Unit 1-人教版七年级英语下册语法专练.docx

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1、一、单项选择中考真题( )1.(2019广东)Dirty air and water are harmful. They _ kill plants,and even people.Acan BcantCshould Dshouldnt( )2.(2019四川凉山 )Laura is _ 11yearold girl. She is good at playing _ guitar.A/;a Ban;/Can;the Da;an( )3.(2019江苏连云港)According to the notice,guests at this hotel _ use the sports center

2、 at no extra cost.Acan BshouldCmust Dneed( )4.(2019四川广元)Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?_I must look after my grandmother.ASorry,I cant BYes,Id love toCLets go( )5.(2018广西柳州)Which coat do you like better,the red one _ the blue one?The blue one.Abut B andCor( )6.(2017四川宜宾)Who is better

3、 _ playing basketball,you or your brother?Aat BinCon( )7.(2017贵州黔西南)Tom is going to play _ soccer and play _ violin this weekend.Aa;the Bthe;/Cthe;the D/;the( )8.(2017河北)I have travelled a lot. I _ speak four languages.Acan BmayCmust Dneed( )9.(2017山东菏泽)My friend Jack can help me _ my Chinese _ the

4、weekend.Awith;on Bwith;inCfor;on D for;in( )10.(2016湖北黄石)What did you do last night ,Bob?First I did my homework,and then I played _ piano for half _ hour. Athe;a B/;anCthe;an Da;the( )11.(2016黑龙江大庆)When you get into trouble ,will you keep trying _ give up?Aor BandCbut Dso( )12.(2015贵州黔西南)Michael us

5、ually plays _ guitar at _ home.Athe;the B a;aCthe;/ D/;the( )13.(2014内蒙古赤峰)Tom,Ill invite you to have _ lunch after playing _violin.Thank you.Aa;the Bthe;theC/;/ D/;the( )14.(2014甘肃平凉)Which do you prefer to use to communicate with your friends,QQ _ MSN?Aand B norCor Dso( )15.(2014湖南永州)_ you tell us

6、a story in English?Certainly!AMust BShouldCCan预测题( )1.Do you play _ piano in your free time?No,I like sports. I often play _ soccer with my friends.A不填;the Bthe;不填Cthe;the Da;a( )2.Do you often play _ piano?Yes. I want to be _ musician like Lang Lang.Athe;a Ba;theCthe;an Dthe;the( )3.Im good _ old p

7、eople and Im good _ playing the guitar ,so I canjoin you to help them.Afor;with Bfor;atCwith;at Dat;for( )4.Can you play the drums _ the piano?I can play the drums.Aand BbutCor Dso( )5.He _ speak English very well although( 尽管) he has studied it for only one year.Amustnt BcantCmust Dcan( )6._ you si

8、ng an English song?Yes,I can.ACan BMayCMust DNeed( )7.Da Shan is _ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _Agood;good Bwell;wellCgood;well Dwell;good( )8.I can _ English a lot,but I cant _ stories in English.Asay;talk Bsay;writeCspeak;tell Dspeak;say( )9.We need _ at the old peoples home. Can you _ u

9、s?Ahelp;help Bto help;helpChelping;help Dhelp;helping( )10.Can you sing this song?_Its difficult for me.AYes,I do BNo,I dontCYes,I can DNo,I cant二、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 110 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项。Jane and John _1_ sister and brother. They _2_ music. Jane can play the piano, but she _3_ play

10、 the violin. John cant play the piano, but he _4_ play the violin. Today they want _5_ a piano to Janes bedroom. _6_ piano is heavy(重的)They cant carry _7_. _8_ parents arent at home, but they _9_ a cousin Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike _10_ them.( )1.A.is BamCare Dbe( )2.A.like Blikes Cliking

11、 Dliked( )3.A.can Bcant Cdoesnt Disnt( )4.A.can Bcant Cdoesnt Ddo( )5.A.carry Bcarrys Cto carry Dcarrying ( )6.A.The BAC/ DAn( )7.A.its BitChe Dhim( )8.A.Janes and John BJane and JohnsC Jane and JohnD Janes and Johns( )9.A.have B having Chas Dhad( )10.A.join BjoinsCto join Djoining中考真题一、15 ACAAC 610 ADAAC 1115 ACDCC预测题15 BACCD 610 ACCAD二、15 CABAC 610 ABBAC


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