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1、剑桥英语二级上册单元测试Unit 9-12姓名:-一 .根据提示把下列单词补充完整。(10)1 ir 2 ea 3 ou 4 oo 5 inA - -rly B p- - lC - -door D fam- -sE b - -thday二 . 给下列单词选择出正确的比较级形式。(20)( ) 1 bigA bigger B biger C the biggest( ) 2 largeA larger B large C the largest( ) 3 thinA thiner B thinner C the thinnest( ) 4 fatA fatter B fater C the fa

2、ttest( ) 5 happyA happyer B happier C the happiest( ) 6 easyA easyer B easier C the easies( ) 7tallA tall B the tallest C taller( ) 8 longA long B longest C longer( ) 9 oldA older B oldest C the older( ) 10 strongA stronger B strongest C the stronger三用单词的正确形式来填空 (10)1 Fred is -than John. ( tall / ta

3、ller / tallest )1 The-mountain is Mount Everest.(high/ higher /highest ) 3Sally is -than Tom . ( short / shorter/ shortest)4Our school-got a swimming pool ( have/ has /had ) 5 I-a horse yesterday . ( rode / ride )四写出下列单词的最高级形式。(20)fine - hot -quick - young -small - easy -big - weak -short - quiet -五

4、 读一读,并圈出正确答案 (10)(1) This is the part of you body between your neck and arm. A moustache B shoulder C mouth(1) It is warm .you can wear it over your sweater .A Coat B T-shirt C vest (3)where did you go yesterday ?A I went to the zoo B I go to school C I bought a bike ( 4)Has your family got a comput

5、er ?A Yes ,it has B No , it has C Yes ,it have (5)Have you ever seen a tiger ?A Yes ,you have B Yes , I havent C No , I havent六 读一读,把下列单词连成一个完整的句子 (20)1. I climb the hill a week last我 上 周 去 爬 山-2 The is the tallest giraffe animal 长颈鹿是最高的动物-3 . had I a zoo at good the time我在动物园玩得很开心- -4. early and up

6、 very paul get peter paul很早就起床了-和 peter5 an elephant have ever you seen 你曾经见过大象吗 -?-6are tall you how你有多高-?7 Where yesterday you did go你 昨 天 去 哪 了-? 8I to the park went我去公园了-9dress which longer is哪一件连衣裙更长-?10 Sunday is today今天星期天-七写出下列单词的过去式 (10)go - do -play - fish -help- have -ask - listen -show - talk -


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