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1、牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习(含答案)语法考点:一、形容词副词比较级最高级重点句型归纳句型一:形容词或副词比较级+than He is taller than I am.句型二:less + 形容词的原级 + than 该句型表示“不如、不及”。This computer is less expensive than that one.句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as根据第一个 as 前的动词确定使用形容词还是副词,如果是系动词(如 be,感官动词 look, sound, smell, taste, feel 等),那么就用形容词的原级,如果前面的

2、动词是一般的实义动词,那么就必须用副词的原级修饰动词。 This lesson is as easy as that one. Lucy talks with old people as politely as her sister.特别提醒:asas 之间也可以跟名词,句型如下:as +形容词+ a/an +单数名词+as He is as kind a person as his father. 他和他爸爸一样都是善良的人。 as + many/much+不可数名词/可数名词复数+asI can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能。I ha

3、ve as many books as you do. 我的书和你的一样多。Well give you as much help as we can. 我们将尽我们所能给你帮助。其它几个关于 asas 的句型:as as one can:尽其所能 He began to run as fast as he could.as as possible:尽可能 Please help us as quickly as possible.as soon as一就 He will call me as soon as he comes here.句型四:not as/so +形容词或副词的原级+ as

4、该句型表示“前者不如后者”句型五:the +形容词或副词最高级+ in / of / among +比较范围句型六:one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式one of 有三大考点:1. 后跟形容词最高级;2. 后接可数名词复数形式;3. 作主语时主语为 one,谓语动词用单数形式。One of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long.句型七:比较级+and +比较级 / more and more +多音节词的原级该句型表示“越来越”,如果该形容词比较级构成形式加 er,则用前面的句型;如果该形容词比较级加 more 构成,则用

5、后面的句型。It is getting hotter and hotter. The girl is becoming more and more beautiful.句型八:the +比较级+, the +比较级+该句型意思为“越就越”,表示两种情况同时变化。The more you eat, the fatter you will be.In the test, the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.句型九:be different from该句型没有运用比较级,但也是对两者事物进行比较。注意前后比较需在同类事

6、物中进行。My schoolbag is different from yours.句型十:the same as / the sameas该句型同样没有运用比较级,表示两者之间具有共同特性。注意这里的 as 和 same 为固定搭配,不 能随便变换。I dont want to buy the same things as Amy did.句型十一:比较级+than + any other +名词单数形式Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. (上海在中国这个范围内,所以用 any other)Shanghai is larger t

7、han any city in Jiangsu. (上海不在江苏,所以只需用 any)句型十二:比较级+than + the other +名词复数形式以下三句表达的是同一个意思。Daniel is the most hard-working student in our class.Daniel is more hard-working than any other student in our class.1 / 6牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习(含答案)Daniel is more hard-working than the other students

8、in our class.特别提醒:表示两者(人或物)比较时,比较的对象应是同类事物,不同类的事物之间无法进行比较。 二、形容词副词比较级最高级使用注意事项比较应在同类事物之间进行。误:Your English is better than me.正:Your English is better than mine.比较级前可以有一个表示程度的状语,最常见的三大修饰词是:a little, much, far,even。以下单词也可用来修饰:any, still, a lot, yet, rather。My sister is a little taller than me. Their ho

9、use is much larger than ours.另外,名词短语也可修饰比较级,说明程度。Im three years older than he.特别提醒:very, quite, too 不可修饰比较级。避免重复使用比较级。误:He is more cleverer than his brother. 正:He is cleverer than his brother.比较要符合逻辑,在同一范围内比较时,避免将主语含在比较对象中,这时需使用 other 来排除自身。 比较要遵循前后一致的原则,注意前后呼应。The population of Shanghai is larger t

10、han that of Beijing.It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.序数词通常只修饰最高级。Africa is the second largest continent.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.This is the third most popular song of Michael Jackson.为避免重复,我们通常用 that, those, one, ones 代替前面出现的名词。that 代替可数名词单数和不可数名 词,those

11、 代替可数名词复数。one 既可指人又可指物,只能代替可数名词。The weather in China is different from that in America.The book on the table is more interesting than that(或 the one)on the desk.A box made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.In winter, the weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai.比较级前一般不加冠词。但表示两者中较突

12、出者,且比较级后又有名词或出现了 of the two,这时比较 级前一定要加 the。He is the taller of the two. Of the two jobs,he chose the harder. Which is the younger one, Lily or Lucy? 试比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia? Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of th

