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1、all试题2020 届高考英语 3500 词汇读练测精品系列(基础训练)29一、选词填空(从晨读材料中选用恰当的词并用其正确的形式填空)1.Mum, little Ray broke his toys again!It doesnt _. You see, accidents will happen.【答案】matter【句意】“妈妈,小雷又弄坏了他的玩具。”“没关系的,你看,意外总是会发生的。”2.The prices of vegetables are going up _. Its really too much for us.【答案】madly【句意】蔬菜的价格疯狂上涨。对我们来说真的

2、吃不消。3.Future will be a _ marvelous world of artificial intelligencerobots might have their emotions and we human beings might have robots as friends.【答案】marvelous【句意】未来将是人工智能的辉煌时代,机器人可能有情感,我们人类可能和机器人成为朋友。 4.I hope you will study hard and _ as _ knowledge as possible.【答案】master, much【句意】我希望你努力学习,掌握尽可

3、能多的知识5.The education program aimed at combining brain work with _ labor is being widely spread throughout the country.【答案】manual【句意】以脑力劳动和体力劳动相结合为目的的教育项目正在全国范围内广泛开展。6.No pleasure can _ that of realizing ones dream.【答案】match【句意】没有什么快乐可以与实现梦想带来的快乐相比拟。7.According to the regulation, you can only borrow

4、a _ of ten books from the library.【答案】maximum【句意】根据规定,你最多只能从图书馆借十本书。8.If you spot any mistakes in the article, just _ them with a pencil.【答案】mark【句意】如果你发现这篇文章里的任何错误,就用铅笔标记一下。故 C 选项正确。9.To this day, its unclear whether he shot himself or was _.【答案】murdered【句意】至今尚不清楚他究竟是饮弹自杀的还是被谋杀的。10.It still remains

5、 a _ why some people are allergic to certain flower fragrance while others are not.【答案】mystery【句意】为什么有些人对某些花香过敏,而另一些人却没有,这仍然是个谜。真题汇编1all试题11.We are working to raise money for the local homeless shelters. _, we are collecting clothing to offer those in need.【答案】Moreover【句意】我们正在努力为当地无家可归的避难者集资,除此之外,我们

6、正在收集衣服提供给那些需要的 人。12.A rain was falling _ with snow causing heavy traffic.【答案】mixed【句意】一场雨夹着雪正在下着,引起了交通堵塞。13.Though he is 10 years old, he doesnt know that 2 _ by 4 makes 8.【答案】multiplied【句意】虽然他只有 10 岁,但是他不知道 2 乘 4 等于 8。14.The young actor was given a _ part in the new play.【答案】minor【句意】那位年轻的男演员在这出新戏里

7、被分派担任一个小角色。15.I love teaching and my students in USA. I also _ my family and my colleagues.【答案】miss【句意】我热爱我在美国的工作和学生,我也想念我的家人和同事。二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1.One loses by pride and gains by _(modest).【答案】modesty【句意】满招损,谦受益。2.Photos are _(magic)in that they can have us seeing moments from the past as if the

8、y were frozen in time.【答案】magical【句意】照片之所以神奇,是因为它们能让我们看到过去的瞬间,就好像它们被时间冻结了一样。 3.So _(mystery)did Flight MH370 go _(miss)that many puzzles wait to besolved.【答案】mysteriously, missing【句意】MH370 航班失踪得如此神秘以至于许多困惑有待解决。4.His reaction to her visit is mixed. It is a _(mix)of excitement and worry.【答案】mixture【句意

9、】对于她的来访的反应是很复杂的,夹杂着兴奋和担忧。5.Clothes are just a symbol of money, but ones real life value lies in his knowledge, _(moral)and quality.【答案】morality【句意】衣服只是金钱的象征,但一个人真正的人生价值在于他的知识、道德和品质。真题汇编2all试题6.China will remain a developing country, as there is still a long way to go before well be able to achieve _

10、(modern).【答案】modernization【句意】中国仍然是一个发展中国家,在实现现代化之前,仍然有很长的一段路要走。7.Basing his conclusion on the evidence he collected on the scene, he proved that the _(murder)was guilty.【答案】murderer【句意】根据他在现场收集的证据,他得出了结论,证明凶手是有罪的。8.Most birds have to fly long distances to _(migration).【答案】migrate【句意】绝大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不进

