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1、NSEFC BOOK3 新课标必修三 Unit 2 Healthy EatingFrom Students book P16Write a short passage to advertise your restaurant and its service. Yourwriting should:Explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurantD escribe their ingredients, flavor, smell and appearanceE xplain how they will provide a b

2、alanced dietExplain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the areaExplain how customers will be served说课稿:Good afternoon, everyone. Im so glad to be here to talk about my teaching plan. The teaching plan I m going to talk about is the writing period of Unit2 Healthy Eating taken from NSE

3、FC BOOK3.I will explain in the following 5 parts:1. Understanding of the teaching material1. Analysis of my students2. Teaching methods and studying ways.3. Teaching procedure.4. Blackboard DesignPart 1. Understanding of the teaching materialMy Understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts

4、: the status and function, teaching objectives, teaching important and difficult points.At the beginning lets focus on the first part. This unit mainly talks about healthy eating, problems with diet and balanced diet and nutrition. This writing period is about persuasive writingan advertisement. So

5、this lesson plays an important role in this unit-how to use what Ss learnt in this unit to write an advertisement so as to persuade customers.Thats all for the first part, now lets move to the second part. According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the

6、learning task of this lesson, I establish the following objectives:1 / 5a) Knowledge objectivesBy the end of this lesson the students will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of an advertisement. The students will grasp and can some useful words and expressions to descri

7、be a good restaurant such as: fresh, delicious, mouthwatering, home-made food, nutritious, reasonable price etcb) Ability objectivesS tudents will be encouraged to use persuasive sentences. They can make use of the modal verbs which theyve learnt from last lesson: such as should, would, could, will

8、and so on.T heir ability of information gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion will be improved through discussing in groups in pre-writing while the ability of imagination, cohering, creating and persuading will be developed in writing.c) Moral objectivesI will make full use of this

9、lesson to stimulate the students learning motivation and make the students confident and improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discussing.Teaching important and difficult points:This is a writing class so the Teaching important and difficult points are how to make use of sente

10、nce structures theyve learnt to write an advertisement of a restaurant and how to improve the Ss writing skills.Part 2. The Analysis of the students:The students in this grade have known some basic knowledge of advertisement, and they are active in mind. They are able to express simple ideas in simp

11、le English under the teachers guidance. And they are more interested in concrete images, so in the process of teaching, I will make full use of the pictures.Part 3. Teaching methods and learning ways:Generally speaking, I will adopt task-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approac

12、h. As for learning, Ss will learn through discussing, information gathering, discussing, comparing and polishing.Part 4. Teaching ProcedureH ere comes the most important part of my teaching planmy teaching procedure.I t includes 5 steps:Step1. Revision & lead in.(3M)2 / 5First check the homework of

13、last class-which was to find out a successful restaurant advertisement from internet or library. Then let the students s homework with each other and discuss in groups of 4, take notes, find out and category the impressive sentences into 5 kinds of information:1. Food (special food, flavor, ingredie

14、nts, balanced diet etc.)2. Location3. Decoration4. Music5. Service5. PriceThis step is very important because it can improve the students ability to cooperate with each other, prepare them with the information needed and get them interested in the writing process.Step2. Discussing (8 M)Before they d

15、iscuss in groups of 4, I will show our students 4 pictures of some famous restaurants in Wenzhou-Shamaohe Sushi Restaurant, Spicy Noodles, Golden Prince Steak House, and Concept Restaurant. Those pictures are placed together with the pictures of their recommended dishes and some key words after (Suc

16、h as fresh, yummy, nutritious, recommend, specialize, home-made etc.). I will let the students choose one restaurant and suppose they were the owners, then discuss how to advertise the recommended food in 3 sentences.I will ask 3 students to report their work.In this step, I show them the pictures o

17、f their familiar restaurants to stimulate their imagination and attract their interests.S tep 3. Pre-writing (10 M)T his step includes 2 activities.Activity one, I will show them the sample advertisement.Activity two, they will be encouraged to read the advertisement and think over what are the char

18、acteristics of a successful restaurant advertisement. I will encourage some students to analyze and tell me their opinion, so as to improve their ability of analysis, conclusion and imitation.Then I will give out some suggested points:Point1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once youve tried our food,

19、 you will never want to go anywhere else.)3 / 5Point2. Use imperative and short sentences to encourage. (Come and eat here! Discounts today! )Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )Point 4. Being creative and catchy. (Do you want to date the fre

20、sh sea food with your tongue?)Point 5. It must have a topic sentence.Step 4. While-writing.(16 M)Before they write I will ask students to read the requirements on page 16.So they will mainly focus on food and service.I will ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 suppor

21、ting sentences to advertise the above 4 restaurant motioned.During their writing I will walk around them and help them with some vocabulary.Step 5. Post-writing.(6 M)After theyve done the writing, I will let them s passage with each other and recommend 3 most successful advertisements-the most funny

22、, the most impressive, and the most creative ones.In this step their ability of comparison and evaluation is developed. And their interest of writing is aroused.Step 6. Homework. (2 M)1. Polish their writing and write some more aspects of their restaurants, such as music, decoration, location, etc.

23、Their final work will be modified and selected, then the most successful ones will be put up on the English Corner.2. Review the words and expressions in this unit, and we will have a dictation.This step plays an important role in improving their writing skills and autonomous learning ability.The fo

24、llowing is my blackboard design:5 kinds of information could be advertised:4 / 51. Food (special food, flavor, ingredients, balanced diet etc.)2. Location3. Decoration4. Music5. Service6. Price5 Stylish Characteristics of a successful advertisementPoint1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once youve tr

25、ied our food, you will never want to go anywhere else.)Point2. Use imperative and short sentences to encourage. (Come and eat here! Discounts today! )Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )Point 4. Being creative and catchy. (Do you want to date the fresh sea food with your tongue?)Point 5. It must have a topic sentence.5 / 5


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