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1、20172018 学年度山东省滕州市鲍沟中学八年级英语上册期末模拟试题(一) 一选择题1We keep _ and it keeps us _Ato swim ; health Bswimming; healthy Cto swim ; healthy Dswimming; health 2The food is _, but I dont have _ to buy.Aenough expensive ; enough money Cexpensive enough ; money enoughBcheap enough ; enough money Denough expensive ;

2、money enough3My father is very tired. , he is still working.ABut BHowever CWhatever DWherever 4One of my favorite programs _ Animal World.Aam Bis Care Ddont 5_my father _ my mother look after me. I love them so much.AEither ,orCNot only ,but alsoBBoth,with DBoth,and6Gina is taller_Lisa.Aas Bthan Cli

3、ke Dof7What do you think ofGotTalent?Fantastic.Its getting_.A. more and more popular B. more popular and more popularC. popularer8- Which of those radios sounds ?- The smallest one.Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest9He even _ a Beijing Opera artist.Awant to be Bwants to be Cwant is Dis want10_do you_sitcoms?

4、I love them.AHow, think of BWhat, like of CWhat, think of DWhat, like11Although Smith and Johnson were members of the same party, most of the time they did not see eye to eye with each other.A互有偏见 C互不相让B看法一致 D见面不理112_ are you going to learn English well?Im going to listen to the tape every day.AWhat

5、 BHow CWho DWhen13The man _ a big tree, but he planted three new ones.Afell down Bturned down Ccut down Dwrote down 14 Do you _ what he said? Yes, I think he told the truth.Aquestion Bbelieve Cimprove Dpromise 15Im busy now.Susan,please help me add _ to the vegetable soup.Athree spoon of salt Cthree

6、 spoons of saltsBthree spoons of salt Dthree spoon of salts16Do you need yogurt to make this kind of food?Yes,but only _.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few 17-Whats Kate doing ? -She is practicing _ the piano every day.Ato play Bplay Cplaying Dplays 18- Can you come to the party? - I m sorry I cant.-Oh,

7、why not? -I have _ homework to do.Amuch too Btoo much Ctoo many Dmany too 19How can I become a famous singer?The first step is.Akeep sing Bto keep to sing Ckeep to singing Dto keep singing 20My mother asked me not to too different clothes.AwearBput on Cdress Ddress up二、完型填空Mr. and Mrs. Moore went to

8、 a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They left their _ outside and went in. Mr. Moorenever gotdrunk(醉的) _, because he was careful(小心的) not to drink too much, _ his friends asked him to drinkmore all the time.During the party, Mrs. Moore found that she _ to bring her bag, so she asked Mr. Moore to

9、 go _ to the carand get it for her. He did so, but on his way back to the hotel gate, he _ a carhorn(喇叭)blow(响) near his own car.He thought someone might be in need of help and went to the car _ the blow. He found a small blackbear(熊)sitting in the car and blowing the horn().When Mr. Moore _ the par

10、ty, he told people about the bear, but of course they did not _ him and thought he2was drunk. When he took them out of the hotel to _ that his story was true, he found that the car with the bear in it wasnt there.21Afriend BkeysCcarDbag22Atomorrow 23Atill24 Ahad25 Athere 26Aheard 27Aby 28Agot to 29A

11、believeBbeforeBuntilBdidnt BaboutBlistenedBofBgot back to Btalk toCagoCorCforgotCoverClookedConCwent toCtellDtodayDalthoughDrememberedDforDsawDwithDback toDcall30Ashow Bfinish Cask Dfind三、阅读单选Mr. Depp is a famous scientist. He likes to make lots of predictions about the future. He says that in 100 y

12、ears somethings will be better than now. For example, we wont have to do the dishes or sweep the floor because well all haverobots in our homes. Also, we wont need to use paper money. Well all use credit cards to buy things. Wellhave morefree time, and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is

13、 now.Maybe some people will spend their vacations on spacestations. However, Mr. Depp says that more things will get worse in the next century. If more people use cars, there willbe more pollution. Also, if there are fewer trees, the air will become dirtier. If pollution gets really bad, maybe peopl

14、e will have to live on Mars( 火星).Mr. Deep says we ll be sorry if pollution becomes worse.31What does Mr.Depp like to do ?A He likes to do research.B He likes to predict the future.C He likes to do the dishes.D He likes to do homework.32What does thee underlined phrase mean ?A信用卡 B会员卡 C打折卡 D社保卡33Wher

