人教(PEP)版四年级英语下册《Words in each Unit》研讨课课件_13.pptx

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《人教(PEP)版四年级英语下册《Words in each Unit》研讨课课件_13.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教(PEP)版四年级英语下册《Words in each Unit》研讨课课件_13.pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Words in each unit,四年级英语下册词汇复习,teachers office fs,library labrr,Playground plegrand,computer room km pjut,art room t,music room mjuzk,first floor fst,second floor seknd,Unit 1 My school,Unit 2 what time is it?,PE class,music class,art class,English class,Chinese class,math class,Unit 2 what time is

2、 it?,get up get p,go to school,go to bed,go home hm ,Unit 3 Weather,cold kld,cool kul,warm wm,hot ht,sunny sn,windy wnd,cloudy klad,snowy sn,rainy ren,Unit 4 At the farm,tomato tmt,tomatoes,potato ptet,potatoes,carrot krt,carrots,green beans bi:nz ,Unit 4 At the farm,horse hs,horses,cow ka,cows,hen

3、hen,hens,sheep ip,Unit 5 My clothes,pants pnts,hat ht ,cap kp,dress dres,skirt skt,coat kt,sweater swet,socks sks,shorts ts,jacket dkt,shirt t,shoes u:z,Unit 6 shopping,gloves glvz,scarf skf,Sunglasses snglsz,umbrella mbrel,expensive kspensv,pretty prt,cheap tip,nice nas,我会帮Mingming找错误:,Vegetables(蔬

4、菜): tomato potato carrots scarf tomatoes green beans cool potatoes,Animals(动物): cow hen sheep horses hot go to bed,class(课程): PE class music class computer room art class English class math class Chinese class go home,我会帮Mingming找错误:,School(学校): teachers office library horses playground computer roo

5、m art room music room shorts,weather(天气): cold cool warm hot sunny hen gloves windy cloudy library snowy rainy,我会帮Mingming找错误:,Verb phrase(动词短语): get up go to bed go home go to school English class computer room,Clothes(服装): pants hat dress skirt cap cows coat sweater socks shorts jacket shirt gloves scarf shoes warm,绕口令,Hello , hello , Lets go. take your coat, go to my boat.,2. I have a bike, I like my bike. I have a kite, I like my kite .,Homework:,1. 写出六个你喜欢的服装的单词,注意书写规范,2.正确朗读单词,发音准确,3. 这节课,从听、说、读、写四个方面给自己评价。(最高五颗星星),Bye-bye! Good luck!,


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