高中英语必修二《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》全英文说课稿.docx

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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games说课稿Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :The lesson Im teaching today is from unit 2 Book 2 The Olympic Games. This is the second period, reading comprehension “ An interview”. The students I m teaching are from senior 1 who have great passion for English and ability of using

2、 English in class. They have learnt the new words and phrases in the first period. In this lesson, I will adapt situational , communicative , cooperative and task-based approaches .Here are the major teaching tasks and aims :1. To help Ss learn some useful words, phrases and sentences about Olympics

3、 so that they can use them in their daily life in a proper way and to have a touch of a grammar item-the future passive voice, which is the language focus and difficult point of this period.2. To develop Ss reading , listening and note-taking and speaking skills with activities about Olympics, help

4、Ss find the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympics, which is the important point of this period, and help Ss to understand the structure of an interview in order to conduct an interview in a proper way. This is the ability goal of this lesson.3. To encourage Ss to love sport

5、s, to understand the Olympic spirit “Swifter, Higher and Stronger” and use it to guide their life and study. This is also the moral lesson of this unit.To fulfill the teaching tasks, I will carry out competitions through the whole class using a computer and a projector. The teaching procedures are a

6、s followsStep 1. Leading inI will begin the lesson by playing the theme song of Beijing Olympics “You and me” and ask Ss to talk about their feeling after they hear this song. This is to lead in the topic of Olympics and arouse their interest of this lesson.Step 2. Warming upAt the beginning of the

7、new lesson , the class will be divided into four groups. Then we will begin a a quiz about Olympics .The purpose of this step is to check Ss1knowledge about Olympics and prepare them for the study of the new lesson.(1) How many gold medals did our country win in Beijing Olympics?(2) Who was the firs

8、t gold medal winner in Beijing Olympics and for what event?(3) What are the official mascots for Beijing Olympics?(4) What is the slogan of Beijing Olympics?(5) Where will the 2012 Olympics be held?(6) What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stands for?(7) What are the three words that show the s

9、pirit of the Olympic Games?(8) Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?Step 3. Speaking and anticipatingI will show pictures of some famous athletes of our country and ask Ss to talk about their favourite sports and athletes, then provide Ss with some pictures about the ancient Olympics and ask th

10、em to predict the differences between the ancient and modern Olympics. This step is to improve Ssspeaking skill and make them clear about what they are going to learn in this period.Step 4. Listening and note-takingSs will listen to the recording of the interview twice and meanwhile they should take

11、 notes, which is a very important skill that should be emphasized .In this step, Ss listen for and acquire information. After the first time of listening, Ss are supposed to answer some information questions, such as what is the interview about; after listening twice, Ss are expected to have taken d

12、own notes about some essential aspects of the interview. And finally, with the help of the notes, students should be able to retell the interview with their own words. The purpose of this step is to give the students some language input, develop their note-taking skill, and give them a chance to rep

13、roduce the language input.Step 5. Reading and practisingSs will open their books and read the dialogue in order to fulfill 3 tasks: the first one is to complete a short passage with words and phrases from the interview; the second one is to find out the differences and similarities of the ancient an

14、d modern Olympics. Ss are required to work in groups of four to shout out their answers as2quickly as possible in this task and they will get one point for each correct answer. The third one is to find out how Li Yan talks about the rules for the Olympics . Step by step, students discover and use la

15、nguage under the teacher s guidance. I design one activity for this purpose. In demonstrating the usage of the future passive voice “will be done”, I provide them with a situation where they can make a poster with quite a few rules for London Olympics. This step is to improve Ss reading skill, broad

16、en their knowledge about the ancient and modern Olympics, and help them to understand how to make rules with the help of the future passive voice.DifferencesSeason for theOlympicsAncient Olympics Modern OlympicsAthletes are fromWho are allowedSports/eventsHost cityPrizeSimilarityRules for the Olympi

17、c Games1. Nobody _(allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket.2. Children _ (not allow) to make a noise and upset the competitors. If they do, they _ (take away) from the stadium.3. No animals _ (allow) in the stadium.4. Cheating by athletes _ (not excuse). They _ (tell) to leave and _ (punish)5.

18、No smoking _(allow). If you are discovered, you _(fine).Step 6. Consolidation and application3This is a kind of brainstorming. Ss will discuss in pairs to understand the structure of an interview and then hold an interview in class. Ask one student to act as a reporter, the other acts as an athlete

19、who has just won a gold medal in Beijing Olympics . Some useful sentences will be provided to help Ss to hold the interview. I will give Ss 3 minutes to prepare and then invite several pairs to do their interview in front of the class. After the interview, then comes a whisper game. I will give one

20、piece of paper to the first student of each group, on the paper there is a sentence, which is one aspect of the main idea of the interview, ask Ss to whisper the sentence to the student behind him. When the last student of each group hears the sentence, they must go to the front as quickly as possib

21、le to write down the sentence on the board. Then we will correct the sentences together to see which group is the quickest and makes the fewest mistakes. After correcting all these sentences, Ss will realize these sentences cover the content of the interview, but the order is not right. So they have

22、 to put them into a right order and rearrange these sentences into a logical 5-sentence passage with some conjunctions, such as and, but , because, and so on, which is quite similar to basic writing in the exam. In this game, Ss must speak clearly, listen carefully and write correctly. So the purpos

23、e of this step is to give every student a chance to speak English in class, improve their listening and speaking skills with some fun.(They may use the following sentences to hold an interview.)(1) How did you feel when you knew you got the gold medal ?(2) When did you first take part in the Olympic

24、s?(3) How many gold medals have you got?(4) Will you continue to join in the 2012 London Olympics?(5) What do you usually do in your free time? Step7 . AssessmentI will design a chart to ask Ss to sum up what they have learned and what difficulties they still have in this lesson. In this step, Ss ar

25、e required to assess not only themselves but also others, and we should also conclude which group is the winner of this period and give them a prize.41. Who is the most active in this class?2. Who speaks the most beautiful English ?3. Which group is the winner ?4. I have learned some words and phras

26、es about Olympics, such as _, _, _, _, _, _,_,_.5. I haveknown thedifferencesandsimilaritiesbetweenthe ancientandmodernOlympics.Yes/No6.I have known how to do an interview in English?Yes/No7.I still have difficulties in _.Step 8 AssignmentJust now I began my lesson with Beijing Olympics, so I want t

27、o end my lessonwith it again. Ask Ss to write a composition “What impressed me most in BeijingOlympics”, they can surf the internet to find more information to help them. In this way,Ss will better understand Beijing Olympics and they will be proud of our country. Thisis the moral lesson out of class.Thats all for my presentation, thank you.5


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