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1、七年级下册 Unit4 Dont eat in class!导学案Section A 1 总第 1 课时课型:New 课时:1【学习目标】1、 掌握 10 个单词:rule arrive be on time hallway hall dining listen listen to fight sorry outside2、 掌握并灵活运用句型:What are the rules ?Dont do sth. We can(not) do sth We must do/be【学习重难点】1. 祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式2. 句型:What are the rules ? Dont do sth

2、.We can(not) do sth We must do/be)【预习指导】一、课本预习:(一)熟读 1a 并根据图中的信息填空(二)预习效果检查。写出并读出下列单词和短语:1.校规 school rules 2.迟到 be/arrive late for3. 听音乐 listen to music 4.和他打架(have a) fight with him 5. 在走廊里 in the hallways 6.在课堂上 in class7.准时(be on time) 8.在教室里 in the classroom预习课本 p19, 找出其中的短语和重要句型1、 不要在走廊里跑 Dont

3、run in the hallways1、 不要上课迟到 Dont arrive late for class2、 不要在教室里吃东西 Dont eat in the classroom1、 不要在教室里听音乐 Dont listen to music in the classroom 5、 不要打架 Dont fight3.)祈使句的否定形式多以 do not(常缩写成 dont)开头,再加上动词原 形。如:别看电视!Dont watch TV!别打架!Dont fight! 不要说话!Dont speak!学习成果展示一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)1 Dont arriv

4、e(not arrive) late for Lucys birthday party.2 Dont eat (eat)in your bed,Emily.3 Our school has a lot of rules (rule)4 We must listen (listen) to the teacher in class.5 They cant talk (talk)in the library.二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)On time,listen to music,fight with,be late for,dining hall6 Susan,do

5、nt be late for class.7 Mary usually listen to music after school.8 We must eat lunch in the dining hall 9 Dont fight with your classmates.10 The party is at half past six. Please be on time.三、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词或短语。(52 分10 分)11 Some desks are in the hallways (走廊)12 There are three dining halls (餐厅) in our

6、 school.13 Im sorry (抱歉的) that you cant come in.14 What are the rules (规则) in your school?15 When does the bus arrive (到达)?6、你校的规则是什么?What are the rules?四、单项选择。(53 分15 分) 16Dont _B_ late for school.【合作探究】 语法(祈使句)1. )含义:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召或者劝告等的句子, 这类句子的主语常是第二人称 you,也就是听话者,因而 you 常省去2. )注意:祈使句的开头是动词原

7、形。如: 过来!Come here! 快起床!Get up quickly!Ais Bbe Carrives Dwas 17Linda has to _C_ home before 6:00 pm. Agets to Breach to Carrive Darrive at 18We dont like Tom because he often _A_ with us.Afights Bruns Clistens Dplays19Please dont run in the classroom._D_AOK,thank you BYes,please notCNot at all DSorry

8、,I wont20As students,we must go to school _C_Ain time Bsome time Con time Dfor time 课后作业一、根据汉语意思完成句子。1、我们必须准时到校。We must get to school on time .2、不要在走廊上奔跑。Don t run in the hallways.3、听音乐能使我们放松。Listen to music can make us relaxed.4、汤姆经常和他的弟弟打架。Tom usually fights with his brother.2. 学习情态动词 can/must/hav

9、e to 谈论学校的规章制度. 【学习重难点】1. 词组:first day, a lot of, music player, school uniform2. 运用 can/ cant 来谈论学校里可以做与不可以做的事。 3. 情态动词 must 与 have to 的区别【预习指导】一、自我预习:熟读 2a 并完成填空,熟读并翻译 2e 和 grammar focus 二、预习效果检查。写出下列词组。1. 在外面听音乐 listen to music outside2. 在音乐室 听音乐 listen to music in the music room 3.在走廊里听音乐 eat in

10、the hallways4. 在教室里吃东西 eat in the classroom5. 在餐厅里吃东西 eat in the dinning hall6. 在外面吃东西 eat outside7. 打扫教室 clean the classroom8. 穿制服 wear a uniform 9.穿运动鞋 wear sports shoes 默写 1a 校规5、我弟弟上学从不迟到。My brother never arrives latefor school.1. 不准在走廊追逐。Dont play in the hallways 2.不准在教室吃零食。Dont eat in the clas

