冀教版四年级下册英语 Lesson 9 同步练习及答案.docx

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1、Lesson 9 When Is It?一、 看图选择与图片相对应的节日,并抄写在横线上。Childrens Day, National Day, the Spring Festival, Teachers Day, New Years Day1. 2. 3._ _ _4. 5._ _二、我能按时间顺序排列下列节日。A. Teachers Day B. the Spring FestivalC. Childrens Day D. New Years DayE. International Workers Day F. National Day正确顺序:_ 三、我会选。( ) 1. New Ye

2、ars Day is_.A. February 14 B. January the first C. March 12( ) 2. _ is June the first.A. Teachers Day B. National Day C. Childrens Day( ) 3. Today is October the first. It is _.A. Childrens Day B. New Years Day C. National Day( ) 4. March the twelfth is _.A. Tree Planting Day B. Christmas( ) 5. The

3、Spring Festival is in _.C. New Years DayA. January四、连连看。B. February C. January or February1. Childrens Day A. a. June the first2. New Years Day B. b. May the first3. National Day C. c. October the first4. International Workers Day D. d. January the first5. Teachers Day五、给图片选择相应的句子。E. e. September th

4、e tenth1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. The Spring Festival is in January or February.B. September the tenth is Teachers Day.C. International Workers Day is May the first.D. Childrens Day is in June.E. National Day is in October.六、选择合适的答语。( ) 1. When is your fathers birthday?( ) 2. When is the S

5、pring Festival?( ) 3. How many months are there in a year?( ) 4. When is Christmas?( ) 5. Whats the second day of the week?A. In January or February.B. Monday.C. Its December 25.D. My fathers birthday is November 22.E. Twelve.七、仿照例子写句子。例:When is Teachers Day? (Teachers Day)Its September the tenth. (

6、September the tenth)1. _ (Childrens Day)_ (June the first)2. _ (New Years Day)_ (January the first)3. _ (International Workers Day) _ (May the first)4. _ (National Day)_ (October the first)5. _ (the Spring Festival)_ (in January or February)八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。My name is Jim. Today is October 18. I am ver

7、y happy, because its mybirthday. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home andplay with me. We sing and dance. Lunch is very nice. We eat some birthdaycake. Then we go to the park. We fly kites and play ping pong in the park. In the evening, I read a book. Then I go to bed at 10 :00.

8、( ) 1. Jims birthday is _.A. October 8 B. October the eighteenth C. October 8th( ) 2. Jim eats _ for breakfast.A. eggs B. birthday cake C. noodles( ) 3. Jim and his friends _at his home.A. eat breakfast B. play ping pong( ) 4. Jim and his friends fly kites_.C. sing and danceA. in the park B. in the

9、zoo C. at his home( ) 5. Jim goes to bed at _.A. 10:30 B. 10:13 C. 10:00参考答案一、 1. New Years Day 2. Childrens Day 3. Teachers Day 4. National Day 5. the Spring Festival二、 D B E C A F三、 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C四、 1Ba 2 Cd 3 Dc 4 Ab 5Ee五、 1. E 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C六、 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. B七、 1. When is

10、 Childrens Day?Its June the first.2. When is New Years Day?Its January the first.3. When is International Workers Day?Its May the first.4. When is National Day?Its October the first.5. When is the Spring Festival?Its in January or February.八、1. B 点拨:由短文前三句可知,吉姆的生日在 10 月 18 日,October 182. A3. COctober the eighteenth,故选 B。点拨:由短文第五、六句可知,吉姆的朋友来到他家里,他们既唱歌 又跳舞,故选 C。4. A 5. C


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