一年级上册英语试题Module10模块测试卷外研社(一起) (含答案).docx

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1、Module10 模块测试卷一、选择正确答案。( ) 1. That _ my father.A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. _ this is my friend.A. Point B. And C. Hi( ) 3. This is my brother. That is _ ball.A. her B. my C. his( ) 4. -Hello, Sam!-_A. Hello, Daddy! B. How many? C. How are you? ( ) 5. This is my _. That is her bag.A. brother B. father C

2、. mother二、为下列句子选择正确的中文意思。( ) 1. That is my father.A. 这是我父亲。( ) 2. This is my friend.A. 这是我朋友。( ) 3. That is her desk.A. 那是她的书桌。( ) 4. This is my ball.A. 这是我的书包。( ) 5. That is a yellow cat. A. 那是一只白色的狗。B. 那是我父亲。B. 这是我同学。B. 那是他的书桌。B. 这是我的球。B. 那是一只黄色的猫。三、情景选择。( ) 1. 早上起床见到爸爸时,应先说:_A. Good morning. B. N

3、ice to meet you.( ) 2. 当你向同学介绍那是你哥哥时,应说: _ A. That is my sister. B. That is my brother.1 / 4( ) 3. 当你看到远处有一只猫时,你会说: _A. This is a cat. B. That is a cat.( ) 4. 当你想表达“它是一只蓝色的风筝”时,应说: _ A. Its a blue kite. B. Its a red kite.( ) 5. 当你想表达“这是我祖父”时,应说: _A. This is my grandmother. 四、读一读,连一连。B. This is my gr

4、andfather.(1) This is my father. A.(2) This is my mother. B.(3) This is my brother. C.(4) This is my sister.D.五、连词成句。1. That, bag, her, is, (.) _ 2. a, That, is, white, bag, (?)2 / 4_ 3. friend, is, And, my, this, (.) _3 / 4参考答案:一、1-5 BBCAC二、1-5 BAABB三、1-5 ABBAB四、(1)-(4) CDAB五、1. That is her bag.2. That is a white bag. 3. And this is my friend.4 / 4


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