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1、测试代词一填空。1. (她) is a student. (她) sister is a student too.2. (我) want (你) to do it today.3. (他) twin brother is a worker. (他们) are twins. 4. (你们) are from England. (我们) are from China. 5. All of (我们) love (我们) teachers.6. This is (我) book. That is (你).7. These pens are (他们). (你们) are over there. 8. C

2、an (你) read it for (我们).二、选择题。( )1. Look at .A. him B. he C. his( )2. I drive to the park every day.A. they B. their C. them( )3. classroom is big.A. we B. us C. Our( )4. I love .A. she B. her C. hers( )5. Do you know ?A. I B. my C. me( )6. I am son.A. they B. their C. them( )7. This is not _ desk.

3、My desk is over there.A. I B. my C. me( )8. Can you spell _ name, Harry? Sorry.A. you B. your C. yours( )9. Tom and Jack are brothers. This is _ room.A. they B. them C. their( )10. We are in the same class. _ classroom is very nice. A. our B. my C. ours( )11. Mrs Green is my teacher. Im _ student.A.

4、 he B. his C. him( )12. Thats a cat. _ name is Mimi.A. It B. Its C. Its三改错。1. My am his classmate.2. They all like I.3. This is not she pen.4. Our are the twins.5. Thses are they desks.16. lisen, her is singing a pop song.7. Who is he?-His my cousin.8. What is he father?9. His pen is red ,but my is

5、blue.四按要求写出下列代词的形式1、 I(宾格)2、 he(形容词性物主代词)1、 us(主格)1、 they(宾格)2、 she(宾格)3、 you(名词性物主代词)4、 him(复数)5、 her(形容词性物主代词)6、 my(复数)7、 they(名词性物主代词)8、 we(单数)形式填空名词一将下列名词变为复数形式。car pencilblouse housebrother umbrellafox brushstomach knifeChinese Englishmanchild countrystory goosefamily waitressparty foot二.用所给词的适

6、当形式填空。1. There are a lot of (leaf)on the tree.2. Uncle Li bought two (watch)yesterday.3. There are many (child)in the classroom.4. We have a lot of nice (tomato)here.5. There are lots of (sheep) in the hill.6. There are about eighty (man doctor) in the hospital. 7.The baby has two (tooth).8.There ar

7、e many books on those (shelf).冠词一、单项选择1. There is _ old bike. _ old bike is Mr. Zhaos.A. an ;The B. the;An C. a;The D. the;The22. _ apple a day keeps the doctors away.A. The B. A C. An D. Two3. How many books do you have?I have _ book. Thats _ English book.A. a;an B. a;one C. one;an D. one;one4. At

8、that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby.A. a B. an C. the D. 5. We cant see _ sun at _ night.A. the;the B. the; C. a; D. ;6. _ useful book it is!A. What an B. How a C. What a D. What7. One afternoon he found _ handbag. There was _ “s”on the corner of_ handbag.A. a;an;the B. a;a;the C. an;an;an D. the;

9、a;a8. _ old lady with white hair spoke English well at _ meeting. A. An;a B. The;an C. The;a D. The;the9. _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world.A. A;a B. The;the C. A;the D. The;a10 _ new bridge has been built over _Huangpu River.A. The;a B. A; C. A;the D. An;the11. _ woman over there is _ pop

10、ular teacher in our school.A. A;an B. The;a C. The;the D. A;the12. He used to be _ teacher but later he turned _ writer.A. a;a B. a;the C. ;a D. a;13. His father is _ English teacher. He works in our school.A. a B. an C. the D. 14. Is he _ American boy ?A. an B. a C. one D. 15. Does Tom often play _

11、 football after _ school?A. ; B. ;the C. the; D. a;16. Australia is _ English-speaking country.A. a B. an C. the D. 17. She has _ orange skirt. _ skirt is nice.A. a;The B. an;The C. an;A D. the;The 18. This is _ apple. Its _ big apple.A. an;a B. a;the C. a;an D. an;the 19. Look at _ horse over there

12、.A. a B. an C. the D. 20. Dont play _ basketball here. Its dangerous.A. a B. an C. D. the二、 在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示: 1. This is _ old map. It is _ useful map.2. Beijing is _ capital of _ China. It is _ beautiful city.33. Roman was not built in _ day.4. Chinese is quite _ difficult language for

13、 Mike.5. There is _ interesting picture on _ wall.6. - Which picture is more beautiful? - _one on the left, I think. 7. After _ breakfast he went to _ school on _ foot.8. _ Huanghe River lies in _ north of China.9. He likes playing _ football. His sister likes playing _ piano. 10. There is _ old woman in the car.4


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