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1、江苏省泰州地区 2018-2019 年下学期七年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:缺词填空(含答案)泰州地区七年级下学期期中英语试卷精选汇编缺词填空泰兴市西城教育集团Lei Haiwei won the final( 赢得决赛) of the third season of Chinese Poetry Competition(中国诗词大会) on CCTV on April 4. But do you know what his j 81 is? He is a food courier(快递 员) man! His story s 82 all the Chinese people a lot.Le

2、i Haiwei, a 37-year-old man, c 83 from Shaoyang, Hunan Province. He is now working as a food courier man in Hangzhou, the c 84 of Zhejiang Province.When he was at the a 85 of six, he was interested in ancient poems( 古诗词). Lei said, “Myfather hoped I would grow up to be a man who keeps the mountains,

3、 rivers, lakes and seas in mind.He also t 86 me the stories behind each poem. He wrote poems down, put them up on thewall of the kitchen and taught me to read them from a youn g age. ” His fathers small house was f 87 of books about ancient poems.Lei didnt go to college. But he never lost his intere

4、st in poems. Because he was t 88 poor tobuy books, Lei would remember the poems in bookshops and write them out when he went back home.Now, as a busy food courier, he reads and remembers poems by using his mobile phone when waiting f 89 food to be prepared. It helps him have a good rest during his b

5、usy life.After winning, Lei went back to Hangzhou and continues(继续) his work as a b 90 food courier.81. j_ 82. s_ 83. c_ 84. c_ 85. a_ 86. t_ 87. f_ 88. t_ 89. f_ 90. b_81. job 82. surprised 83. comes 84. capital 85. age86. told 87. full 88. too 89. for 90. busy海陵学校Hello, everyone! Next week we will

6、 go on a t 101 to the Yellow Mountain( 黄山). Do you want to know something about it? Here is some i 102 .1 / 4江苏省泰州地区 2018-2019 年下学期七年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:缺词填空(含答案)The Yellow Mountain is a f 103 mountain in China. It is in the s 104 ofAnhui. Every year t 105of people from China and all over the world come to

7、visit it. Itsnot far from our school. It t 106 us about three hours to get there by bus. We can also gothere by train or by plane. When we are c 107 the mountain, we can enjoy the f 108air, the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks along the way. In the early morning when the sun rises, the

8、 sky looks beautiful . Its really a nice place to visit .Please p 109 well for the trip. Wear comfortable trainers, bring something to ea t and drink next week, but please remember : We should be polite v 110 .101.trip 102.information 103.famous 104.south 105.thousands 106.takes 107.climbing 108.fre

9、sh 109.prepare 110.visitors兴化市乐吾实验学校芙蓉外国语学校A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards (胡须).They were sitting in her front garden. She didn t know them. She said, “I dont t_101_ Iknow you. But you must be hungry. Please come and have s_102_ to eat.” One of the old men

10、s_103_, “His name is Wealth (财富), this is success ( 成功) and I am Love. Which ofus do you want to i_104_ _?” The woman thought it over for a few m_105_. Shehoped her house would be f_106_ of love, so she said, “Love, please come in.” Loveg_107_ up and walked to the house. The other two also got up an

11、d followed him. Thewoman was surprise d and asked, “I o_108_ invited Love. Why are you coming in?” Theold men answered together, “I_109_ you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of uswould stay out. But if you invite Love, wherever he goes, we go w_110_ him. Wherever there is Love, there is

12、also Wealth and Success.”101_ 102_ 103_ 104 _ 105 _106_ 107_108_ 109 _110 _ think,something, said, invite, minutes,full,got, only, If, with泰兴市实验初级中学教育集团2 / 4江苏省泰州地区 2018-2019 年下学期七年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:缺词填空(含答案)Yesterday we visited a nature(自然) museum with my classmates. And I learnt a lot of amazingf 91 abo

13、ut man and animals. I am i 92 in some stories and fond of some animals.Do you know how much TV you w 93 in your life? A man watches TV for about 2900hours. This means you sit in f 94 of a TV for 8 years. Do you know how long your hair can be if you dont cut it? It can be 9 meters l 95 .I dont like c

14、amels before. But now I know they have some amazing abilities. Camels canrun over 15 meters in a second and they can keep walking for days w 96 having any food or drinks.I think we should be kind to animals. I d 97 to be an animal lover from then on. And Ialso want to be a scientist when I g 98 up.

15、It will be great to study animals and do s 99 for them. Lets work hard to make the world a b 100 place for both man and animals.91. 92. 93. 94. 95.96. 97. 98. 99. 100.facts, interested, watch, front, long , without, decide(d), grow, something, better泰兴市济川中学My friends grandfather went to America from

16、 a farm in China. A_81_ getting to NewYork, he went into a cafeteria (自助餐厅) in Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at anempty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course n_82_ did. At last, a womanwith a big plate (盘子) f_83_ of food came up to him. She sat down n_84_ to him

17、and told him how a cafeteria worked.“Start out at that end,” she s_85_, “Just go along the line and pick what you want. At the o_86_ end theyll tell you how much you have to pay.”“I soon learnt thats h_87_ everything works in America,” the grandfather told my friendl_88_, “Lifes a cafeteria here. If

18、 you pay the price, you can get anything you want . You can also get success(成功), but youll never get it if you wait for someone to b_89_ it to you. You have to get up and get it y_90_. ”3 / 4江苏省泰州地区 2018-2019 年下学期七年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:缺词填空(含答案)81.After 82.nobody 83. full 84. next 85. said86. other 87.how 8

19、8. later 89. bring 90.yourself姜堰区Its never too old to run. This is quite true for an old man named Ray. He justfinishes 75marathons (马拉松) in 75 days at the age of s 101 . Its a record (记录)nobody can believe!Ray wants to r 102 $75,000 for a school which helps children with special needs . So he wants

20、 to run the marathons. He begins his challenge (挑战) in July on his 75th birthday.At first, the 75-year-old man just finishes most of his marathons in and around his hometown. Then he flies all over the world to f 103 all 75 marathons.Ray is a sportsman when he is young. He also has a big company bef

21、ore. During themarathons, he needs e 104to keep fit. But he doesnt need to worry about that. Rays daughteris good at c 105 . She cooks delicious and healthy food for h 106 for the whole challenge.When Ray finishes his l 107 marathon, he is in quite good condition (状态良好). He isvery happy. But he says

22、, “In some way, I dont want it to end. I want to know what I am going to do n 108 .”“It is a wonderful t 109when I give something to schools. If I can help, thats all Iwant.”Truly, its never too late to run and h 110 .101. seventy-five 102. raise 103.finish 104.energy 105. cooking106. him 107. last 108.next 109. time110. help4 / 4


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