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1、新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题姓名(满分 150 分) 分数一、英汉互译(301)1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat4. museum 5. decision 6. public7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance13. 聚集16. 允许19. 场合22. 打断25. 舞台28 匆忙14.乐器17.抱怨20. 经历23.发疯26 抓到29 返回/归还15.经理18.立刻21.扔、抛24. 服从27. 账单30 负担得起二单项选择题(201. 5)1

2、. _ terrible weather it is! It is said that it will get _ later.A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse2. The book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover.A. must be B. can be C. cant be D. mustnt be3. It _ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid4. My mo

3、ther has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am6. I did not remember her before.A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet7. Ill go with you to the theater as soon as Imy homework.A. will finish B. shall finish C. fin

4、ish D. finished8. Can you deal with the problem?_. A. Im afraid not B. Im not afraid C. Im no sure D. Im sure not 9. Has your neighbour moved into the new house?Not yet. The house _.A. being built B. is being built C. is building D.is built10. It _ be my son. He has gone to America. A. must B. mustn

5、t C. can D. cant10. The cake is made _ flour, butter, eggs and sugar. A. of B. from C. by D. in 12. There _ a French film in this cinema next Friday.A. is going to be B. is going to have C. will have D. puts on13. Not only you but also I _ interested the book. A. am B. are C. is D. were 14. He told

6、me that he _ to Paris for two months.A. has gone B. had gone C. has been D. had been15. I disliked them so I bought _ them. A. neither of B. neither C. both of D. both 16. Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.A. was moving B. is moving C. moved D. moves17. Im sorry sir. The

7、tickets have been sold out. _A. What a pity! B. Certainly. C. May I have two tickets? D. Youre welcome. 18. When he was walking along King Street, he saw two thieves _ out of a shop.A. to run B. run C. ran D. running19. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday。 Ill buy her _.A. something special B. anything

8、special C. special something D. special anything 20. Travelling by air may be _, but not so _.A. quicker; cheaper B. more quickly; cheap C. quicker; cheap D. more quickly; cheaper 三用适当的介词副词填空(151)1. Ill go out for a walk _ half an hour.2. Hes lived in the small house _ 30 years.1. Look _! The tiger

9、is dangerous.2. Last week I went to my hometown _ train.3. Tom will be absent _ home for two months.4. I met my English teacher _ the way home yesterday.5. I went out _ spite of the rain.6. The film will be _ in March.1. My father doesnt want to give _ smoking.10. When I am _ work, dont bother(打扰)me

10、.11. I m going out now, but I will be in half an hour.12. He usually knocks at 6 oclock, but today hes working late.13. Someone knocked my door.14. It was very hot, so I took my coat.10. This cake was made my sister.四选词填空。(151)1. I a letter from him yesterday.(took/received)2. Can you me 5 yuan. (le

11、nd /borrow)3. I an explanation. ( asked /asked for)4. that, everything is all right.(expect/apart form)5. The police looking for him.(is/are)6. Please my little dog when Im out. ( look after/pay attention to) 7. me to your mother.(remind/remember)8. When I ,I shall be a writer.(grow/grow up)9. He wa

12、s standing the window. (besides/beside)10. Its a very film.(excited/exciting)11. He is not an person. ( excited /exciting)12. At the end of the month I received my . (wages/salary)13. I met Tom the way to the station.(on/in)14. He doesnt English. (realize /understand)15. is someone at the door. (It/

13、There)五.阅读理解(102)(A)Tom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret of a long life.“The secret of a long life is happiness,” Green said. “If you are happy, you will live a long time.” “Are you married?” a reporter asked. “Yes,” Green answered. “

14、I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you will live better. But for my third wife, I would have died years ago.”“What about smoking and drinking?” another reporter asked. “Yes, they are important,” Green said. “Dont smoke at all and you will feel well. Drink two glasses

15、 of wine a day and you willbe healthy and happy. ”( )1. Some reporters visited Green because .A. he did something peculiar B. he was a friend of themC. he had lived much longer than most people D. he had married three times( )2. Green thought was the most important to life.A. his third wife B. glad

16、C. happiness D. smoking( )3.Green thought his third wife helped him to live years longer.A.12 B.14 C.16 D.18( )4. The writer wants to tell us .A. drinking a great deal is good for our healthB. drinking within a limit is helpfulC. smoking and drinking are indispensable to good healthD. we should stop

17、 smoking or drinking.( )5. The best title for this passage is .A. Drinking and Smoking B. The Secret of a Long LifeC. Happiness in Life D. Astonished Reporters(B)An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he

18、had nothing left. Of course ,when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.My money has finished and my friends have gone, said the young man. What will happen to

19、 me now?Dont worry , young man, answered Nasreddin. Everything will soon be all right again. Wait , and you will soon feel much happier.The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? he asked Nasreddin. No, I didnt mean that, said the old man. I meant that you would soon get used to

20、 beingpoor and to having no friends.( )1.An old man died and left his son_.A. nothing B. some gold C. much money D. only a house( ) 2. When the son was_, he went to see Nasreddin.A. short of money B. quite poor and sickC. in trouble D. quite poor and alone( ) 3.The young man was very glad because Na

21、sreddin said that_.A. he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happierC. he would become clever D. he would have more friends( ) 4.Nasreddin meant the young man_.A. would get rich again B. would get used to having nothingC. would get used to being in trouble D. would get out of poorness

22、( ) 5.What this story tells us is_.A. that money is everything B. that money makes the mare goC. to save each penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends六英汉互译(202)1. Its none of your business,the young man said rudely.2. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am deter

23、mined to stay here.3. Work on the house had begun before my sister left._ 4. Tom 已经在那里住了 6 个月了。5. After having spent whole mornings on the river,I always go home with an empty bag。6. 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。5. 有时候我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。_6. 我在房间里花费了整整一天的时间,但是我一张明信片也没写成。_ 9.My brother has never been aboard befo

24、re, so he is finding this trip very exciting._ 10.In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs._ 11.令他们吃惊的是,那个珍贵的包裹里面装的全是石头和沙子。_ 12.Tom 拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。13. 那个大钟拒绝欢迎新年的到来。14. 它是 1681 年德国制造的.(用被动语态)15 我们为汤姆船长感到自豪。16. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.17. Neither of us spoke during the journey.18. 如果你把汽车停在了错误的地方,交通警察很快就会找到你。19. 当我正在寻找包的时候,店主进来了。20. 我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,什么事情都不做。


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