13、e two sisters.不含 than 的比较级前可加不定冠词修饰,构成“a/an+比较级+单数可数名词”表示“一个更的人/物”。 Why dont you use a sharper knife? 你为什么不用一把更锋利的刀呢?比较级 than 后应用人称代词的主格,但非正式语体中常用宾格。He is taller than I/me.为避免重复,比较级中同样的动词用助动词 do, does, did 替代。I spend less time doing homework than John does. She tells more funny jokes than we do.基础巩固

14、1. something /anything /nothing(1). Do you have _to say for yourself? Yes, it is this.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing(2). Everyone is here today, _? No, Han Mei isnt here. Shes ill.A. isnt it B. isnt he C. are they D. isnt everyone(3). Theres _with his eyes. Hes OK.A. anything wron

15、g B. wrong something C. nothing wrong D. wrong nothing(4). Everything _to grow when spring comes.A. begin B. begins C. began D. is begin2 / 6牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习(含答案)(5). What about_? Im so hungry.A. anything to eat B. to eat something C. something to eat D. to eat anything(6). We are ask

16、ing _who saw _unusual last night to contact us.A. anyone anything B. someone something C. anyone something D. someone anything2.数词+ more / another+数词Would you like to have two more cakes? =Would you like to have _ _cakes?3. asas & not as/soas(1) This book is as _(有趣)as that one.(2) He can run as_(快)

17、as his friend.(1) Swimming isnt as dangerous as climbing.=Swimming is _ _ than climbing. =Climbing is _ _than swimming.4. needHe needs some money _(buy) the flowers.The broken desk needs _(mend).5. too much /too many /much tooEating _sweet snacks makes her get _ fat.6.true & truly &real &reallya. Id

18、 like to tell us a _story ;b. Its a _diamond necklace.a. Neil Armstrong is the person who made people round the world realize the space exploration was_ possible.a. Its _kind of you to give me so much help.7. have problems with sth. He has many problems _(solve ) the difficult problem?7. adj. & adv.

19、a.形容词修饰名词或用于连系动词后;副词修饰动词和形容词。(连系动词除外)1. Jianhu is a _town at night . They are sitting there _. (安静)2. This is an _question ,I can do it _. (容易)3. The_children look_.Look they are playing _in the playground.(高兴)b.形容词比较级和最高级。(1). The_(many) trees you plant, the_( beautiful) our country will be.(1). Th

20、is one is expensive, Id like a_ (cheap) one.(1). He is_ (tired) than yesterday. (4).He is _(thin) of all.(5).Li Lei is a _ boy in our class. (tall) Li Lei is_ than any other boy in our class. (tall) Li Lei is _than the other boys in our class. (tall)Li Lei is _boy in our class. (tall)(6). The Yellow

21、 River is the second _(long) river in China.(7). His money is _than mine. (少) He made_ mistakes than before. (少) (8).The _(happy) of the two is my good friend.(9).The weather in Jianhu is cold. The weather in Beijing is colder.The weather in Jianhu is_ than_ in Beijing.(10).Of the three subjects, En

22、glish is the most interesting.=English is more interesting than the_ _ subjects.综合练习单项选择:( ) 1. -How long will Philip stay here? - Two _ weeks till he leaves.A. many B. much C. more D. most3 / 6牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习(含答案)( ) 2. -Which of those radios sounds _? -The smallest one.A. good B. w

23、ell C. better D. best( ) 3. Of the two T-shirts, Id choose the _ one to save some money for a book.A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive( ) 4. Simons idea is _ Sandys. They dont agree with each other.A. the same as B. similar to C. as good as D. different from( ) 5. Im much _ th

24、an my two friends, but I jump _ of us three.A. taller; higher B. shorter; higher C. taller; highest D. shorter; highest( ) 6. -Was Henry late for the concert yesterday? -No. He got there even ten minutes _ than us two. A. earlier B. earliest C. later D. latest( ) 7. -Is Lindas home _ away from schoo

25、l than Millies?-Yes, it is. Linda lives two miles away but Millie lives nearby.A. farther B. farthest C. further D. furthest( ) 8. Lily is _ hard-working than any other student in her class.A. much B. more C. most D. the most( ) 9. Im his best friend. I know him well-Probably _ than anyone else.A. l

26、ess B. wider C. better D. deeper( ) 10. -Mark speaks English well, but you _ him.A. speak as badly as B. speak worse than C. dont speak so badly as D. speak much better than ( ) 11. Mrs King kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting.A.heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest( )

