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1、中考题看 v.-ing 形容词和 v.-ed 形容词请看下面这两道中考题: 1. The story is _and all of us are _ in it.(2011 年贵州省铜仁市)A. interest; interesting B. interesting; interestC. interested; interesting D. interesting; interested2. Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011?Yes, but I think its _. I fell asleep when I saw

2、 it.(2011 年广东省)A. exciting B. boring C. bored D. excited分析:上面的两道中考题显然是在考查同学们对 v.-ing 形容词和 v.-ed 形容词用法的掌握情况。答案分别是: 1. D; 2. B。英语中,有一部分动词通过在词尾加上-ing 或-ed 可变成形容词,但通过这两种形式所构成的形容词在意义上是不相同的。本文将对这些动词加以归纳和总结,以帮助同学们准确掌握这两 种形容词的用法。这些动词中常见的就有 amaze、bore、excite、frighten、interest、move、please、relax、surprise、disap

3、point 等。v.-ing 形容词表示事物本身所具有的特点,着重点是“物”性,即一般情况下主语为物,译成汉语为“令人的”,在句中既可作定语,又可作表语;v.-ed 形容词表示人的感觉,着重点是“人”性,即一般情况下主语为人, 译成汉语为“感到 的”,在句中一般只作表语。请看:1. amazing/amazed: amazing 令人惊讶的; amazed 感到惊 讶的。如:It was an amazing finish to an exciting match.一场令 人激动的比赛有这样的结果,惊人得很。He was amazed at all the colors and the bea

4、utiful ofthe fish. 看到这么多色彩斑斓、美丽的鱼,他感到非常惊讶。2. boring/bored: boring 令人厌烦的; bored 感到厌烦 的。如:He spent a boring evening with her. 他陪她度过了一个 百无聊赖的夜晚。The film was so boring that he felt bored. 电影很无 聊,他感到厌烦。3. exciting/excited:exciting 令人兴奋的,令人激动的; excited 兴奋的,激动的。如:The exciting news came from the front. 这个令人

5、激动 的消息来自前线。She was excited to see such a good movie. 看到这么好 的一部影片她感到兴奋。4. frightening/frightened: frightening 惊险的,令人 害怕的; frightened 受惊的,感到害怕的。如:He said he had not read so frightening a detective novel before.他说以前没看到过这么惊险的侦探小说。A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was toofrightened to move. 火车

6、快速驶近,那男孩吓得不敢动了。5. interesting/interested: interesting 有趣的; interested 感兴趣的。如:The story-book is very interesting. 这本故事书很有趣。My classmates are interested in collecting stamps. 我 的同班同学对收藏邮票感兴趣。6. moving/moved: moving 令人感动的,动人的; moved 感 动的。如:This is a moving film and we all like seeing it. 这 是一部动人的电影,我们都

7、喜欢看。We were moved by what she had said. 她说的话让我们感 动不已。7. pleasing/pleased: pleasing 使人愉快的,快活的,惹 人喜欢的; pleased 欣喜的,满意的。如:The news is pleasing. 这消息令人高兴。We were very pleased that we had won the match. 赢得 比赛我们非常高兴。The boss is pleased with what we have done. 老板对我 们干的活很满意。【友情提示】当 pleasing 用于人时,常常有“此人主观去讨好别

8、人”的 含义,或表示人标致的外表。如:We met a waiter with pleasing manners. 我们遇到了个 态度讨人喜欢的侍者。He spoke in a pleasing voice. 他说话声音悦耳。She has a pleasing figure. 她有着优美的体形。8. relaxing/relaxed: relaxing 令人放松的,轻松愉悦的; relaxed 感到放松的。如:I like those relaxing country songs. 我喜欢那些令人 放松的乡村音乐。I felt relaxed after the competition. 在

9、比赛之后,我 感到很放松。9. surprising/surprised:surprising 惊人的; surprised 感到惊奇的。如:Your success is surprising 你们的成功使人吃惊。I was surprised at his answer 我对他的回答感到吃惊。10. disappointing/disappointed:disappointing 令人失 望的; disappointed 感到失望的。如:We noticed a disappointing look on her face. 我们注 意到她脸上一种令人失望的表情。Im very disap

10、pointed with my new bike. 我对我的新 自行车感到很失望。【学以致用】用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. That music sounds very _ (relax) to me.2. He seemed very _(surprise) when he heard the news.3. Sam had a _ (disappoint) look when he left. 4. The pet dog is so _ (please).5. Tom, are you _ (interest) in English?6. We were greatly _ by the _ film. (move)7. She feels _ to do the _work. (bore) 8. They are _ at the changes in Hangzhou.H is success is _ to us all.I m _ that you have never heard of him. (amaze)9. Are you _ (excite) about going to America?10. She had a _ (frighten) dream last night.


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