2016~2017九年级一轮复习人教版七年级英语下Unit1-unit 4复习导学案(检测题含答案).docx

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《2016~2017九年级一轮复习人教版七年级英语下Unit1-unit 4复习导学案(检测题含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016~2017九年级一轮复习人教版七年级英语下Unit1-unit 4复习导学案(检测题含答案).docx(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、七年级下册 Unit 1- Unit 4【学习目标】1. 熟记本单元单词、短语、句型;2. 语法复习:现在进行时态【自主学习】(学习要求:课前复习,自主完成,回归教材,知识储)备 一、 重点词汇:核心词汇:1.小提琴_ 2. 人们_ 3. 中心_ 4. 音乐家_ 5. 五十_6. 电视台、车站_ 7. 锻炼、练习_8. 群、组_ 10. 一刻钟、四分之一_11. 很快地 _ 12. 或者、也 _ 13. 味道、品尝_ 14. 一百_15. 千米_16. 村民_ 17. 介于之间_ 18. 害怕 _19. 重要的_ 20. 安静的_ 21. 练习_22.厨房_词汇拓展:1.sing_(n.)歌曲

2、_(n.)歌手 2.speak_(n.)发言者_(n.)演讲 3. many_(比较级) _(最高级)4. village_(n.)村们5. true_(副词)真实地 6. important_(n.)重要性7.noise _(adj.)嘈杂的 8. relax(v.) _(adj.)感到放松的_(adj.)使放松 9.luck(n.)运气_(adj.)幸运的_(adv.)幸运地二、短语归纳1.下象棋_ 2. 弹吉他_ 3.跟说_ 6. 拉小提琴_7. 弹钢琴 _ 8. 结交朋友 _ 9. 练 ( 中国 ) 功夫 _ 10. 讲故事 _ 11. 洗淋浴_12. 刷牙_ 13. 穿上衣服 _ 1

3、4. 要 么 要么 _ 15. 乘 地 铁 _16. 骑 自 行 车 _ 17. 实 现 _ 18. 准时,按时 _ 19. 铺床_三、经典句型(必须熟记)1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.3. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.4. When do students usually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.5. How do you

4、 get to school? I ride my bike. 6. How far is it from your home to school?7. How long does it take you to get to school? 8. Dont arrive late for class.9. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!10. Why do you like pandas?Because theyre kind of interesting.【合作探究】 (学习要求:课堂导学,点拨知识,合作探究,夯实基)础 1.arriv

5、e, get 与 reach三者均可表示“到达”, 表示“到达某地”,可在地点名词之前 reach, get to 或 arrive in / at (in 一般用于较大的地方,at 用于较小的地方)。如:They reached (或 got to / arrived at)the station on time. 他们准时到达车站。若是 here, there home 之类的表地点的副词 则不需用介词。2.between, among 区别:among 常用于三个事物或人物之间,而 between 则多用于两者之间。用 between, among 填空:1. _ the door an

6、d the window there is a desk.2. The woman sitting _ the students is our English teacher.3.speak talk say tell 有什么区别1. speak 后面接语言,或较为正式的在公开场合的演说例如:speak Chinese2. tell 主要是 tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事3. say 后面接具体内容,就像有引号那样的,想表达某个人说什么具体事情的时候用 say, sayto 意为“对.说”。 It is said that. 意为“据说”。4. talk 是指谈论,交谈有词组 talk

7、 about sth . talk to/with sb.真题演练:用 speak talk say tell 适当形式填空1. Mr. Wu is going to _at our class meeting.2. Look! Our teacher is _ to the parents 3.I dont know what he _.4. He will _the good news to everybody in our class4.It is + adj. + do sth. 做某事是翻译句子:1). Its _for you to _ _.读书对你来说很有必要。2). It is

8、 difficult _ ( learn )English well.【实践运用 】(学习要求:课堂检测,巩固提升).选择填空( ) 1. Did you have fun_ the Great Wall,Mr. Green?Avisit Bto visiting Cvisiting Dvisited( ) 2. 一How much should I_ for the T-shirt? 25 dollarsAtake Bcost Cspend Dpay( ) 3. (易错题)When he_ yesterday evening, we had finished our taskAarrived

9、 at Bgot to Carrived in Dreached ( ) 4. He said he would come to see us_ the next afternoonAsometime Bsome time Csometimes Dsome times ( ) 5. There_ a concert on Qixing Square next Monday eveningAis Bis going to Cis going to be Dwill have ( ) 6. (2014.南宁) Although Lucy is only three years old, she i

