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1、一、将下面的字母组成单词。1. o, r, o, m _3. s, u, o, h, e _5. e, n, c, a, l _二、连线。Unit 1 单元测试卷2. e, w, n _4. y, t, u, d, s _6. t, e, k, i, h, n, c _(1) bathroomA.(2) bedroomB.(3) living roomC.(4) kitchenD.三、选出下列单词中不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. room B. bathroom( ) 2. A. new B. big( ) 3. A. brother B. Alice( ) 4. A. where B. w

2、hat( ) 5. A. mom B. dad四、单项选择。( ) 1. _ do you watch TV?A. Where B. What( ) 2. I have _ new house.A. an B. a( ) 3. My house is _ very big.A. doesnt B. dont( ) 4. There _ two bedroom.A. are B. is( ) 5. We often watch TV _ the living room.A. on B. under( ) 6. _ house is small.A. We B. TheyC. bedroomC.

3、houseC. sisterC. thisC. beautifulC. WhoC. oneC. notC. amC. inC. Our五、连词成句。1. home it is Whose (?)_2. it is But beautiful (.)_3. is our This house new (.)_4. he in is bathroom the (?)_5. bed the under is He (!)_六、读一读,选一选。A. Take a shower. B. Read a book.C. Have a sleep. D. Watch TV E. Have a snack(1)

4、 Go to the living room.(2) Go to the study.(3) Go to the bathroom.(4) Go to the kitchen.(5) Go to the bedroom._七、根据问句选出答语。( ) (1) Is he in the living room?( ) (2) Where is he?( ) (3) Welcome to my home, Alice!( ) (4) Where are they?( ) (5) This is my new house.A. Oh, its beautiful.A. In the kitchen.B. Thank you.C. Oh, here he is!D. No, he isnt.参考答案一、1. room 2. new 3. house 4. study 5. clean 6. kitchen二、(1)-(4) DABC三、1-5 ACBCC四、1-6 ABCAC C五、1. Whose home is it?2. But it is beautiful.3. This is our new house.4. Is he in the bathroom?5. He is under the bed.六、(1)-(5) DBAEC七、(1)-(5) EDCBA


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