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1、专升本英语基础“词汇”练习精编四一、读句子,根据句意和首字母用单词的适当形式填空:1. Smoking is not p_ in our school.2. He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his p_ during the journey.3. The reason he gave to a_ for his absence was unbelievable.4. As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his a_.5. To be h_, I have n

2、o money on me.6. To do this work well needs some p_.7. He was so hungry that he order a thick s_ and a glass of beer for lunch.8. Its good m_ to say good-bye to the host when leaving.1. Seeing the snake, she couldnt help s_.1. In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to wal

3、k s_ to s_.2. His family is quite rich, so they hire a s_ to do the housework.3. Dont be r_ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.4. He was popular because of his sense of h_.5. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a_ in the corner of the room.6. We dont like him because he is alw

4、ays j_ of others success.7. He doesnt like to be v_, instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace. 17. Without o_, we cant live.18. On cold winter days, there will be ice on the s_of the water.19. As is known to all, smoking is h_ to our health.20. With the d_ of science, many new things are in

5、vented.21. G_ speaking, he is a smart boy except his carelessness.22. The news s_ quickly all over the country.23. Bad habits should always be p_ in our daily life.24. Whether you can succeed in the competition d_ on whether you have fully prepared for it.25. His p_ at the meeting made everybody exc

6、ited.26. Not meeting his favorite singer, he felt quite d_.27. Another of his book will be p_ next month.28. The reason why we have to fall to the ground is that there is g_.29. G_, he realized that he had done wrong to her.30. The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things f_ on

7、 the water.31. It is said the M_of Japan will come to visit our country next month.32. There are four oceans in the world, of which the P_ is the largest.33. As is known to all, there are seven c_ in the world.18. If you go e_, youll find the sea.18. Our school is s_ by many trees.19. There is a h_

8、near our city, where you can find many big ships in and out. 37. It is e_ hot these days.38. After they married, they s_ down in a small village, leading a quiet life. 39. We admire her for she has a g_ for singing and dancing.40. An order came that we should finish the work w_ three days.141. There

9、 is a s_ difference between the two words.42. Could you help me f_ out the cost of this trip?43. It is said that some o_ will come to our school to have a visit.44. The t_ sound made me t_.45. I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small things in the d_. 46. Yesterday, it was so cold that

10、there was some f_ on the ground.47. I planned to go d_ this Sunday.48. Finally, they managed to arrived to their destination(目的地)at d_.二、选择适当的答案填空:1. The books in the largest library of the city could _ all the information we need. A.offer B.supply C.provide D.present1. Why is Mr. Li so happy this m

11、orning?Because he was honoured with a(n) _ for excellence in teaching.A.present B.gift C.award D.reward3.The little boy has not the _ to lift the heavy box.A.energy B.force C.power D.strength4.The hunter _ down and _ to the farmer that he had _ his gun against the tree.A.lay;lied;laid B.lay;laid;lai

12、d C.laid;lay;lied D.laid;lied;lay5. After going into the concert hall,the mother _ a friend and went over to greet him. A.searched B.knew C.spotted D.realized6. The company would _ workers to have four days to rest in a month.A.permit B.supply C.admit D.provide7.In the end I lost my _ and shouted at

13、 her.A.character B.manner C.benefit D.patience8. Teachers cannot be expected to _ all the responsibility for poor exam results. A.accept B.lead C.shoulder D.answer9. He made his last _ for the club in the Cup Final.A.way B.appearance C.show D.scene10.China is a _ country, but America is a _ country.

14、 A.developing;developing B.developed;developedC.developing;developed D.developed;developing11.What happened to you just now, Daisy?My key was missing. I had to _ the door open.A.force B.promise C.stay D.find12.The girl who is studying at the art college has a _ for music and dance.A.gift B.present C

15、.power D.strength13.We watched the river as it _ on under the bridge.A.settled B.toured C.flowed D.floated14.Why havent you bought any butter?I _ to but I forgot about it.A.liked B.wished C.meant D.expected15.We cant go abroad this year, so we will have to _ ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.A.tr

16、eat B.present C.content D.conduct16.You can _ her;shell never let you down.A.rely B.believe in C.think D.think about17.Jack came home so thin and weak that his children hardly_ him.A.knew B.received C.admitted D.recognized18.Students should play more on the playground to _ up their bodies.A.hold B.s

17、et C.keep D.build19.The middle-aged woman _ the habit of smoking.2A.improved B.increased C.supported D.developed20.The winter is already here,and _ to be a most cold one.A.goes B.promises C.likes D.knows21.How much do you _ for mending my bike?Only one dollar,sir.A.pay B.charge C.offer D.apply22. Mo

18、st members of the group were in favour of the suggestion;only a_ were against it. A.majority B.minority C.quantity D.amount23. In October, the price of the _ to Great Wall has risen slightly.A.permission B.admission C.introduction D.instruction24. We all know that a good sleeping bag is a necessary

19、part of every campers _. A.experiment B.entertainment C.equipment D.settlement25. Can you tell me why more and more people choose to shop in a supermarket?Because it offers a great _ of goods.A.variety B.mixture C.connection D.combination三、根据句意和括号内的单词填空:1. It is strange that the twin girls _(无共同之处).

