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1、丰台区 20162017 学年度第一学期五年级英语综合试卷(共 3 页第 1 页)学校_班级_ 姓名_ 成绩 _密第一部分 听力理解一、听单词或短语,按听到的顺序用 ABC 给每组图片 排序,将字母标号填入括号。第一组:封线四、听问句,请根据问题选择相应的答语,将字母标号填 入括号。() 25. A. I like science better.B. I like sandwiches better.() 26. A. Sorry I cant. I must stay at home.B. Sorry they cant. They are going by plane.1. (第二组:)

2、2. ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) 27. A. Its jiaozi.B. Its rugby.() 28. A. We are going to leave at 7:30. B. We are from Toronto in Canada.4. () 5. ( ) 6. ( )第三组:7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( )二、听句子,按听到句子的顺序,用ABC 给下列图排序。 将字母标号填入括号。( ) 29. A. We like donuts better.B. We are good at ice sports.( ) 30. A. I am from New York in t

3、he U.S.A.B. Its in Europe.五、看图,听短文,选择与人名相联系的图片,将字母标 号填入括号。第一组:31. Yangyang()32. Sara()第一组:33. Lingling()34. Mike()10. () 11. ( ) 12. ( )A.B.C.D.第二组:13. (第三组:第二组:) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 35. Dingding ( ) 36. Mingming ( )37. LilyA.(B.) 38. BillyC.(D.)16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 三、听对话,判断正误。符合对话内容的画“”,不符 合对话内容的画 “

4、” 。19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21. ( )六、听短文。根据听到的内容选择合适的选项。将字母标 号写在相应的横线上。Name: MingmingCountry: 39.Hobbies: playing 40.39. A. China40. A. volleyballB. CanadaB. baseballC. JapanC. basketball22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( )丰台区 20162017 学年度第一学期五年级英语综合试卷(共 3 页第 2 页)学校_班级_姓名 _密封线第二部分 语言知识七、选择与图意相符的词或短语,将字母标号填入括号。九、读短文,选择正确答

5、案,将字母标号填入括号。A. American footballB. tidy my roomA. planeB. the U.S.A C. nameD. visit E. sportC. the Dragon Boat FestivalD. walk the dogMy friend s 59.is Jack. He is fromE. ice hockeyF. baseball60. He comes here by 61. His favouriteG. HalloweenH. volleyball I. Chinese calligraphy62.is American footbal

6、l. He will stay with us for aweek and he is going to 63. Sunday.my grandparents next41. ( ) 42. ( ) 43. ( )44. ( ) 45. ( ) 46. ( )47. ( ) 48. ( ) 49. ( )八、读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图,将字母标号填入括号。A. I will go to Sydney by plane next month.B. I like sandwiches.C. We are going to the Summer Palace by taxi.十、读问句,选择适当

7、的应答语,将字母标号填入括号。 A. It s in the U.K.B. Vegetables.C. I m going to leave at 7:30.D. We are good at swimming.E. Sorry I can t. I must do my homework.( ) 64. What are you good at?( )65.Where isLondon?( )66. Whatis yourfavouritefood?( )67.Wouldyou liketo walkthe dog?( )68. Whattime areyougoing toleave?十一

8、、读句子,从 ABC 中选择最佳选项,将字母标号填入 括号。() 69. Families get together and eat turkey on _.D. We eat yuanxiaoon the Lantern Festival.A. EasterB. Halloween C. ThanksgivingE. My grandma likes cupcakes.() 70. Im going to New York _ tomorrow from Beijing.F. Children have an Easter egg hunt on Easter.A. by plane B.

9、on foot C. by bikeG. My sister likes donuts.( ) 71. _ I open the gift box? Sure.H. The plants are dry.A. CanB. What C. WhereI. The Double Ninth Festival is a holiday for the old people.( ) 72. We eat Chongyang cake on _. A. the Spring FestivalB. the Dragon Boat Festival50. ( ) 51. ( ) 52. ( )C. the

10、Double Ninth Festival( ) 73. She is good at _. She can draw very well. A. singing B. drawing C. dancing( ) 74. Fruits and vegetables are _ food.A. bad B. healthy C. old53. ( )54. ( )55. ( )( ) 75. Ottawa is in the _ of Canada.A. west B. south C. east( ) 76. Donuts or _, which do you like better? A.

11、PE B. cupcakes C. art56. ( )57. ( )58. ( )丰台区 20162017 学年度第一学期五年级英语综合试卷(共 3 页第 3 页)学校_班级_姓名 _密封线十二、读短文,根据短文内容给下列图排序,将字母标号 填入括号。Tidy up TimeLook! The windows are dirty. Billys parents will cleanthem in the afternoon. Billy should tidy his bedroom. Heshould water the plants. And he should wash his soc

12、ks, too. Their house will soon look clean and tidy.十四、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的“”画,错误的画“”。CanadaCanada is a huge country. It is bigger than China, but ithas a smaller population ( 人口). Not many people live inthe countryside, but many enjoy their summer holidaysthere. Some people have summer houses near lakes an

13、d rivers. Others enjoy camping in national parks. There are thirty-nine national parks in Canada.Winter is long and very cold in most parts of Canada, so Canadians do lots of winter sports. The most popular are ice skating and ice hockey.77. ( ) 78. ( ) 79. ( )() 90. Most people in Canada live in ci

14、ties.) 91. Canadians do lots of winter sports in Canada. ) 92. People in Canada usually stay at home duringthe long winters.80. ( ) 81. ( ) 82. ( ) 第三部分 综合运用十三、读短文,选择正确答案,将答案标号写在括号内。Canada is in North America. Ottawa is thecapital 83. .There is a red maple leaf in the84. of the Canadian national 85.

15、 . Canadians speak both English and French.十五、读短文,选择最佳的答案,将字母标号填入括号。Big BenBig Ben is not the name of a man. Its the name of aclock. Its in London. London is the capital of the U.K.The big clock has four faces. You can read the time on the four faces of Big Ben. Every minute( 分钟) hand is about four

16、meters(米) long. The big clock makes very loudsounds( 大声 ):“ Ding Dong. Ding Dong. ” The clock strikes(敲) every hour.( ) 93. Big Ben is _.A. a busB. a house C. a clockThe United States of America is in 86. America,() 94. _ is the capital of the U.K.too. The capital city is Washington D.C., and it is

17、in theA. London B. New York C. Beijingeast of the country. New York is the 87. city in the( ) 95. The clock strikes every _ minutes.U.S.A. It is also in the east.A. 60 B. 10 C. 30The U.K. is in Europe. Its capital is 88.( ) 96. “Minute hand”means “ _ ” in Chinese.People in both the U.S.A. and the U.

18、K. speak 89. .A. 手B. 分针C. 标志十六、请写一篇不少于四句话的短文,做一个自我介绍。( ) 83. A. city B. home C. country可以包括姓名、年龄、国籍、爱好等。() 84. A. east) 85. A. mapB. westB. flagC. centerC. /97._() 86. A. NorthB. SouthC. West_() 87. A. smallest B. biggestC. /_() 88. A. London B. BeijingC. Paris_( ) 89. A. Chinese B. American C. English


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