27、12. Peter drives _ Amy, so it will take Peter _ time to get to the hotel.A.much faster than; less B. more slowly than; less C. as fast as; more D. as slowly as; more( ) 13. This morning Jack came to school _ than _ student in his class.A.much late; any B. much late; any other C. much later; any D. m

28、uch later; any other( ) 14. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends.A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully( ) 15. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should keep calm and go to an open area as _ as possible.A. slowly B. qu

29、ietly C. widely D. quickly( ) 16. Havent seen you for ages! You are now much _ than I.A.tall B. taller C. tallest( ) 17. -How are you today, Bob? -Im even _ now. I dont think the medicine is good for me.A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier( ) 18. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now s

30、he dances _ Anita does.A. so good as B. as well as C. as good as D. so well as词汇:1. We hope the weather will be fine, but it is getting even _(bad).2. The _(high) you climb, the more beautiful view you will see.3. The girl is a top student in her school. Shell go abroad for _(far) study next month.4

31、. Nancy doesnt go to the club any more, so she has _(much) free time than before.5. The weather today becomes even _(bad). Why not take a raincoat with you?6. If you dont see the doctor at once, youll get even _(ill) later on. (08 泰州)7. -This pair of shoes is too tight. Could I try a pair in a _(big

32、) size?- Of course. Here you are.8. Maggie doesnt think skating is _(和一样有趣) skiing.4 / 6牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习(含答案)9. Of the two coats, Ill choose the _(便宜)onetosavesome money for a book.9. There are more _(sheep) in Australia than in Japan.10. 越来越多的人喜欢通过电话和朋友聊天。_ people enjoy _ their frien

33、ds on the telephone.完形填空Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 21th century place in the new century. But what will the changes be?,because many changes will takeThe population(人口) is 31 fastThere will be more and more people in the world and most of themwill live 32 than before

34、33 will be much smaller and more useful ,and there will be at least one inevery homeAnd computer studies will be one of the important subjects at 34 People will work fewer hours than they did in the 21th century,and they will have more free time for sports, 35 TV and travelingTraveling will be more

35、36 . And many more people will go to other countries for holidaysMore land will be used for building new towns and housesThen there will be less room for cows and sheep,so 37 will be more expensiveMaybe no one will eat it every day, 38 they eat more vegetables and fruitMaybe people will be healthier

36、Work in the future will be 39 ,tooDangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人) 40 of this,many people will not have enough work to doThis will be a problem31Amaking 32A1onger 33ATrains 34Afactory 35AwatchingBgrowingBshorterBCarsBhospitalBseeingCrunningCfasterCComputersCfarmC1ookingDdoingDtall

37、erDHousesDschoolDbuying36AinterestingBconvenient(方便) CexpensiveDdifficult37Afruit Bmilk CmeatDbread38Ainstead 39Adangerous 40AOne 短文填空Bsometimes Cstill Bdifficult Cheavy BSome CBecauseDhoweverDdifferentDAllBill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were on h 67 . They wanted to sail around th

38、e Caribbean Sea in their boat for two weeks.During their trip, they saw many whales. Bill and Simon were very e 68 because they had wanted to see them very much. Unluckily, w 69 they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat.Suddenly, w 70 started coming in, and they knew that

39、 they were in trouble. They q 71jumped into the lifeboat before the boat sank(沉没),and watched it disappear(消失) under the sea.Luckily, they had enough food and water for about twenty d 72 . They also had a fishing line and a machine which could change sea water i 73 drinking water. These two things h

40、elped them to survive( 存活) during their terrible experience.For the next fifty days they caught about ten fish a day and a 74 them for meals. They saw about twentyships, although they waved and shouted when the ships were passing, n 75 saw them. They were becoming5 / 6牛津译林版 8A 形容词副词原级比较级最高级考点梳理和巩固练习

41、(含答案)weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to l 76 hope, a fishing boat saved them. 完形填空31. B36. B32. A37. C33. C38. A34.39.DD35. A40. C短文填空67. holiday72. days68. excited73. into69.74.while/when 70.ate 75.waternobody71. quickly76. loseKeys:单项选择:15 C D B D D 610 A A B C D 1115 B A D D D 1618 B B B词汇 1. worse 2. higher 3. further 4. more 5. worse 6. worse 7. bigger 8. as interesting as 9. cheaper 10. sheep 11. More and more, chatting with6 / 6


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