10、s able to _ herself.A. put B. make C. wear D. dress( ) 7. May I take the magazine out of the reading room ?No, you cant.You _read it here .Its the rule.A. must B. would C. may D. might( ) 8. (2013 泸州)_ a cold winter morning, he left _ New York.A. In ;for B. At; to C. On; for D. In ;at( ) 9.(2014 达州

11、)Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt matter. Dont forget _ it this afternoon.A.left; to take B. forgot; bringing C. left; to bring D. forgot; to bring( ) 10. Henry, please call us as soon as you _ Hawaii. OK. I ll do that, Mom.A. arrive in B. are arriving in C. will arrive

12、at D. arrives in.完形填空Ebola(埃博拉) is a river in AfricaIn 1976, a _1_ virus (病毒) was found thereThe virus can cause people to get very sick and even _2_So people call the virus EbolaLast year Ebola caused the worst problem in western Africa, and _3_ spread very quickly Medical experts all over the worl

13、d did their best to stop Ebola and to treat the people who were sickEbola _4_ starts with fever and headache, kind of like the flu But it can get worse and cause serious bleeding and _5_ problemsIts very important for infected (受感染的) people toget treatment right awayPeople who have Ebola need to be

14、cared for in a special way _6_ the illness doesnt spread to doctors, nurses or others in their familiesDoctors arent sure how the _7_ person got Ebola, but they think people picked up the virus from infected animals People can get the virus by touching an infected persons drops of _8_But Ebola doesn

15、t spread through food or water like some viruses _9_ It also doesnt travel through the air like cold or flu viruses do In areas where the Ebola virus is, anyone who doesnt feel _10_ should get medical help immediately1 Adanger Bdangerous Cendangered2 Adie Bbreak Ctie3 Ait Bhe Cwe4 Ahardly Boften Cne

16、ver5 Abreathed Bbreathe Cbreathing6 Aso that Bso as to Csuch as7 Aone Bonce Cfirst8 Ajuice Bblood Cwater9 Adid Bdoes Cdo10 Abad Bwell Ctired. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列单词。1. Would you like some tea or coffee? E_ is OK. I dont mind. (2014, 荆州中考) 2. There is a supermarket b the post office and the school.3. Lo

17、ok! My sister _ (洗) her hands. (2014, 铜仁中考)4. Healthy eating habits are i_ to us. (2014, 毕节中考)5. How many _ (大象) are there in the zoo?.单词的适当形式填空。1. I hope I can be _ (luck) enough to pass the exam.2. Jason didnt hear the ring, for he _ (water) the flowers in the yard. (2014, 烟台中考) 3. He is very _ (f

18、riend) to others, so he has lots of friends. (2014, 广元中考)4. Da Shan is _ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _ (good) (2014, 铜仁中考) 5. Jacks father and mother are _ (music).6. Yao Ming practices _(play) basketball every day.V.阅读理解:With society developing fast, people life standard has improved grea

19、tly. More and more people own their personal cars, thus causing many problems, such as air pollution,traffic jams(堵寒)and even traffic accidents.In big cities, traffic jams happen every now and then, especially in rush hours.Cars can move smoothly and people feel upset on the way to work or home. For

20、 this, they are often late for work and even lose their jobs.To solve these problems, die government has taken many measures( 措 施 ), such as broadening(拓宽)the roads, building more roads and subways, increasing buses And so on. The government has also suggested people taking public transports instead

21、 of using less personal cars. 1.The passage mainly tells us_ .A. people s life has improvedB. the influence of more cars causing and the measures taken by the governmentC. the governments measuresD. more people own their personal curs2. What problems do more personal cars bring?A. Air pollution. B.

22、Traffic accidents. C. Traffic jams. D. All the above.3. When do the traffic jams often happen according to the passage?A. In the rush hours of people going to work or home.B. In the morning.C. In the afternoon.D. In the evening.4. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “smoothly” in the passage? A

23、.慢地 B.光滑地 C.快速地 D.顺利地5. Which is Not true according to the passage?A. The government has broadened the roads.B. The government has built more and more subways.C. The government has improved the price of oil.D. The government encourages people to buy personal cars.1-4 单元.1-5 CDDAC 6-10 DACCA. 1-5 BAABC 6-10 ACBCB. 1.Either 2.between 3. is washing 4. important . 1.lucky 2. was watering 3. friendly4. good, well 5. musicians 6.playingV. 1-5 BDADD5. elephants


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