11、行长距离的飞行。9.He took a _(mouth)of the bitter medicine and made a face.【答案】mouthful【句意】他喝了一口苦药,做了个鬼脸。10.Nowadays people in poor _(mountain)villages across China are making great efforts to find cures for their poverty.【答案】mountainous【句意】如今,中国贫困山区的人们正在努力寻找解决贫困的方法。11.The rent on his apartment was his bigg

12、est _(month)expense.【答案】monthly【句意】他的房租是每个月最大的开支。12.In running a company, strict financial _(manage)means everything.【答案】management【句意】经营一家公司,严格的财务管理是至关重要的。13.When I woke up, I found _(me)and a friend of _(me)in a hospital.【答案】myself, mine【句意】当我醒来时,发现我自己和我的一个朋友躺在一家医院里了。14.The American people propose

13、d to honour him in a more _(mean)way.【答案】meaningful【句意】美国人民曾建议来用一种更有意义的方法来纪念他。15.There have been cases where some English learners cant get their message across even though they have _(memory)a lot of words.【答案】memorized【句意】有些情况下,一些英语学习者即使背了很多单词,也无法把他们的信息表达清楚。三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次)真题汇编3

14、all试题be too much formend ones wayfrom mouth to mouthin the majoritymake outmix upin the massin the minoritymake ends meetby all meansin the meanwhileon the movemight as wellfor good measurein the middle ofmany a1.The test of courage comes when we are _. The best of tolerance comes when we are _. 【答案

15、】in the minority, in the majority【句意】当我们处在少数时,可以测试自己的勇气;处在大多数时,则可测试自己的宽容。2.The fog was so heavy that I couldnt _ the words on the board in the distance.【答案】make out【句意】雾太大了,以致于我看不清远处布告板上的字。3.The lights went out suddenly _ the performance.【答案】in the middle of【句意】正在演出中间灯突然熄灭了。4.Because it was hard to

16、_ with the money he got paid, he wanted to take a second job.【答案】make ends meet【句意】因为很难用挣得的钱来维持生活,所以他想再找一份工作。5._ famous pop star has been ruined by drugs.【答案】Many a【句意】很多著名的流行音乐歌星都因使用毒品而毁了自己。6.I was totally _ by his ambiguous remarks. I really didnt know what he meant.【答案】mixed up【句意】他模棱两可的话把我完全搞混了。

17、我真地不知道他是什么意思。7.The design _ is good, and however it needs improving.【答案】in the mass【句意】这个设计总体上还是好的,不过需要改进。8.Well, lost again!It is not very important. We _ forget about it. OK?【答案】might as well【句意】“好吧,又不见了!”“这并不重要,我们不妨把它忘掉吧。”9.The news spread quickly _ throughout the school.【答案】from mouth to mouth【句

18、意】这个消息很快在学校传开了。10.It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. _, Ill set the table.【答案】In the meanwhile【句意】如果你去商店把我们晚餐需要的东西买来,那可算帮我大忙了。同时,我会在家布置好桌子。真题汇编4all试题11.The salesman sold me the car at a lower price and added some fancy gifts _.【答案】for good measure【句意】那个销售员以

19、较低的价格卖给我这辆车,还奉送了一些精美的礼品。12.Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so he was always _.【答案】on the move【句意】杰克从不想在一个地方呆很久,所以他总在奔波辗转。13.In the past, he was a troublemaker, but now he has _.【答案】mended his way【句意】过去,他是个惹事生非的人,但现在已经改邪归正了。14.It may _ you to walk such a long way.【答案】be too much

20、 for【句意】走这么远的路,恐怕你吃不消。15.Would it be all right if I left a bit early? I dont feel quite myself today._. The second section of the meeting is just free discussion.【答案】By all means【句意】“今天我早点走可以吗? 我今天感觉不太舒服。”“当然可以。会议的第二部分是自由讨论。” 四、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.There is always so much housework to

21、 do. I am going to be driven madly.【答案】madly 改成 mad【解析】mad 疯狂的,愤怒的;madly,疯狂地,愤怒地;drive sb. mad ,mad 在短语中作宾语补足语,所 以运用形容词。句意:总是有这么多家务活要做,我都快要被逼疯了。2.Now many girls prefer to marry with a man who owns a house and a car.【答案】删除 with【解析】marry“与结婚”是及物动词,不用加介词,故删除with。句意:现在许多女孩更愿意嫁给一个 拥有房子和汽车的男人。3.Professor

22、Jordan gave us the most confusing lecture this afternoon and most of us were confused.【答案】the 改成 a【解析】本句中没有最高级的含义。most 作“很,非常”讲时,不是最高级,前可加 a,意为“一个非常”。 句意:乔丹教授今天下午给我们做了一个非常难以理解的讲座,我们大多数人都很困惑。4.Also reading can make our life more meaningfully.【答案】meaningfully 改成 meaningful【解析】此处考查“make+宾语+宾补”结构,该结构中宾补

