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1、八年级英语期末复习试卷 (一)用所给单词的适当形式填空姓名_班级_座号_1、 People will have robots in their_(home).2、 There will be_(many) tree and _(little) pollution in ten years. 3、 Five years ago, Jim _in high school. Today, he _in college. Infive year, he_(be) married.4、 Which movies _(win) award next year?5、 The boss often makes

2、 Tom _(go) to bed late.6、 I helped my parents _(do) some housework yesterday.7、 Do you think it is good for animals _(live) in a zoo?8、 There are _(hundred) of shops in the street.9、 They think that robots_(be) able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years. 10、 Kids won t go to school if they _(have) com

3、puters.11、 We _(not leave) until we finish planting the trees.12、 He usually _(go) for a walk alone last term, but now he often _(do) with his parents .13、 My parents want me _(stay) at home every night.14、 I _(argue) with my best friend yesterday.15、 Maybe you should _(buy) some new clothes.16、 I n

4、eed _(get) some money to pay for summer camp.17、 My friend has _(nice) clothes than I do.18、 Lucy is _(popular) than me.19、 I dont want _(have) P.E. classes.20、 We _(go) skating next Sunday.21、 The station was _(crowd) every day.22、 He was at the_(doctor). He was ill.23、 While John _(walk), he saw a

5、 cat in the tree.24、 She didn t think about _(look) outside the station.25、 While he was _(look) at the souvenirs, the shop assistant _(call) the police.26、 What_(happen) at that time?27、 A UFO landed while I_(sleep) last night.28、 My plane _(take) off at 2:10 p.m. tomorrow.29、 When the UFO arrived,

6、 I was in the _(barber) chair.30、 The girl _(shop) when the alien got out.31、 What _he_(do) when the UFO arrived?32、 While they _(sleep) the telephone rang.33、 They were _(surprise) at the news.34、 My brother _(wash) his clothes at 8:00 a.m. yesterday.35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、

7、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、The plane _(take) off an hour ago.The train _(come). Lets _(get) on it.There _(not be) any bread at home yesterday.I am better at reading than _(listen) in English.Miss Gao said I could do _(well) in math next time.I

8、 was sorry _(hear) that she had a cold.I hope you re in god _(healthy).Thats _(disappoint) news.Mom and Dad send _(they) love to my grandma._(teach) changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing.The thin air made her _(feel) sick.Theres no _(different) between you and them.The village was 2000 _(meter)

9、above sea level.We do well in _(skate).My mother _(cook) when I got home.Kate told me she _(call) me tomorrow.Its hard _(read) the mountain._(luck) we did OK this time.I did _(bad) than Jim, but Mary did _(badly) of all. Many athletes give money to _(charity) to help people. How many_(play) are ther

10、e in a football team?If you play sports for a_(live), your job will be _(danger). If I dont finish my homework, my mother _(not let) me out. The teacher _(take) away mobile phone because I used it in class. How many _(visit) are there in the hotel?Li Ming studied law and later become a _(law).During

11、 the holidays, we enjoyed _(our) very much. There are many tall_(build) in the city of _(Chinese). She doesn t know what_(do). Could you help_(she)? If you get up late, you _(be) late for school.That boy had to make a _(live) by himself when he was young. _you _(sleep) last night?Jack is the first o

12、ne _(get) to school.She _(have) been _(wait) for you since 3 oclock. The school newspaper needs a _(writer).Mr. Smith is form America. Hes a _(foreign).My hobby is _(collect) old coins.Harbin is an interesting city with a_(colour) history. If she works far away, she _(miss) her family.He likes stamp

13、s very much. He is a stamp _(collect). I have been collecting _(snowy) globes for seven years. Thanks for _(help) me so much.Next Monday will be his _(nine) birthday.They would like_(go) to the park. But they have no time.79、80、81、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、101、102、103

