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1、学位英语试题课堂精讲五:完形填空AI played a tennis game against my cousin Ed last week, and I will never forget it.I had played a lot of games before, but it was one of the most _1_ games Ive ever had. When Ed first phoned and suggested we play, I_2_quietly, thinking I was sure to beat him, because I didnt think Ed

2、 could win any games with his fat body.As long as I can remember: Eds been the least physically fit member in the family, but strangely _3_of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often joked about that, Ed_4_ to buy a larger T-shirt

3、or to lose weight. So when Ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could _5_ notice. I was so surprised that I was speechless.My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into _6_. As a result, at the point in our game, when

4、Id have predicted(预测) I would win the game by 9 to 1, it was_7_ 7 to 9 and Ed was leading. The sudden realization was_8_. We continued to play like two_9_ men. When the score was 16 up. I even thought if I could stay alive. When the game finally ended, my cousin and I were lying on the floor on our

5、backs, too tired to move. In some ways, I think that we_10_won: I won the game, but Cousin Ed won my respect.1. Atiring Binteresting Cmoving Dfrightening2. Acheered Bscreamed Cperformed Dsmiled3. Aproud Bafraid Cshy Dguilty4. Aagreed Bwanted Crefused Dafforded5. Anearly Bhardly Cproperly Dsuddenly6.

6、 Asize Bshape Cheight Dweight7. Alike Bbetween Caround Dinstead8. Aunknown Bungrateful Cunpleasant Dunnecessary9. Amad Bsmart Clucky Dbrave10. Anone Beither Cboth Dneither这篇短文主要讲了我永远无法忘记和 Ed 在上星期打的那场网球比赛。Ed 是一个大腹便便的人,很胖。我 本以为能够很轻松地打败他,但是结果却发现比赛很艰巨。我们两个人都赢了:我赢了比赛,但 Ed 赢得 了我的尊敬。【小题 1A】考查形容词。A. tiring

7、累人的;B. interesting 有趣的;C. moving 感人的;D. frightening 害怕的。 句意:我以前打过很多比赛,但是这次是我曾经打过的最累的比赛之一。从后文中得知,Ed 打网球打得很 好,我们两人棋鼓相当。故选 A。【小题 2D】考查动词。A. cheered 欢呼;B. screamed 尖叫;C. performed 表演;D. smiled 微笑。句意: 当 Ed 第一次打电话给我,建议我们两个打网球时,我静静地微笑,心想我一定能打败他,因为我认为Ed 身体这么胖是不能赢得任何比赛的。根据题意,可知我胜券在握,因此我微笑。故选 D。【小题 3A】考查形容词。A

8、. proud 自豪的;B. afraid 害怕的;C. shy 害羞的;D. guilty 内疚的。句意:我 记得,Ed 是家里身体最不健康的,但是奇怪的是他对自己很自豪。从 but 中,可以看出,虽然他身体胖, 但是他对自己很有信心,很自豪。故选 A。【小题 4C】考查动词。A. agreed 同意;B. wanted 想;C. refused 拒绝;D. afforded 承担得起。句意:尽 管家人常常拿这个开开玩笑,Ed 拒绝买一件更大的 T-shirt 和减肥。although 尽管,可知后半句应有转折。 故选 C。【小题 5B】考查副词。A. nearly 几乎,将近;B. har

9、dly 几乎不;C. properly 合适地;D. suddenly 突然。 句意:所以当 Ed 到达我们的比赛场地时,不仅仅衬衫塞在裤子里面,而且你几乎注意不到他的肚子,我 是如此吃惊以致于我无语了。从上文中可知,Ed 常常露出他的大肚子,而下文说我感到吃惊,说明他的肚 子几乎注意不到了。根据题意,故选 B。【小题 6B】考查名词及语境的理解。A. size 大小;B. shape 形状;C. height 高度;D. weight 重量。Get oneself into shape 意思是“使自己有个好体型”。 句意:我表兄肯定经过一翻努力使自己有了一个好的体型。故选 B。【小题 7D】

