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1、中考英语情态动词复习学案设计中考英语情态动词复习1.Can/ may/ must 用法概览情态动词can许可可以猜测/其他表能力,“能够,会”be able tocant不可以不可能表示不能做,能力的缺失may可以可能表祝愿May you be happy!must/一定表义务,必须have tomustnt不可以,禁止/典型例题1. You _ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.A. may B. need C. should D. ought to答案:A。通过审读题目我们可以知道本题考查的情态动词表示推测的

2、用法,结合句意我 们可知这里表达的是一种“可能性”的推测,所以答案选择 A。2. For our safety, we _ drive cars after drinking any wines.A) cant B) neednt C) shouldnt D) mustnt答案:D。本题表达的意思是喝酒禁止驾车,选项中 D 选项表示“禁止”的含义,故为答案。 3. Can you speak louder, please? I _ hear you clearly.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. cant答案:D。从前一句我们可以知道说话人声音太小了,第二

3、句进一步说明原因,不能听清 楚,所以答案为 D。4. Passengers _ stay seated during the take-off and landing.A) can B) may C) should D) must答案:D。这里表达乘客在乘坐飞机时的一种规范,也可以理解为一种责任或者义务,所 以答案为 D。5. Computers _solve many difficult problems quickly.A) can B) must C) need D) should答案:A。计算机能够很快地解决很多难题,表示计算机的一种能力,故选 can。6. It _ be fanta

4、stic if more students join in the charity show tomorrow.A must B need C can D may答案:A。如果更多的学生参与到明天的慈善表演中,一定会很精彩,句意表达的是一种 肯定的推测,所以选择 must。2.关于问答句Can I?May I?Must I?Yes, you can/ may.No, you cant/mustnt.同上Yes, you must.No, you neednt.= No, you dont have to.1.-Mum, can you buy me the new iPad after the

5、 High School Entrance Examination?1 / 4中考英语情态动词复习学案设计典型例题1. - Im afraid I _, dear. We are short of money now.A cant B mustnt C shouldnt D neednt答案:A。根据表格中的信息,我们知道 Can I,若是否定回答,往往用 cant 这种形式。 2. -Must we finish the poster in class?-No, you . You can finish it after class.AMustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt

6、 D. cant答案:B。Must I do? 若是否定回答,就用 neednt。关于 need 的考点情态动词:need do行为动词:need to do,need sth.needsneeded need 为行为动词need+n.批注:因为 need 一词既可以当情态动词,也可以当实义动词,意思相同但形式不同,那么 就很容易引起学生的混淆,通过搭配及形式的不同可以让学生知道什么时候是情态动词什 么时候是实义动词,避免错解。典型例题1. Plants and flowers _ water and sun when they start growing.A. need to B. dont

7、 need C. neednt D. need答案:B。本题重在考查学生对于 need 两词性的识别与辨析,横线后面的词为名词,显然 这是实义动词的 need,其否定形式需要添加助动词,所以答案为 B。2. There is still quite a lot of meat in the fridge, so you _ buy any more.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt 答案:B。此题表达没有必要的意思,所以答案选择 neednt。3. The weather report says it wont rain this afternoo

8、n, so youtake an umbrella with you.A) shouldntB) mustnt C) cant D) neednt答案:D。同上一题,也是表达没有必要的意思,D 为正解。强化练习1. Passengers _ stay seated during the take-off and landing.2 / 4中考英语情态动词复习学案设计A) canB) mayC) shouldD) must2. Millie _ come to attend your birthday party tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A) may

9、B) mustC) needD) has to3. Computers _solve many difficult problems quickly.A) canB) mustC) needD) should4. Some Americans think if students chew gum(咀嚼口香糖)in class, they _ focus ontheir study.A) may notB) needntC) shouldntD) mustnt5. There is still quite a lot of meat in the fridge, so you _ buy any

10、 more.A. mustntB. needntC. cantD.shouldnt6. The weather report says it wont rain this afternoon, so youtake an umbrella with you.A) shouldnt B) mustnt C) cant D) neednt7. Cathy has to do the same thing every day. She _ be very bored with her job. A) can B) need C) should D) must8. The manager says t

11、heres no hot water after 8:00p.m.You mean we _ go to bed without a shower. How terrible!A) have toB) mayC) mustD) can9. You _ watch sports news for a while if you have finished your homework.A) mustB) needC) shouldD) may10. On School Open Day, parents _ know how colorful their kids school life is.A)

12、 shouldD) needB) canC) must11. For our safety, we _ drive cars after drinking any wines.A) cant B) neednt C) shouldnt D) mustnt 12.Plants and flowers _ water and sun when they start growing.A. need to B. dont need C. neednt D. need13. You have already tried your best, so you _ worry too much about t

13、he exams.A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt14. Only you _ do such a thing, Im sure, and nobody else has such an ability.A. must B. should C. may D. can15. You _ worry about your son. He can take care of himself.A. cant B. may not C. mustnt D. neednt16 -Mum, will you buy me the new iPad after th

14、e High School Entrance Examination?- Im afraid I _, dear. We are short of money now.(A cant Bmustnt C shouldnt D neednt17. It _ be fantastic if more students join in the charity show tomorrow.A must B need C can D may18. Nowadays even a small personal computer _ store huge amounts of information. A.

15、 must B. need C. should D. can18. Every citizen _ try his best to protect our environment. Its our duty.A. need B. must C. can D. may20. -Must we finish the poster in class?-No, you . You can finish it after class.AMustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. cant3 / 4中考英语情态动词复习学案设计21. Christy has been in China

16、for two years, but she still _ speak Chinese. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. shouldnt22. Tom, you mustnt play with fire. You hurt yourself if you dont stop. A. may B. can C. should D. need to21. You _ wash your car at the moment. Its going to rain.A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant24. Can you speak louder, please? I _ hear you clearly.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. cant答案:1-5 DAAAB 6-10 DDADB11-15 DDBDD 16-20 AADBB21-24 BAAD4 / 4


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