14、、104、105、106、107、108、109、110、111、112、113、114、115、116、117、118、119、120、121、122、Hw long have you been_(write) in English?They are very_(interesting) in this movie. _you _(watch) the football match last night? Look! Bill is_(run) fast .He_(practice) running for 3 years. Would you mind_(turn) down the mu

15、sic? -Not at all. My father is at a _(meet) now.Could you help me _(feed) the dog?Mom bought me a pair of _(shoe).Mrs. Brown enjoys _(play) ping pong.She _(buy) a dictionary last week.Li Lei often _(help) Lucy learn Chinese.What _you _(do) since I last saw you?The police _(watch) him for several wee

16、ks.Would you mind _(I) _(smoke) here? _ (drop) litter is never allowed.Etiquette means normal and polite social _(behave). Could you ask the bus driver to wait for five _(minute)? How many _(rule) of etiquette can you see being broken? Ill try _(not be) late again. Please_(not make) any noise here.

17、Were having a meeting What_ she_(do) when you saw her? The same thing_(happen), so I get quite mad. Would you mind not_(cut) in line? -Sorry, Ill do it right now. Could you help _with _(she) homework? Could you ask the bus _(drive)_(wait) for five minute. Welcome to _ (we) school. -Thanks! Sometimes

18、 she_(get) mad.Why _ you _ (not get) a camera?This is a _(person) letter of me, so you cant read it. Today is my_(brother) birthday.Our teachers are _(friend). -That_(sound) good. Singing English songs made me _(improve) my English. When_you_(give) her the present? Last Monday. Gift_(give) is differ

19、ent in_(difference) countries This kind of contest people in China_(speak) English. How about _(visit) the museum this afternoon?Why not_(tell) him _(use) his own bike? Where is Mr Hu? He_(go) to Japan.How long _you _(copy) the words? She won t be able to find anything_(eat) in a foreign country. I

20、have had great trouble _ (understand) what he said. You can choose _(visit) Singapore. I_(go) to London last year with my parents. There are many boats for _(ride) for visitors to the island.123、124、125、126、127、128、129、130、131、132、133、134、135、136、137、138、139、140、141、142、143、144、145、146、147、148、149、1

21、50、151、152、153、154、155、156、157、158、159、160、161、162、163、164、165、I have never been to USA. Neither _(have) my sister.I dont need _(go) back to school , as we are still on holiday. The young athletic visitors can enjoy_(skate) there. .At last we found the tiger_(die).Jim made us _(agree) with him.His j

22、ob is _(sell) computers.The man _(fall) off his bike and_(lie) on the ground. He wants _(travel) around the world.You are _(Karen) friend , _ (be) you?It _(real) cold today, isnt it?The No. 15 bus stops here, _(do) it?It _(look) like snow, doesnt it?Two people _(wait) in line to buy ice cream.Be car

23、eful not _(hurt) yourself.Mum isnt at home .She _(go) shop ping.It _(rain) when school was over.If you finish _(do) your homework, you may watch TV. He has been waiting for ten _(minute).He has been _(swim) for ten years.Some _are _(visit) the Great Well now.H e didn t finish_(write) his test becaus

24、e he ran out of time. There are lots of boys _(play) football over there. _(make) a meal at home is very interesting and full of time. She told me _(read) more books when I had time.H think its better for animals to live in_(nature) environment. Youll fail in the exam if you _(not work) harder.In th

25、e western part of China it s often_(sand).They have a lot of work _(do).Tom really enjoys _(play) football.We_(go ) to the park if its fine tomorrow.Be quiet! Our father _(sleep).Lily _(read) the book, hasnt she?The English _(write) by Mark in 2002.My mother _(cook) when I came in.Peter s father_(bu

26、y) a computer next week.When _ it_(arrive)? Three hours ago.English is a language _(speak) all over the world.Then he asked the policewoman for help, _(do) he? Shall we go _ (swim) this afternoon?_ you ever _(be) there?She won t study anymore if she _(not get) money.I often get _(annoy) when she talks to me while Im reading. It always _(rain) in that village.


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