11、sroom二、单项选项( B )1.Dont_ the rules next time.A.keep B.break C.breaking D.Keeping( B ) 2.-_ late for school again. -Sorry,I wontA.Dont B.Dont be C.Not D.Not( D ) 3._ music in the classroom.A. Dont hear B. Cant hear C. Dont listen D.Dont listen to 七年级下册 Unit4 Dont eat in class!导学案Section A 2 总第 2 课时课型:

12、New 课时:2【学习目标】1、掌握本节课的 6 个单词几个短语3.不能在教室里听音乐 Dont listen to music in the classroom 4.不能打架斗殴。Dont fight【合作探究】情态动词 have to 的用法,意思是必须、不得不,它侧重于客观上的必要和外 界的权威。not have to 意思是“不必”与其他如:翻译下列句子。We have to wear a uniform in the school.我们必须在学校穿校服He has to wear a uniform in the school. 他必须在学校穿校服Does Emily have to

13、 do her homework after school?放学后艾米丽必须做作业吗?We dont have to wear a uniform in the school. 我们在学校不用穿校服 (1)结构:主语 has/haveto 动词原形(一般现在时,主语是第三 人称单数时,用 has ;句子是过去时,用 had .)(2)否定形式:主语dont/doesnt have to 动词原形其他(一般现 在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用 doesnt 句子是过去时,用 didnt )(3)疑问句:Do (you 或 we)主语have to 动词原形其他 如强调主观上认为有义务,有必要做某事

14、,要使用 must ,有时两者可互换。如 我们在学校必须努力学习。We must study hard in school.He has to do his homework at school. ( 变成否定句)He doesnt have to do his homework at school.At school,we must clean the classroom.(改为同义句)At school,we have to clean the classroom.At school, we have to clean the blackboard at school. 对( 划线部分提问

15、) What do we have to do at school?学习成果展示一、用方框中词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)wear, outside, play, important, quiet1 I have a new music play2 My grandparents live in a quiet village.3 You can eat outside the classroom.4 We cant wear hats at school.5 Its important for us to eat breakfast.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)6

16、 Dont bring (bring) music players to school.7 Can he wear (wear) a hat at school?8 Its very important to learn (learn) English well.9 Dont watch (not watch) TV at home.10 Dont clean (clean) the room now.三、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53 分15 分)11 You cant listen to music in class,but you can listen to it outside12

17、 We must be quiet in the library.13 Do you have to wear the school uniform at school?14 Tom,please bring your soccer ball to school tomorrow.17Its raining,so we _B_ stay at home.Acan Bmust Cmay Dhave to18We must _C_ school uniforms.Aput on Bin Cwear Ddress19(2014,泰安)I hear you have to get up early e

18、very morning.Right.Its one of the _D_ of my family.Aplans Bjobs Cprograms Drules20_C_ run in the hallways.Sorry.APlease BDo CDont DDoes五、根据汉语意思完成句子。(55 分25 分)21我们必须按时到校。We must arrive at school on time.22你能把你的电子游戏带到学校来吗?Can you bring your computer games to school?23周末迈克经常在外面吃饭。Mike often eat outside

19、 on weekends.24星期天你不必早起。You dont need to get up early on Sundays.25不要在走廊里乱跑。Dont run in the hallways课后作业单项选择。( A )1.The students have to wear _ uniform.A. a B. an C. the D. /( C )2.What rules _ you have to obey ( 服从 )?A. are B. is C. do D. does ( B )3.We _ _ eat in the classroom, because its impolit

20、e ( 不礼貌 ) to the teachers.15Its very important for us to exercise every day.A. canB. cantC. must D. need四、单项选择。(54 分20 分)16Please _B_ some books here for me.Atake Bbring Cgive Dtalk(B) 4.If you arrive late _ school, you must say _ to your teacher. A. for; thanks B. for; sorry C. to; sorry D. in; tha

21、nks(C) 5. Can we hang out (闲逛) in the evening? _.A. Yes, they can B. Yes, we cant C. No, you can D. No, we can ( B )6.Her bike is broken (坏了) . She _ walk to school.A. have to B. has to C. has D. Is( C )7.My mother said to me, “Tom, _ in bed.”A. not read B. doesnt read C. dont read D. not reading( D