10、考查介词及语境的理解。A. like 像;B. between 在两者之间;C. around 在周围;D. instead 相反。句意:结果在比赛时,我预测我能够以 9:1 赢得比赛,相反地是 7:9,Ed 领先。这个结果和我预 想的不一样,故用 instead。故选 D。【小题 8C】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. unknown 不被知道的;B. ungrateful 不感激的;C. unpleasant 使 人不高兴的;D. unnecessary 不必要的。句意:这个突然的认识让我很不高兴。上文说是 Ed 领先,我肯定 不高兴。故选 C。【小题 9A】考查形容词。A. mad 疯狂的,

11、生气的;B. smart 聪明的,漂亮的;C. lucky 幸运的;D. brave 勇敢的。句意:我们打,就像两个疯狂的人。下文说当比分上了 16 后,我甚至想我是否能活着。说明打 得很疯狂。故选 A。【小题 10C】考查代词及语境的理解。A. none 一个也没有;B. either 两者中任意一个;C. both 两者都; D. neither 两者都不。句意:在某些方面,我想我们两个人都赢了:我赢了比赛,但 Ed 赢得了我的尊敬。 根据题意,故选 C。BIt was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy eyed peop

12、le were moving quickly, heading towards their jobs. This was the beginning of another _1_ day in New York City. _2_ this day was to be different.Waiting _3_ the crowded streets, on top of a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to _4_ a tightrope(绷索)between t

13、he two towers of the World Trade Center.Philippe took his first _5_ with great care. The wire held. Now he was sure he could do it. With only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across a _6_ of 131 feet.Soon the rush hour crowds began to notice. What a wonder! There, 1350 feet above the street

14、, a tiny figure was walking on air.Philippe made seven trips, back and forth(来回). He wasnt satisfied with just _7 _. At times, he would turn, sit down, and even go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing courage to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of _8_ watchers stared with their heart

15、s beating fast.After the forty-five minute _9_, Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked _10_ he did it. Philippe shrugged(耸肩)and said, When I see two tall buildings, I walk.1.A. working B. hot C. same D. ordinaryD 【精析】空缺处必定填与“different”意思相悖的词,而another same day是错误表达,2.A. And B. So C. B

16、ut D. ThusC 精析】分析句子内容可知此空前后两句意思有明显的转折之意,故应由 but 来连接。3.A. for B. in C. by D. aboveD 【精析】此题如不留心,很容易错选 B,但通过下文提示“在 100 层高的大楼顶端”,应选 above. 4.A. throw B. walk C. climb D. fixB 【精析】下文有反复提示 walk。此句意思是:这个大胆的法国人正要在世贸中心的两幢高楼之间 走绷索。5.A. act B. landing C. step D. tripC【精析】take ones step 意为“迈出步伐”,显然,此处指的是在绷索上迈出第

17、一步。6.A. distance B. height C. space D. ropeA 【精析】此处指他走完了绷索的全程,所以这指的是一段距离。7.A. walking B. staying C. acting D. showingA 【精析】由上下文可知,他不满足于只在绷索上行走,因此选 walking.8.A. patient B. terrified C. pleased D. enjoyableB 【精析】本句大意是:数以千计的人目不转睛地盯着他,惊恐万状,心跳加速。patient:耐心的, pleased:高兴的,enjoyable:令人愉快的,从逻辑上看只有 terrified

18、合适。9.A. show B. trick C. try D. programA 【精析】本句意为:45 分钟的表演后,他被带到了警局。trick:花招、技巧,try:尝试,program: 节目、项目,只有 show(表演)才合适。10.A. how B. why C. whether D. whenB 【精析】警察询问的显然是他这么做的原因,所以选择 why.CIs language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and dam

19、aged? Judging from the experiment , of Fredrick II in the thirteenth century, it _1_. Hoping to discover what language a child would _2_ if he heard no mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.All the babies died before _3_ first year. Without good mothering, in the first year of life, espec

20、ially, the _4_ to survive is seriously influenced.Today no such severe lack exists as _5_ ordered by Fredrick II. Nevertheless ,some children are still _6_ in speaking. Most often the _7_ for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the baby; _8_ brain is made to learn language rapid

21、ly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for _9_ skills passes, and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the _10_ time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.Experts suggest that speech stages are r

