句插入语做解释The word “similarity” is not strange to us, especially in

23、 a modern city, for we can enjoy the same cuisine, the same music and all the same other things just as people in other parts of the world. P77 line1 插入语If we, with other people in different cultural backgrounds, can have more in common, it is sure that we can be acquainted with each other better, t

24、hereby showing more tolerance. P78 line5 插入语,因果联系方式I, as one of common readers, advocate the proposal that such reports should be strictly controlled, if not abolished. P148 line3 插入语,条件句后置Indeed, buildings in a traditional style can enhance peoples awareness of tradition conservation, and step up e

25、fforts to preserve those valuable treasures, which are, to some extent, on the verge of extinction. P82 line18 插入语分句合并The governments fundamental principal of serving the people justifies this obligation. P4 line5 分句合并It is clear that government has levied a large amount of money from citizens in th

26、e hope of striking a balance in society and if poor people fail to enjoy a qualified medical service and receive excellent education, what is the significance of heavy taxation? P4 line11 介词短语合并句子,反问句特色典型句型A successful research calls for not only sufficient capitals but many talents in various field

27、s such as economy or engineering. P17 line6 not onlybut also句型When people travel to tourist attractions, they will visit local shops, dine in restaurants and seek accommodations, which not only spur local revenue, but also arises employment rate. P90 line7 not onlybut also句型In my opinion, however, a

28、fter graduation students have sufficient time to make up for knowledge they are not familiar with but beneficial to their development. P54 line19 notbut句型On the other hand, it is a fact that the more enjoyable museums are, the more willing youngsters are to pay a visit. P86 line11 the morethe more句型

29、Some online games rife with violence and smut are so poisonous but attractive that vulnerable kids tent to submit to them and accordingly abandon precious study. p99 line20 sothat句型No matter how far away we are from our acquaintances, we can reach them as soon as possible, which is bound to alter in

30、terpersonal relationship fundamentally. P113 line10 no matter句型,定语从句连接分句However, so long as teachers communicate more with students on various levels and provide them with correct guidelines, the above-mentioned threats can be avoided. P59 line19 so/as long as 句型非谓语动词使用If that is true, the only way

31、to address this issue is to highlight entertainment and amusement of museums, and transform peoples long-standing perspective on museums. P87 line16不定式做主语According to some people, to ban all the content concerning violence in films and on television is one of the necessities that government has to t

32、ake up. P12 line2 不定式当主语It is generally agreed that divorce rate rocketing in modern society is the main culprit. P13 line18 现在分词当后置形容词Accompanying dramatic progress in living standards in the metropolis, ironically, the high rate of crimes frightens city dwellers so much that they are afraid of tak

33、ing part in every day activity, and even leaving home is horrible sometimes. P26 line1 现在分词伴随状语前置The computer, by contrast, lacks human creative power, failing to take into consideration individual needs. P107 line26 插入语,现在分词做伴随状态Consequently, as for health care and education, government ought to ta

34、ke the responsibility, ensuring all the people, especially the needy to be equally treated. P4 line14 现在分词作状语,副词补充By contrast, the days without mobile phones seem totally unimaginable, especially when we are eager to inform others of urgent matters, and unfortunately, they are not around. P94 line19

35、 副词补充Of course, police carrying guns contain justified worry. P32 line12 现在分词作后置形容词Space research means tremendous investment from national purse, causing peoples great alarm. P8 line18 现在分词表因果Depending on weapons to solve social crimes is likely to bring out street fighting, thus causing severe inj

36、uries to passers-by. P32 line16 现在分词做主语,现在分词表因果Those cruel criminals are usually heavily-armed, posing a serious threat to other peoples safety including policemen themselves. P31 line8 现在分词代替定语从句Therefore, courses designed for future jobs can definitely enhance students confidence and boost their p

37、roductivity considerably. P54 line8 过去分词做后置形容词There is no denying that we can have access to native cultures from studying the characteristic native languages employed by local people, so the disappearance of language will result in culture vanishing. P73 line10 过去分词做后置形容词Effective medicines and vac

38、cines derived from clinical experiments have mitigated human sufferings considerably and human life span has been prolonged much more than ever before. P126 line20 过去分词做后置形容词定语从句By contrast, students who learn only theoretical subjects without any practical value will be stuck in a dilemma, and fail

39、 to accomplish the assignment efficiently. P54 line10 定语从句,双重谓语Children are overburdened with overwhelming assignments at school, which deprive them of sufficient time to relax. P41 line10 定语从句连接分句Currently, jobs are gradually divided into subtle sectors, which require expertise in a particular fiel

40、d. P54 line7 定语从句连接分句Due to different aptitudes, students display diverse levels of efficiency in acquiring knowledge, which poses a thorny problem of how to treat intelligent students and common ones in the same class. P58 line1 定语从句连接分句A so-called maxim among contemporary college students is that

41、graduation means immediate unemployment, which reveals unbearable anxiety imposed on modern young people. P63 line1 定语从句连接分句Always regarded as the apples of teachers eyes, those smart students tend to develop superiority complex, which is really a great barrier to greater success after their steppin

42、g into society. 修饰语前置,定语从句连接分句While being fresh from college, they insist in high-end jobs, which mean both satisfactory salary and comfortable working conditions. P63 line11 修饰语前置,定语从句连接分句Meanwhile, besides mastering theoretical knowledge, college students have to give top priority to practical ski

43、lls such as team spirit and interpersonal communication, which can be achieved through part-time jobs, or activities in various university societies. P64 line21 修饰语前置,定语从句连接分句Apparently, the intense competition from both career and life exerts unbearable pressures on modern people, which is always a

44、 catalyst for crimes. P26 line7 定语从句表因果Economic development around the world has accelerated the demand for energy substantially, which leads to resources crisis on the earth. P8 line7 定语从句表因果If criminals are sentenced in a prison much longer than before, it is highly probable that they will develop

45、 inferiority complex, which is a great hazard to their reformation. P37 line10 定语从句表因果Due to the global financial crisis, in order to reduce the cost, the majority of companies tend to cut employees so people are more worried about career security than ever before, which serves as the root reason to

46、 crimes once people lose the channels of income. P26 line8 状语前置,定语从句表因果If students are divided into distinctive classes where students with similar IQ study together, teachers are capable of adjusting teaching timetable to students realistic conditions. P58 line7 地点类定语从句Terrorist activities where ad

47、vanced weapons of mass destruction are employed are the telling evidence against the possibility of scientific research controlled by private companies. P17 line12 地点类定语从句及抽象词It is universally acknowledged that in order to achieve a satisfactory result in the increasingly fierce competition, athlete

48、s have to endure long periods of training, where there abound unbearable hardship and loneliness, such as weightlifting and gymnastics. P21 line7 地点类定语从句抽象词使用Some scientific researches are of particular importance to national security. P17 line10 形容词改名词The possibility of new resources and the boost to peoples morale, however, justify such a considerable input. P8 line20 使用抽象词It is highly likely that physical exhaustion and mental stress deprive them of possibility


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