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1、人教版八年级下册第 5-6 单元检测题一、方格里的词你还记得吗?请你在下面找出它们的意思,并把字母编号写在对应的答题卡 上。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)A. storm B.silly C. strange D passage E. cheatF .shine G. brave H. shoot I. icy J. couple( )1. unusual or unexpected, and makes you feel slightly nervous or afraid( )2. gives out bright light.( )3. very bad wea

2、ther, with heavy rain, strong winds, and often thunder and lightning( )4. does not show fear in difficult or dangerous situations( )5.foolish, childish, or ridiculous( )6. do not obey a set of rules, deprive somebody of something by deceit( )7. a section of text;a way through or along which someone

3、or something may pass( )8. a pair of people who live together( )9. Very cold, has ice on it( )10. fire a bullet from a weapon such as a gun二、单项选择 (本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. 1. Long long ago, there was _emperor in _Europe.A. a, a B. an, an C. a, / D. an,

4、/( )2.The news on TV _ that the ISIS terrorists killed at least 129 people in Paris.Areported Brealized Creturned Drefused( )3. -Will you please tell her about the news?-Sure, Ill tell her about it as soon as she _ back.A. come B. will come C. came D. comes( )4When we went in,we saw Tina sitting on

5、the floor _ the wall and crying alone.Aabout Bover Cagainst Dwith( )5_ we came back to school, Dale was playing the violin.A. When B. While C. Until D. After( )6I was late for school because my alarm didnt _Ago off Bgo out Cgo back Dgo away( )7. The old photo reminds me _ my childhood.A. for B. with

6、 C. to D. of( )8. We are trying to _our country _a more beautiful country.A. compare, with B. compare, to C. turn, into D. look, after( )9. We were so _by the girls story that we couldnt stop _.A. move, to cry B. move, crying C. moved, to cry D. moved, crying( )10You dropped the litter here. Would y

7、ou mind _?Ato pick up Bpicking it up Cto pick it up Dpicking up it( )11. Tom wont go to the zoo tomorrow unless he _homework this afternoon.A. finish B. finishing C. finishes D. will finish( )12When I walked past the classroom,I saw some students _ in it.Aread Breading Cto read Dto reading( )13. The

8、y went to Shanghai _the first time _October, 2002.A. at, in B. at, on C. for, in D. for, on( )14.- Could you please tell me _? -Theyre over there.A. where are the restrooms B. where were the restroomsC. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were( )15. I think Song Zuying has a good _. I lik

9、e her songs.A. sound B. voice C. noise D. news三、完形填空 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in China. His name was Ma Liang. He loved to1, but he didnt have a brush. He was too2 to buy one. He often used sticks to drawpictures on t

10、he ground. He said to himself, “ ground with 4.”3I have a brush, I dont need to draw on theOne night, when Ma Liang was asleep, he had a dream. In his dream, he 5 an old man. The old man gave him a magic 6 . The old man said to Ma Liang, “I give you a magic brush. You can use it to help the poor in

11、your village.”The next morning, when he 7 , he found a real brush in his hands. Ma Liang felt very8 . He went to the village and decided to help thevillagers. Some villagers said, “There hasbeen a drought (干旱) and our crops (庄稼) are dying.” Ma Liang took outthe magic 9 anddrew some 10 . Then it bega

12、n to rain. The villagers said thanks to Ma Liang.( )1. A. run B. jumpC. draw D. dance( )2. A. smallB. poorC. old D. new( )3. A. BecauseB. If C. However D. Before( )4. A. flowers B. grassC. sticks D. pens( )5. A. foundB. metC. talked D. spoke( )6. A. pen B. pencilC. brush D. stick( )7. A. stayed up B

13、. woke up C. put up D. cleaned up( )8. A. interesting B. interested C. exciting D. excited( )9. A. hand B. picture C. brush D. book( )10. A. snow B. wind C. sun D. cloud四、阅读理解 (本大题共 AB 两个文段,其中 A 文段 10 分,B 文段 5 分,满分 15 分)( A )The world is in great need of fresh water. About 97% of water on Earth is s

14、alt water. Man can only drink or use the rest which comes from rivers ,lakes and the underground. The number of people in the world is becoming larger and larger ,so we need more and more fresh water. Now water shortage ( 短缺) becomes a big problem. And people are trying their best to find more ways

15、to get fresh water.Then what can we do about it ?Scientists have found some ways to turn salt water into fresh water. One important way is to boil ( 煮沸) sea water at a high temperature. In this way ,we canmake a lot of fresh water. But it often costs too much. And heating is not the only way to get

16、fresh water.People also have other ways,such as digging deep wells (井),keeping rainwater and protecting rivers from being polluted.Which way is better?I think to get the most fresh water with the least money is the best. And most importantly,everyone should take part in saving water. And its not dif

17、ficult. We should just try not to waste any water in our everyday life.1 The fresh water people can drink comes from the following places EXCEPT(除了) _ Athe sea Brivers Cthe underground Dlakes2 How many ways can we have to get fresh water according to the passage?_AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour.3From this

18、 passage,we know that _Aits easy to get fresh water Bfresh water can be used in many waysCfresh water can be found in many factories Dwe need more and more fresh water4Which of the following is TRUE?_A Water shortage is the only problem in our world.B Its cheap to get fresh water by heating.C Scient