22、 )8.Dont listen _ music in the classrooms _ the hallw ays.A. /; And B. /; and C. or; and D. to; or 七年级下册 Unit4 Dont eat in class!导学案Section B 1 总第 3 课时We should keep quiet in the school library.3、学好英语很重要。It is very important learn English well.学习成果展示一、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分) 1Mom asks me to _

23、the windows.2 Dont _ food with too much sugar.3 You can _ _ a hat when you go out.4 Boys and girls,_ _ me carefully in class.5 We have to wear _ _ on school days.课型:New 【学习目标】课时:3二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分) 6Don fight(fight) in the hallways.Sorry,Mrs.Wang.1. 掌握本节课的 6 个词汇。2. 能熟练谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法.【学习重

24、难点】1. 继续学习情态动词 can 表示“许可”的用法2. 短语:go out 外出,see friends 看朋友,do the dishes 洗碗碟 【预习指导】一、 自主预习 p22 内容,完成 1a.一、 预习效果检查请默写下列词组,短语。练习 practice 碟,盘 dishes 脏的 dirty 厨房 kitchen更多的 more 吵闹的 noisy 铺床 make bed外出 go out 见朋友 see friends 清洗餐具 wash dishes打扫我的房间 clean my room 在学校的晚上 on school nights7 There are a lot

25、 of rules (rule) in our school.8 My brother often wears (wear) a blue hat in winter.9 The students have to eat in the dinning (dining)hall in our school. 10Zhang Li doesnt clean (not have to) clean her room every day. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(53 分15 分)11 You cant wear(wear) a hat in class.12 Lets p lay (play)

26、 soccer after school.13 Dont run (run) in the hallways.14 Mom,can you buy a music player (play) for me?15 My sister has (have) to get up early in the morning.四、单项选择。(54 分20 分)16My sister arrives late _ work because of the heavy traffic.练习吉他 practice the guitar 在学校的日子 on school nightsAto BinCfor Dat每

27、个周六 every Saturday晚饭前 before dinner17Can he speak Chinese?_帮妈妈做早餐 help his mom make breakfast 【复习指导】1、我们在学校得穿校服。We have to wear uniforms at school. 2、在学校图书馆我们应保持安静。AYes,he does BYes,he didCYes,he can DYes,he do18She _ have to wash the dishes now. Adont Bnot Cdoesnt Dcant 19_ call me Mimi!Its my cats

28、 name.ANot BDidnt CDoesnt DDont20Do you have to run every morning?Yes, I _Amust Bcan Cmay Dneed五、根据句子内容,选择合适的图片。(54 分20 分)( E)21.You cant ride a bike in the zoo.( D )22.Dont eat in the school library.(A) 23.Please be quiet!(B) 24.You cant take photos here.(C) 25.Dont run in the hallway.六、句型转换。(55 分2

29、5 分)26I can help you.(改为祈使句)Let me help you.27You cant arrive late for school.(改为祈使句)Dont arrive late for school.28Take these books to the classroom.(改为否定句)Dont take these books to the classroom.29They can eat in class.(改为一般疑问句)Can they eat in class?30We have to wear_sports_shoes in PE. classes.(对画线

30、部分提问) What do you have to wear in PE. classes?What do you usually do after class?3、星期天我得练钢琴。On Sunday I have to p lay the piano.4、不要晚上出去。Dont go out at night.5、我每个星期六都打扫我的房间。I always clean my room every Saturday.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She practices speaking (speak) English every day2. Liu Mei is good at d

31、rawing(draw)?3. The little girl helped me find (find) the way to the school yesterday. 4. He is enjoying playing (play) the piano.5. They started (start) the game at 8 last night、单项选择( C)1. Dont arrive late _class.A. for B. to C. In( A )2. Can we eat _class?A. in B. to C. for( A )3. You have to wear

32、 sports shoes _P.E.class.A. for B. to C. on( A )4. Do you have _dining hall in your school?A. a B. an C. The( B )5.We have _school uniforms at school.A. wear B. to wear C. wears D. wearing 七年级下册 Unit4 Dont eat in class?导学案Section B 2 总第 4 课时课型:New课时:4课后作业一根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1、不准在课堂上听 MP3。 Dont listen to M

33、P3 i n class 。 2、放学后你通常做什么?【学习目标】1. 掌握本节课的 15 个单词: make bed dirty kitchen more noisy relax read terrible feel strict be strict (with sb ) remember follow follow the rules luck2. 学习阅读方法,根据问题查找有用信息。3,掌握句型:There are too many rulers !After dinner ,I can not relax either .【学习重难点】1、 掌握文章中的语法点及词组2、 复习行为动词的