22、eached in a fixed order and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be clever.1. A. must be B. may beC. should be D. ought to be2. A. speakB. say C. talk D. discuss3. A. a B. an C. the4. A. power B. opportunity C. imaginationD. this

23、D. ability5. A. that B. what C. which D. those6. A. advanced B. good C. cleverD. backward7. A. cause B. reason C. problem D. way8. A. whoseB. which C. where D. its9. A. havingB. acquiringC. taking D. studying10. . A. on B. just BACDA DBABCC. rightD. necessaryDA daily dose of laughte r may be good fo

24、r the heart because it makes blood vessels work more efficiently, Depression, _1_ the other hand, can raise the risk of dying from heart failure, a separate study found. The two studies, _2_ at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Florida, show how psychological factors can_3_ a person

25、s health.We dont recommend that you laugh and not exercise, _4_ we do recommend that you try to laugh on a regular basis. Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week, and fifteen minutes of laughter on a daily_5_is probably good for the vascular system, said Dr. Michael Miller.Miller and his colle

26、agues at the school _6_ two movies, one humorous, _7_ stressful, to twenty healthy volunteers and tested the function of their blood vessels. The researchers specifically looked at the lining of the vessels and found that blood _8_ was reduced in fourteen of the twenty volunteers after stressful mov

27、ie cuttings.But blood flowed more freely in nineteen of the twenty subjects_9_hey laughed at funny movie segments. Average blood flow increased 22% during laughter, and _10_ 35% during mental stress, the researchers told the meeting.1. A at B onC in D by2. A presenting BI to present C presented 3. I

28、AI influence lB interrupt C effectD presentsD affect4. Al butBI otherwise C nevertheless D still5. Al base B based C basisD basic6. IAI exhibited B showed C illustrated D displayed 7. Al other B second C two D one8. A flowB vessel C pressure D function9. Al during B sinceC when D while10. Al lowed B

29、 decreased C lessened D loweredBCDAC BDACBEHumans fall into two types when it comes to biological clock: the early-to-bed and early-to-rise or the late-night-loving who wake up long after the dawn. As any parent knows, teenagers may take the _1_ to extremes. But their oversleeping does not relax the

30、m. Some researchers say: Biology is to blame.The researchers surveyed the sleep habits of 25,000 Germans. _2_ from 8 to 90, and found that as the teenage years wear on, the hour when kids go to bed and get up drifts later and later. Its not that theyre sleeping more. _3_, its that their living clock

31、s are twisted. However, when they are around age 20, the pattern reverses. The clocks tick _4_, and young adults begin to go to sleep and wake up earlier and earlier. Eventually, their clocks go along with _5_ of older people.The quick change may mark the biological end of teenage years. A differenc

32、e _6_ the timing in man and in woman points to a biological cause, perhaps a hormonal effect, Because the living clock is _7_ by exposure to sunlight, the researchers suspect the many hours some kids _8_ staying in their dark rooms could push the clocks even later-a pattern that may be more common i

33、n industrialized societies. The researchers also discovered that rural residents, _9_ lifestyle puts them in daylight more, go to bed and get up an hour earlier than city _10_ “We think this is only the tip of an iceberg that shows us the consequences of dim-light environments, the researchers say.1

34、. A formerB latterC first D last2.A rangeB rangesC rangingD ranged3. RatherA forthA thisA forAl adjustedB ThoughB forwardslB thatB betweenB adjustingC Yet D NeverthelessC upwards D backC those D theseC among D ofC adapted D adapting8.Al takeB useC affordD spend9.A theirB whoseC which D how10.Al researchersBI teenagersC residentsD parentsBCADB BADBC一,词汇复现;二,分词(一个主动,一个被动);三,状语从句(集中在 转折,相反 的连词或词组);比较状语从句(as,that) ;宾语从句(what)定语从句(whose,where)四, 常见的固定搭配一,词汇复现;二,分词(一个主动,一个被动);三,状语从句(集中在 转折,相反 的连词或词组);比较状语从句(as,that) ;宾语从句(what)定语从句(whose,where)四, 常见的固定搭配


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