19、ists dont want to spend money solving the water shortage.D Everyone should help to save water in the daily life.5Whats the main idea of the passage?_AThe ways to get fresh water. BHow to use fresh water in our daily life.CSalt water is also important DThe cost of the fresh water.( B )配对阅读:根据下表左栏的 5

20、个人物的信息,从右栏的 7 个问题解决办法中选出与其相匹配 的选项,有两项是多余的选项。( )6. Allen is interested in the UFO. He wants to learn more about the UFO.( )7. Danny can play the guitar very well but last week his guitar was broken.( )8. David has a bad headache but he doesnt want to see the doctor.( )9. Rita is busy writing a book a

21、t home but her neighbors baby cries all day. She is looking for a quiet place to move to.( )10.Jack cant learn math well and he is worried. He needs a teachers advice.A. Dr Pollens Hotline(热线)You neednt go to the doctors clinic(诊所). You can call Dr. Pollens hotline and talk to her if you have any tr

22、ouble.B. Instrument(乐器) ShopWelcome to our shop and choose an instrument for yourself. 20% off the prices now.C. Dr. Solens TalkDr. Solen will give a talk about the UFO next week.D. Miss Chens MailboxIf you have any study problems, you can write them down and send them to . Im glad to help you.E. Mi

23、crosoft CompanyWe need 10 computer engineers( 工 程 师 ). Call us at 156478962.F. Picture ShowThere will be a picture show in the Art Museum.G. Blue Lake ApartmentIt is far from downtown. It is very quiet. 100 dollars a month. Tel:8888888.五、根据各题括号内的中文,结合句子的要求,写出正确形式的单词,每空一词。(本大题 共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分

24、)1. There are ten _(段落) in this book and the 8th one is the most difficult. 2.Then a _(奇怪的)thing happened.3. The emperor was so _(愚蠢的).4 We all know that the sun _(升起) in the east and sets in the west.5 Our team _ (打败)other teams in the soccer game yesterday.6 It is raining _(大量的)Youd better stay at

25、 home and do some reading.4. Please put your _(物品)away.5. He knew the _(事实)at last.9The workers came and took the _ (倒下的) tree away from the road.10. Dont _(欺骗)your parents.六、A. 请把下面的短语或词组翻译成英语。(本题共 4 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 6 分) 1. 一团糟_ 2. 接电话_3. 从前_ 4. 有点儿_B. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(本题共 3 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 9 分)1聚会之后我们把所有

26、的装饰物都拆下来。We _ _ all the decorations after the party.2. 花木兰代父从军。HuaMulan joined the army _ _her father.3父母的爱像阳光般,于无声无息中温暖了我们。Parents love is like the sunlight to warm us _ _七、看图短文填空:阅读短文,根据短文内容及图示,在每个空格上填上一个形式正确、意 思相符的单词。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.分,满分 10 分)Mac Macpherson, a nine-year-old girl, was (1)_ forwa

27、rd to a trip to Disney World. Her mother promised her the trip (2)_ she could raise $500 for charity (慈善机构).The mother thought it would (3)_ her little girl a few weeks to raise $500. (4)_, to her surprise, Mac did it in just one day!Mac raised money (5)_ drawing portraits (肖像). “At first I wasnt su

28、re how to do it.But then I thought, Oh, maybe I can draw portraits, ” said Mac. “Ive learned to draw (6)_ a long time, so I thought it would work.”(7)_ her parents help, Mac set up a tent and an easel ( 画架) at Eastern Market oneS aturday morning. Though she felt a little shy, she stood up and said i

29、n a loud (8)_, “Do you want a portrait? Its for charity!” Many people stopped by in shock.S hat day Mac drew portraits of 27 people and 3 dogs. She (9)_ about $550. She decided to give the money to Save the Children, a group that helps children in need in 120 countries.Although Mac has earned(赚) her

30、 trip to Disney World, the little girl plans to keep doing something for the poor children. “I like drawing, and it makes me feel good to know I can (10)_ other children,” she said.1. _ 2._3._4._5._6 ._ 7._8._9._10._人教版八年级下册第 5-6 单元检测题一、方格里的词你还记得吗?请你在下面找出它们的意思,并把字母编号写在对应的答题卡 上。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分

31、 10 分)1-5 CFAGB 6-10 EDJIH二、单项选择 (本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1-5 DADDA 6-10 ADCDB 11-15 CBDCB三、完形填空 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1-5 CBBCB 6-10 CBDCD四、 阅读理解 (本大题共 AB 两个文段,其中 A 文段 10 分,B 文段 5 分,满分 15 分) A) 1-5 ADDDA B) 6-10 CBA

32、GD五、 根据各题括号内的中文,结合句子的要求,写出正确形式的单词,每空一词。(本大题 共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)1. passages 2.strange 3. foolish 4. rises 5. beat 6. heavily7. objects 8. fact 9. fallen 10. cheat六、A. 请把下面的短语或词组翻译成英语。(本题共 4 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 6 分) 1. make a chess 2. answer the telephone 3. once upon a time 4. a bitB. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(本题共 3 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 9 分)1. took down 2. instead of 3. in silence七、看图短文填空:阅读短文,根据短文内容及图示,在每个空格上填上一个形式正确、意 思相符的单词。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.分,满分 10 分)1.looking 2.if 3.take 4.However 5.by 6.for 7.With 8.voice 9.raised 10.help


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