20、 (common)2. To the delight of the WHO, the Chinese government _(在采取措施阻 止) the spread of AIDS. (take)2. _(下次你进来时), please close the door. (next time) 4. Colour-blind people often find it difficult _(区别绿色和红色). (distinguish)5. The man _ (被指控杀人) said that he was innocent. (accuse)6. A shopkeeper was sen

21、tenced to eight years in prison because he _(兜售了) fake milk powder. (sell)7. Have you seen a book, _(它的封面破了)? (cover)8 _(丢了新自行车) made her very upset. (lose) 9. He works hard day and night _ (不辜负) his parents expectations (live)10. A thief may _(装着在看别的东西) while his / her hand is taking your wallet. (

22、pretend)11. With_(越来越多的森林被毁), some animals are facing the danger of dying out. (destroy)12. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment; _(我将 永远珍惜的时刻). (one)13. Helen is much kinder to her younger child than to others, _(这一点使其他的 孩子不高兴). (which)14. The poor young man is ready t

23、o accept _(他能得到的一切帮助. (what)15. My Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who_( 可能拿走 ) it away? (can)16. My hometown is not _(和过去的一样). (what)317. Chemicals _(有害的) fish in the water. (harm) 18. _(不管他有多少困难), he would finish the book as you requested. (how) 19. The role that women_(一直起的作用) in human histor

24、y is of great importance. (play)20. Not until we know more_ (才能够)improve the situation. (able) 21. In the late 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthened the rights of the black and _(改善他们的居住条件). ( improve )22. _ (毫无疑问)that Taiwan is part of China. ( doubt )23. More and more people _(意识到重要性)o

25、f planting trees. ( aware ) 24. Everything _(考虑在内), they would have raised their output quickly. ( take)25. _ (分离)other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ( separate )26. I began to wonder why they _(反对我参加)extreme

26、sports in the first place. ( object )27. For many weeks we _ ( 习以为常 )seeing fallen trees and houses as well as dead animals. ( accustom )28. If you want to catch up with the team, the only way is _them.(抄近路追他 们)(beeline)25. The ability of _(使你自己尽快适应新环境)is of great help to your success. ( adjust )26.

27、 _(对我来说没什么影响)whether you agree or not. ( difference )25. Im very hungry. I _(错过) lunch. (miss)25 Jack _( 深呼吸) and then dived into the water. (breath)25 When would it _(你方便) to come? (convenient)25. People _(都关心) the going up of rice prices and oil prices. (concern)26. A better understanding of envir

28、onment is necessary, as_(愿意) to act. (willingness)27. If I _(懂得多一些的)first aid, I could have helped them.(know) 37. You will find these buildings _(设计建造) in different styles. (design) 38. Only then _(我意识到) its importance. (realize)39. Yet two years _(过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)40. He soon

29、found himself _(和睦相处) his new co-workers. (harmony)41. About 3,000 people, _(他们很多人是) experts from Europe, worked on the project.(score)442. The general manager of our company often represents our company _ (谈判) other companies on business. (talk)43. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ (发明) the

30、 first computer. (invent)44. _ (捉弄) others is something that we should never do . (trick) 45. _ (比较) last year, you have made greater progress in English . (compare)46. Youd better play some music for us to _(跳舞) . (dance) 47. _ (不管他去哪儿),Ill go with him and I dont care what happens. (where)48. These

31、 beautiful flowers should be watered _(每隔一天) . (every) 49. When _ (干杯) someones health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch. (drink)50. The number of people _(邀请参会的) was over fifty, but a number of them were absent for some reasons. (invite)51. He _(通晓) Chinese history. (knowled

32、ge) 52. She wished to spend the holiday simply _(呆在家里听音 乐). (stay)53. Professor, who will win the debate on _(是否应该允许克隆人类)?(allow) 54. _(一样) many others, she applied for a training.( common) 55. He _(现在正忙于) preparing for the coming examination. (engage)56. _(有许多难题要解决),the newly-elected mayor is havin

33、g a hard time. (with)57. I failed in the final examination last term and only when I knew the result _ (我认识到) the importance of studies. (realize)58. We asked Tom and Mary, but _ (两个人都不能) offer a satisfactory explanation. (neither)59. _(他一开窗户),a sparrow flew in. (minute) 60. Henry said he was going to travel with us but he didnt. He _(肯定 改变主意了).(mind)5


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