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1、八年级英语下册首字母填空练习1. Have you ever h_ of e-books ? E-books are eletronic books. They are no larger than an ordinary book., with a screen which you can r_. How does e-books work ? First, you call up websites on your computer and select books that you want. There are t_ of books provided by different webs

2、ites on the Internet. Then d_ the books you like to your e-book. You can download 10 books at a time. Now you can sit back and enjoy y_ reading.Compared with ordinary books, e-books have many advantages. First of all, e-books save space. You can put as many as 10 books into a thing not b_ than a poc

3、ket radio. Second, e-books are usually small and light, so its easy for you to carry e-books e_. You can renew books in your e-book any time you like. With the development, probably an e-library will appear. If this idea comes t_, you just take your e-book there and download what you want to read. Y

4、ou no l_ need to worry about whether your books are over-due (过期的) or not.I think this new way of reading may make people who don t want to bookshops to read happy. In fact, our lifestyles often c_ with the development.2 What are you going to do if you are in a burning house ? Do you know how to s_

5、yourself ? Please read the following passage.K_ what to do during a fire can save your life. Its important to know the right way to escape(逃跑) , such as exits and stairways, but not lifts.From the lower floors of buildings, escaping from the windows is p_. Leaving from windows may get the least chan

6、ce of being hurt.When you are on the second floor, its usually not high from the ground. It s about the h_ of an adult. ( 成人). Of course, its s_ to jump out of the house than to stay in it.Its important to p_ yourself when you re waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door c_. If you don t do that, s

7、moke may come into the room where you are. It s harmful to you. In that condition, you had b_ keep your head low to make sure that you can breathe(呼吸) fresh air rather than smoke.If you on high floors, you can go up till the roof. You can try your b_ to attract (吸引) people s attention. Don t shout a

8、ll the time because you need to save e_ and wait for rescue(救援).3 Once a little boy was sad all day. His mother told him to go out to look for love. He knew it may cost him much time to find w_ love was. So he prepared many things w_ with pizzas and drinks and started off. When he walked p_ a park,

9、he found an old woman sitting there and watching birds. She looked hungry. The boy gave her a pizza.She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again. He gave her a coke. The woman smiled again.The boy was happy because he felt1love. They sat there all the afte

10、rnoon, eating and s_. But they said nothing.When it grew dark, he decided to leave. Before l_, he turned around and hug( 拥抱) the woman. She gave her the biggest smile ever.When he arrived home, his mother was s_ at his look of joy on his face and asked what m_ him so happy. He told his mother he got

11、 the m_beautiful smile. At the same time, he also found his mother s p_ and asked why. She said: “I had lunch with love in the park.”If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a b_ life.4 Henry graduated from a famous university and found a good job in the bank. As he thought he was successful, he s

12、ometimes looked down on o_. He couldn t get on w_ with workmates and often made mistakes. Soon he was sent away. Then he found a job in a post office. He still couldn t change his attitude( 态度). He couldn t be competent at it and he had to leave.After he lost his jobs, his life got w_ than before. H

13、e was very w_ about his future. Luckily, a friend of his uncle s f_ pity( 可怜 的) for him and asked him to work in the restaurant. Of course he didn t like the work at a_ , but he had no choice but to a_ it. After he worked there two months, he grudually(逐渐的) liked the work and learned much experience

14、 and was u_ to the life in the restaurant. During that time,the most important thing for him is that he realized why he was not p_ with others in the past and what he needs to do later. In fact, it s i_ for everyone to learn how to be polite.5 When we want to tell others what we think, we can do it

15、with the h_ of words. We can also do it in many o_ ways as well. Sometimes we move our heads up and down when we say “ yes”. We shake our heads when we say “no”. Some people talk with gestures(手势) because they have d_ with communication ( 沟通)Here was a story which s_ us how it happened. Once an Amer

16、ican had his holiday in Italy. But he couldn t speak Italian. One day, he went to a r_ and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth and put his fingers in it. Then he took them out. In this way he wanted to say “Bring me s_ to eat. ” The waiter soon b_ him a cup of tea. The Ame

17、rica shook his head and the waiter understood that he didn t want tea. So he took it away and brought him a glass of milk. He shook his head again. At that moment, he was hungry and looked u_. He couldnt w_ for his food. He was just going to leave the restaurant when a_ man came in. After seeing thi

18、s, he put his hands on his stomach( 胃). In a few minutes, there was a large plate of food in front of him.6. If you go to London for the first time, you ll see a lot of cars and buses on the road. You will also find many bicycles b_ now more and more people like to travel by blke.There are a lot of

19、r_ for this change. First, it s cheap and quick to go by bike.2Because of too much t_ in the city, sometimes it takes less time than t_ a bus.There are s_ many buses on the road that they move slowly. The underground is quick but expensive and often crowded.I traveled to work by bus for about four y

20、ears. I often arrived at work l_. Then one of my workmates said to me: “why dont you try to come by bike? We can travel together.” But I felt frightened at that moment. My workmate a_ me not to worry about this. He asked me to ride slowly and follow him. Soon I felt fine and don t be a_. Although we

21、 ride slowly, we arrived at work earlier. From then on, I like c_ and I think its a healthy way to exercise.Many people think in the same way as I do. That s w_ you see lots of bikes on the road. Perhaps in the future well have roads for bikes only. I hope so.7. Now many satellites are helping to fo

22、rcast the weather. They can r_ any part of the world. Satellites take pictures and s_ pictures to weather station. After that, meteorologists(气象学家) compare these pictures w_the earlier ones. They try to find out the c_ to the clouds during the last f_ hours. Then they can tell people what the weathe

23、r will be l_ in the next 24 hours. Satellites are a great help to meteorologists. Before satellites were i_, scientists only can forecast the weather one day. Now they can make good u_ of satellites and forcast for a few days.Maybe in the future, scientists can forcast the weather accurately (准确地).8

24、. Some students took their first no-teacher exam last week. After the teacher h_ out exam papers, he left the classroom and never came back. One of the students collected papers when the exam e_.This test was not only a test of k_, but also a test of moral( 道德). Said the headmaster. Next year it wan

25、ts 80% of exams to b_ without teachers. But students have different ideas.Some students think its good for them to have a test without teachers. First, this change means teachers trust( 信任 ) the students very much. Second, they feel more r_ when there is no teacher. Because they think when teachers

26、move a_ the classroom, it makes them nervous. O_ think its important to have invigilators(监考人). If there are no teachers, some students may cheat in the exam or check their answers with each other. On the opposite( 相反), teachers will s_ them from doing that.Not using invigilators may be a good idea.

27、 But before using it, schools must tell students the i_ of honesty and try to find ways to s_ something unusual in exams.3答案 :1)heard , read , thousands , download , yourself , bigger , everywhere , true , longer, change 2) save , knowing , possible , height , safer , protect , closed , better , bes

28、t , energy . 3) what , well , past , smiling , leaving , surprised , made , most , pleasure , better 4) others , well , worse , worried , felt , all , accept , used , popular , important 5) help , other , difficulty , showed , restaurant , something , brought , unhappy , another , wait 6) because , reasons , traffic , taking , so , late , advised , afraid , cycles, why 7) reach , send , with , changes , few , like , invented , use 8) handed , ended , knowledge , become , relaxed , around , others , stop , importance , solve .4


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