15、e will people probably spend their vacations according to Mr. Depp ?AOn Mars. BOn space stations. COn the moon. DOn the sun.34Why will people have to live in Mars ?A Because the pollution gets worse on the earth.B Because it s a better place.C Because they want to live there.D Because it is like the

16、 earth.35Which is NOT true according to the passage?3A Robots will help us do housework.B We should be careful with our environment.C We may travel to space in the future.D All the people will live in Mars.Do you like banana cake ?Do you know how to make it ?The following can help you.What to need3

17、bananas2 eggs2 spoons of baking powder( 发酵粉)1/4 spoon of baking soda( 小苏打)2 cups of flour( 面粉)1/2 spoon of salt2/3 cup of sugar1/3 cup of vegetable oil( 油)What to doMake the oven to 180 .Mix up the flour,baking powder ,baking soda and salt in a large bowl.Add the vegetable oil.Add the sugar a little

18、 at a time ,and beat(搅拌) it.Pour the eggs into the bowl and beat well.Add the bananas a little at a time and beat some more.Pour the mixture into the oven.Bake it for twenty minutes.Get the cake out of the oven ,and cut it into pieces to eat !36We dont need _ to make the banana cake.Aflour Bsugar Ce

19、ggs Dyogurt 37We need _ of salt to make the banana cake.A1/3 cup B2/3 cupC1/4 spoon D1/2 spoon38We have to bake the mixture in the oven for _ minutes.A30 B12 C20 D1839Which is the right order to make the banana cake?1 Add the eggs and the bananas.2 Add the vegetable oil into the bowl.3 Put the mixtu

20、re into the oven.4 Put the flour,baking powder,baking soda and salt into the bowl.A B C D 40Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?4A We need a large bowl to make the banana cake.B To make the banana cake ,we need eight ingredients.C There are seven steps( 步骤) to make the banana

21、 cake.D After adding vegetable oil and sugar,we beat them and the eggs.四、补全对话 7 选 5A : Hey, Amy. 41 B : Hes good at writing stories and he likes it.A : 42B : Yes. Thats his dream.A : 43B : Im going to be a tennis player.A : Really? 44 B : Im going to join the tennis club and practice tennis every da

22、y.A : 45 I hope youll be a great tennis player.B : Thank you.A Well, what do you want to be when you grow up?B What is your brother good at?C When are you going to start?D Is he going to be a writer?A. Sounds like a good plan.B. How are you going to do that?C. Does he dream of being an engineer ?五、用

23、单词的正确形式完成短space , good, see, easy, ride, small, drive, an, pollute, place, future, useA kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the46. People will like this kind of small cars47than the big ones. The car is as48as a bike but it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it49,just like

24、50a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.If everyone51such a car in the future, there will be less52in the air. There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more53 for people to walk in the streets.The little cars of the future will cos

25、t less money to buy. These little cars can go only 65 kilometers54hour, so driving will be safer. The little cars of the future will be fine for going around the city , but they will not be55 for a long trip. 六、中文提示填空56 I want to see a_(牙医)tomorrow morning57 My father is reading a _ ( 杂志)about Mars.

26、58 You should try to eat more fruit and vegetables,_( 较少的)junk food.59 I got 89_( 分数)in the English test.560 Alice is taller_( 比)her sister.61 I did not expect you._( 然而),I am very pleased to see you.七、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。62我认为一个好朋友就像一面镜子。I think a good friend is _ a _.63只要你能来参加我的聚会,我就很高兴。Ill be happy_you

27、 can come to my party.64这辆自行车和那辆不一样。This bike_that one.65你的书包和我的一样。Your schoolbag is_mine.66我妈妈总是帮我把我最好的一面展示出来。My mother always helps me to_the best in me.八、书面表达假设你叫 Tina,昨天是你十四岁的生日。你的父母为你举办了生日派对,很多朋友到你家里为你庆生,你们玩的很开心 请根据以上文字和下面的英文提示词,写一篇 80 词左右的日记。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)提示词:celebratev.庆祝 blow out 吹灭 movie n.电影Saturday, May 8thYesterday was my birthday. _ _6


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