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1、.动词短语putput downput onput awayput offput output upput sth.to good usegetget offget awayget backget into (trouble)get onget overget upget dressedget along/on withget ready forget used toget in the way oflooklook afterlook atlook forlook intolook likelook outlook overlook throughlook uplook aroundlook

2、 down uponlook forward tolook out oflook up totaketake care oftake aftertake awaytake downtake intake offtake outtake uptake part intake pride intake actiontake a breaktake a messagetake a triptake a vacationtake a walktake caretake placetake ones ordertake ones temperaturetakeseriouslyturnturn ontu

3、rn off1turn upturn downturn intoturn aroundcomecome backcome fromcome income oncome outcome overcome up withfallfall asleepfall downfall intofall in love withfall illhavehave tohave a coldhave a feverhave a lookhave a pointhave a stomachachehave in commongivegive awaygive backgive ingive outgive upg

4、ive sb. a handgogo alonggo awaygo aheadgo backgo bygo offgo ongo overgo throughgo upgo to the doctorgo for a walkgo for a tripgo on a picnicgo on a tripgo on vacationmakemake upmake moneymake friendsmake a wishmake a differencemake a listmake a messmake an effortmake ones own decisionmake up ones mi

5、nd make full use of2keeplook outkeep onupkeep away fromkeep offkeep in touch withkeepfromkeep up withforask forpay forwait forcare forprepare forsearch forlook forthanks foroutfind outbreak outbbbbbbbbccccccccclean outhand outggggggghhhhhhhpoint outrun outsell outssssssttttttwork outpick upcheer upc

6、lean upcut upcall updress updrink upeat upeeeeefffffgggggghhhhhhhurry upmix upput upring upset upshow upstay upssssssstttttttuse upwake upget upgive upllllllmmmmmmstand uptake up3downinbreak downcalm downcut downfall downlie downsit downarrive inbelieve incall inhand injoin indo well inwrite downint

7、oaboutchange intocare aboutlearn abouttalk aboutthink aboutdivideintofall intoknock intowalk intoworry aboutofawayhear ofput awayrun awaythink ofrun out (of)throw awayoffkeep away fromstay away fromgive awaytake awaygo awaybackpay backtalk backfromhear fromlearn fromseparate fromstay/keep/stop sb. f

8、rom doing sth.break offcut offclean offkeep offpay offset offshow offshut offget offgo offturn offput offfall off4take offby accidentonby chancecome ondepend onhold onkeep onby handby mistakeby the timeby the waytry onfromwork on介词短语across fromfar fromatfrom now onat firstat the same timefrom then o

9、nfrom time to timeat birthinat lastat leastat nightat noonat onceat presentat the momentat the age ofat the beginning ofat the top ofasas a resultin commonin dangerin factin generalin timein totalin a hurryin the endin the futurein the wayin this wayin ones opinionas far as I knowonas foras wellas s

10、oon asas as possibleon boardon dutyon footon purposebyon sale5on showon timeon vacationon weekendson the phoneaftertake afterlook afterup withcatch up withcome up withkeep up withput up withkeep in touch with.形容词短语 be bad forbe late forbe sorry forbe thirsty forbe used forbe angry withbe busy withbe

11、 full ofbe filled withbe good atbe good withbe good forbe good tobe patient withbe pleased withbe popular withbe strict withbe able to do sth.be expected to do sth.be friendly/kind tobe glad to do sth. be polite tobe ready tobe similar tobe supposed tobe/get used tobe helpful tobe afraid ofbe proud ofbe tired ofbe different frombe careful aboutbe crazy aboutbe excited aboutbe sure about/ofbe worried aboutbe famous/known forbe famous/known asbe interested inbe rich inbe weak in6


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