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1、单词复习服装类:Tshirt T 恤衫 、 shorts 短裤、trousers 长裤、dress 连衣裙coat 大衣、shirt 衬衫、scarf 围巾、hat(有边的)帽子、sweater 套头毛衣、 shoes 鞋子、socks 袜子、skirt 短裙、cap(有帽檐的)帽子、raincoat 雨衣、 jacket 夹克、clothes 衣服、blouse 女式短上衣天气(weather)类:sunny 晴朗的、rainy 下雨的、cold 冷的、warm 温暖的、 cool 凉爽的、hot 热的、windy 有风的、cloudy 多云的、snowy 下雪的、 heavy rain 大

2、雨职业:farmer 农民、postman 邮递员、nurse 护士、teacher 教师、doctor 医生、 driver 司机、fireman 消防员、policeman 男警察、policewoman 女警察、 pupil 学生交通工具:bus 公共汽车、ship 轮船、bike 自行车、train 火车、car 小汽车、 plane 飞机、on foot 步行家庭成员:parent 父亲;母亲、father 爸爸、mother 妈妈、brother 兄弟、 sister 姐妹、grandfather 爷爷;外公、grandmother 奶奶;外婆、cousin 堂兄弟(姐妹);表兄弟

3、(姐妹)、aunt 伯母;舅母;阿姨;姑姑; uncle 伯父;舅舅;叔叔;姑父动物(animal): rabbit 兔子、dog 狗、cow 奶牛、duck 鸭子、cat 猫、horse 马、 hen 母鸡、bird 鸟、monkey 猴子、lion 狮子、tiger 老虎、panda 熊猫、 elephant 大象、mouse 老鼠、sheep 绵羊身体部位: body 身体、head 头、hair 头发、eye 眼睛、ear 耳朵、nose 鼻子、 face 脸、neck 脖子、mouth 嘴巴、arm 手臂、hand 手、finger 手指、 leg 腿、knee 膝盖、foot 脚颜

4、色(colour): red 红色(的)、blue 蓝色(的)、yellow 黄色(的)、white 白色 (的)、green 绿色(的)、black 黑色(的)、brown 棕色(的)、grey 灰色(的)水果(fruit): orange 橘子、banana 香蕉、lemon 柠檬、apple 苹果、pear 梨子食物(food): cake 蛋糕、ice cream 冰淇淋、noodles 面条、dumpling 饺子、milk 牛奶、bread 面包、rice 大米;米饭、biscuit 饼干、hamburger 汉堡包、 beef 牛肉、vegetable 蔬菜、tomato 西红柿

5、、potato 土豆、chocolate 巧 克力季节:spring 春天、summer 夏天、autumn 秋天、winter 冬天1星期:Monday 星期一、Tuesday 星期二、Wednesday 星期三、Thursday 星期四、 Friday 星期五、Saturday 星期六、Sunday 星期天国家:China 中国、the USA 美国、Australia 澳大利亚、Canada 加拿大、France 法国、the UK 英国基数词:one 一、two 二、three 三、four 四、five 五、six 六、seven 七、eight 八、 nine 九、ten 十、el

6、even 十一、twelve 十二、thirteen 十三、fourteen 十四、 fifteen 十五、sixteen 十六、seventeen 十七、eighteen 十八、nineteen 十九、 twenty 二十、thirty 三十、forty 四十、fifty 五十、sixty 六十、seventy 七十、eighty 八十、ninety 九十、one hundred 一百序数词:first 第一、second 第二、third 第三、fourth 第四、fifth 第五、sixth 第六、 seventh 第七、eighth 第八、ninth 第九、tenth 第十月份(mon

7、th):January 一月、February 二月、March 三月、April 四月、May 五 月、June 六月、July 七月、August 八月、September 九月、October 十月、November 十一月、December 十二月地点:school 学校、library 图书馆、park 公园、zoo 动物园、restaurant 餐馆、 post office 邮局、shopping center 购物中心、cinema 电影院、hotel 宾馆、 bank 银行、hospital 医院、airpot 机场、railway station 火车站、museum 博物

8、馆动词过去式:is/am-was arewere dodid gowent havehad taketookreadread talktalked practisepractised listen listened speakspoke teachtaught learnlearnt seesaw say said writewrote runrancancould eatate makemade telltold buybought comecame bringbrought feelfelt get got singsang playplayed stop-stopped like-lik

9、ed变化规则:1、一般形式+ed 2 、以不发音字母 e 结尾+d 3、重读闭音节单词以辅音字 母结尾,双写该辅音字母,再加 ed 4、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词,改 y 为 i 再加 ed 5、不规则变化动词三人称单数形式:dodoes go goes playplays saysays get gets taketakesteachteaches watch watches washwashes studystudies flyfliesbeis havehas makemakes wave waves变化规则:1、一般情况直接加 s 2、以 s.x.sh.ch.o 结尾的动词加 es

10、3、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,改 y 为 i,再加 es 4、不规则变化2动词 ing 形式:workworking play playing dodoing go going singsingingreadreading talk talking write writing taketaking makemaking comecoming seeseeing get getting stop stopping runrunning lielying swim swimming dancedancing helphelping givegiving havehaving looklooki

11、ng变化规则:1、一般情况,直接加 ing 2、以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词,去 e 加 ing3、 重读闭音节以辅音字母结尾的动词,双写该辅音字母,再加 ing4、 以 ie 结尾的动词,把 ie 改为 y,再加 ing句子Hello! What s your name? How old are you? This is my family. Whos he? Its a dog. Whats this? Its a mouth.Touch your head. I like the bird. Happy birthday!How are you? Are you Lingling? Wh

12、at colour is this balloon?Look at the Tshirts. What time is it? How many pens are there?Is this an orange? I like a sunny day. What s the weather like?Is he a farmer? Whats he? I go to school by bus. Nice to meet you!Its a circle. Look at this elephant. These are flowers. I like noodles. Turn right!

13、 Whose is this? She wears a white and black sweater.Its one hundred. Welcome to our home! Where s the cat?Peter can jump high. Its on your head! Spring is warm.What can you see? Can you write in English? Peter is writing.Whats Anne doing? Today is Saturday. I come from China.How much is it? He has t

14、wo feet. Do you have a ticket?Do you have any money? What does she look like? Id like a hamburger.Do you want some rice? Can I use your pencil, please? Can I have a pet?Which one do you want? What time do you get up? Lingling helps her parents.3Whats your hobby? What does that sign mean? Im sorry. T

15、he Spring Festival Were going to read stories.Were going to do some research. Lets make a kite. Dont talk here. Whens your birthday? Ill make a beautiful card.Theres a post office near my school. Where did you go?Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?H es kind to children. Where were you yeste

16、rday? Who was first? What did you do during the holidays? Katie always gets up early.H like my computer. The MidAutumn Festival is coming.It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. What can I do? We shouldnt waste water.This bird is bigger than the first one. I dont feel well today.Shall we go to the theatre? Its Christmas again!4


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