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1、精品文档2014 学年第二学期学生学习水平单元评价五年级英语(四)(Module 1 - Module 7)Class_ Name_ No._ Assessment_ 一、听句子三次, 选出句子含有的信息, 把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。10%( ) 1. A. spring( ) 2. A. spring( ) 3. A. May 13th ( ) 4. A. by bus ( ) 5. A. see a filmB. winterB. summerB. May 3rdB. by carB. play gamesC. autumnC. autumnC. May 1stC. by planeC

2、. ride a bike( ) 6. A. write a letter B. go shopping C. take a walk( ) 7. A. climb a tree B. touch a fan C. feed the animals( ) 8.A. turn right B. turn left C. take the third right( ) 9. A. go traveling B. visit the city museum C. watch a football match ( ) 10. A. sports meeting B. horse- riding C.

3、mountain climbing二、听句子三次,判断是否与图意相符,如相符,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。 10%1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( )三、听每个小对话三次,选出所给问题的最佳答案,将其字母编号写在括号内。6% ( ) 1. Whats Janet s favourite season?A. Spring. B. Autumn C. winter( ) 2. Will Janet go to the zoo with Ben?A. Yes, she will. B. No, she wont.

4、C. Yes, she can.( ) 3. Whats summer like in Australia?A. Its very cool. B. Its very warm. C. Its very hot.( ) 4. When is Mikes birthday?A. June 11th. B. July 11th. C. June 17th.( ) 5. When will Xiaoling go to Shenzhen?A. On September 2nd. B. On August 2nd. C. On August 8th.( ) 6. How will Xiaoling g

5、o to Shenzhen?A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. 四、听句子三次, 写出句子所缺的单词。8%精品文档精品文档1. Next week they will to Hainan for five days.2. We are going to have a maths this afternoon.3. They can take some food to _ the animals.4. I hope you will enjoy this day.5. Jiamin will go to the Childrens Palace by on Ap

6、ril 24th .6. I cant we are on time.7. Is there anything else this month?8. It is a party, so please do not tell Andy.五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符在括号内写“T”, 否则写“F”。6%( ) 1. I do not have any homework in the school holiday.( ) 2. I am going to my grandpas home on the second day of the holiday.( ) 3. Im

7、going to my grandpas home by bus.( ) 4. Grandpa has a very fun cat.( ) 5. I am going to take grandpas dog for a walk.( ) 6. There is a robot show in Childrens Palace.六、看图,读短语,将短语的字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。6%1.( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) A. have a sports meeting B. fall down C. feed the animalD. climb

8、 a tree E. take a walk F. go camping七、根据图意,写出句子中所缺的单词。(6%)1. Can you tell the way to the _ , please? 2. They plan to go to the _ in the afternoon.3. Its March 12th . It s time to _ trees.精品文档精品文档4. The Webbs are going to have a three-day holiday on a _.5. Go straight ahead, and turn _ at the _ cross

9、ing。八、选择正确答案填空, 把答案的字母编号写在括号内。15% ( ) 1. Mike is _ me for the winter holiday.A. visitC. visiting( ) 2. It is winter. It s cold go swimming.A. tootoA. hasC. having( ) 4. Id like to you to Anns birthday party.A. inviteB. invitesC. invited( ) 5. Tomorrow morning they will for Hong Kong.A. leftB. leaves

10、C. leave( ) 6. Ben always goes to school _ foot.A. atB. onC. by( ) 7. Janet plans to to her uncles farm with some friends.A. goB. goesC. went( ) 8. The floor is wet. Dont there.A. walksB. walkingC. walk( ) 9. The Chen family will go to Beijing train next month.A. atB. byC. on( ) 10. Do tell your tea

11、cher if you see a classmate .A. in troubleB. on timeC. watch out九、将方框中答句的字母编号写在相应问语前的括号内。 9% ( ) 1. Do you have any plans for the holiday?( ) 2. Would you like to go on a picnic with us?( ) 3. When will you come back home?( ) 4. Whats your favourite season?( ) 5. Where are you going this Saturday?(

12、) 6. What are you going to do this summer holiday?十、按实际情况回答问题。 5%精品文档精品文档1. Whats your favourite season?2. Whats summer like in Guangzhou?3. How do you usually go to school?4. Will you go traveling with your parents this weekend?5. What are you going to do this summer holiday?十一、从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话,将句子的

13、序号填在横线上。8%A. Can I take a bus to get there? B. Is the park on the right or on the left? C. How can I get to the train station, please? D. Thank you so much.Tourist:Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the train station?Ben: Sorry?Tourist:Ben: Oh, go straight ahead, take the second right, then the

14、 first left.Tourist:Ben: No. But you can take a taxi.Tourist:Second right, then the first left.Ben: Its on the right. You can see it.Tourist:Ben:Youre welcome.十二、读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符在括号内写“T”,否则写 “F”。6%This Sunday is Hollys eleventh birthday. Shes going to have a birthday party. On Sunday morning, s

15、hes going to the supermarket with her mum. They are going to buy some foods and drinks. Hollys also going to buy some balloons and birthday hats. Hollys friends are coming to her p arty in the afternoon. Her parents are going to give her a VCD of their trip to Disney Land last year ( 去年) as a birthd

16、ay present. Its a very interesting trip. Holly loves it. Shes going to play the VCD and watch it with her friends. It will be great funny.After dinner, shes going to see a film with her friends. Shes sure she will have agood time on her birthday.( ) 1. This Sunday is Hollys twelfth birthday.( ) 2. H

17、ollys going to have a birthday party.( ) 3. In the morning, Hollys going to buy a birthday cake.( ) 4. Hollys friends are coming to her party in the evening.( ) 5. Hollys family had a very interesting trip to Disney Land last year.( ) 6. Holly will have a good time on her birthday.十三、用英文写一个你的暑假计划,5 个句子以上,不少于 30 个单词。5%(提示词: summer holiday, be going to/ will, by bus/plane/train)精品文档精品文档_精品文档


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