23、用形容词形式,故将 meaningfully 改成 meaningful。句意:读书也能让我们的生活更有意义5.It is good manner to speak in a low voice in public places.【答案】manner 改成 manners真题汇编5all试题【解析】manner 的意思是“方式,方法,举止,态度”;复数形式 manners“礼貌,礼节,规矩,风俗”。句 意:在公共场所低声说话时有礼貌的。故把 manner 改成 manners。6.I dont agree with your plan. You should never put your fo

24、rtune by the mercy of luck.【答案】by 改成 at【解析】at the mercy of 任由的摆布。句意:我不同意你的计划。你不应该让自己的命运任凭运气的摆 布。7.Secondly, you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mental addicted to it.【答案】mental 改成 mentally【解析】mentally 为副词修饰形容词 addicted。故 mental 改成 mentally。句意:第二,你可能会养成吸烟的 习惯,最终会对它产生心理上的依赖。8.One S

25、unday morning, I made up my minds go fishing with him at the Sanqing Lake.【答案】minds 改成 mind, mind 后加 to【解析】make up ones mind to do sth.决定做某事,主语是 I,所以将 minds 改成 mind, mind 后加 to。句意: 一个星期天的早晨,我决定和他一起去三清湖钓鱼。9.A majority of students consider it very necessary to go to college.【答案】A 改成 The【解析】the majorit

26、y of 大多数。句意:大多数学生认为上大学是很有必要的。10.In 1911 a great much immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own, which today still keeps up their Danish culture.【答案】much 改成 many【解析】immigrant 是可数名词,much 不能修饰可数名词;a great many 表示“许多,很多”,后直接加可 数名词,故把 much 改成 many。11.We could hardly believe the high price m

27、arking on the goods【答案】marking 改成 marked【解析】mark 与 price 之间为被动关系。句意:我们简直不敢相信货物上所标明的高价。12.The taxi was so slow, and we must just as well have gone on the bus.【答案】must 改成 may/might【解析】may/might just as well do sth.为固定结构,表示“还不如,倒不如”。句意:早知道出租车这么慢, 我们还不如坐公交车呢。13.In my eyes, these students totally misunde

28、rstand the truly meaning of love.【答案】truly 改成 true【解析】用形容词修饰名词 meaning“意义,意思”,故要将 truly 改成 true。句意:我觉得这些学生误解了 爱的真正意义。14.The room measured 10 meters by 5 meters is big enough to live in.【答案】measured 改成 measuring真题汇编6all试题【解析】此处 room 和 measure 之间是一种主动关系,是现在分词作后置定语,故把 measured 改成 measuring。 句意:这个 10 米乘

29、 5 米的房间足够住了。15.Your brain started working at the moment you were born and never stopped until you died.【答案】删除 at【解析】本句为 the moment 引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,短语 at the moment 为“当时;此刻”, 故删除 at。句意:你的大脑从你出生的那一刻就开始工作,直到你死后才停止。16.Why not ask your sister for help? She is in charge of the group?So what? She always ad

30、vises me to depend on herself.【答案】herself 改成 myself【解析】反身代词 myself 指代上文的 me,而不是 she。句意:“为什么不向你姐姐求助呢?她负责这个小 组。”“那又怎么样?她总是建议我要依靠自己。”17.We also heard the explosion the gas tank mixing with the noisy sounds from the windows.【答案】mixing 改成 mixed【解析】此处 the explosion 和 mix 之间是被动关系,是过去分词做宾语补足语,故把 mixing 改成 m

31、ixed。 句意:我们还听到油箱爆炸的声音,夹杂着从窗户传来的嘈杂声。18.His position is senior to me in the company.【答案】me 改成 mine【解析】mine=my position。句意:在这家公司里,他的职位比我要高。19.As matter of fact, every country wants the opportunity to host the Olympics.【答案】在 As 后加 a【解析】as a matter of fact 事实上,故在 As 后加 a。句意:事实上,每个国家都希望有机会举办奥运会。 20. It is must to have a good command of a foreign language and a specific skill in such a competitive society.【答案】在 must 前加 a【解析】must 必须做的事,必不可少的东西,是一个可数名词。句意:在这样一个竞争激烈的社会里, 掌握一门外语和一门专门技能是必须的。真题汇编7


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