34、一般现在时结构:陈述句、一般疑问句及其回答、否 定句。3、 重点训练英语写作能力。【预习指导】一、 课本预习:阅读 2b 文章了解其中反映的信息,熟读文章。二、 预习效果检查。快速阅读 3a,找出下列词组:1.太多的规定 too many rules 2.不得不 have to 3.早餐后 after breakfast 4.在学校期间的晚上 on school nights5. 整理床铺 make bed6. 做作业 do homework7.在周末 on weekends8.看电视 watch TV9.上床睡觉 go to bed10.制订规则 make rules请默写下列词组,短语。如

35、:我们有太多的家庭作业要做。We have too much homework to do. 2. I cant watch TV on school nights. 在学校的晚上我不能看电视1)在上学期间的晚上 on school nights,night 前若有其他词汇修饰,指具体的 某个晚上,应用介词 on。如:在冬天的晚上 on Winter nights在星期天的晚上 on Sunday nights2)若泛指在晚上,则用介词 at.在夜晚 at night如:. 他学习到深夜。He studies late at night.一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)1 Do

36、 you often do the dishes (dish) after dinner?2 The girl usually helps her mother make (make) dinner.3 Dont go (go) out after 10:30 pm.4 You can see your friends (friend) on Sunday.5 Huang Qiang has (have) to clean his room.在外面 outside 穿,戴 wear重要的 important 练习 practice二、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,每词限用一次,有的需要

37、变换形带来 bring 校服 uniform 安静的 quiet 脏的 dirty 更多的 more 吵闹的 noisy放松 relax 阅读 read 讨厌的 terrible 感受 feel厨房 kitchen式。(53 分15 分)make breakfast,do the dishes,go out,practice the guitar,clean the room 6My mother usually does the dishes after dinner in the kitchen.严格的 strict 记住 remember 跟随 follow 保留 keep7June p

38、ractices the guitarin the music club on weekends.学会 learn 铺床 make bed 对某人严格 be strict with sb 【 课内学习】 一、教材处理:1. 自主完成 2a;2. 自由阅读 2b,小组合作完成 2b 和 2c;3. 教师讲解知识点。【合作探究】组内探讨与要点总结1. I have too many rules in my house.在我家有许多规矩1)many 一般修饰 可数名词,表示“许多的”,前面加副词 too,则表示“太多 的”。too many 后要跟可数名词复数。如:她有太多的问题要问。She has

39、 too many questions to ask.2)too much 意为“太多的”但用来修饰不可数名词。8 Bob,I want to go out to play basketball.9 Dale is a tidy boy and he clean the room every day.10 What do you want to eat?Lets make breakfast now.三、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。(53 分15 分)11 Can I go out this evening,Mom?No,you cant.12 I often practice (练习)

40、the piano in the evening.13 My sister cant wash the dishes ,because she is too young.14 We always sing an English song before (在之前)our English class. 15The library is always quiet(安静的)四、单项选择。(54 分20 分)16Look!There are so many people in the park.Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning.6We pract

41、ice playing (play) basketball every day.AinBon Cat Dto7Dont be _noisy (noise) in the library.17I often _ TV _ the evening.Asee;at Bsee;in Cwatch;in Dwatch;at 18We _ see friends or go out on school days.Acant Bhave to Cmust Dhas to19She often _ dinner at home.Ado Bdoes Cmakes Dmake20What do you often

42、 do _ _ dinner?I take a walk.Ain Bon Cafter Devery五、句型转换。(54 分20 分)21 Nick has to practice the piano every day.(改为一般疑问句) Does Nick have to practice the piano every day?22 Does Li Qiang have to eat lunch at school?(作肯定回答) Yes,he does23 Can he go out to see friends on school nights?(作否定回答) No,he _cant

43、24 Tell me a story after dinner.(改为否定句)Dont tell me a story after dinner.25Maria gets to school early every day.(改为同义句)Maria arrives at school early every day.课后作业8 It is terrible (terribly) that she loses her schoolbag.9 Grace cant watch TV before she reads (read) a book after dinner. 10Parents mak

44、e rules to help (help)us.一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(52 分10 分)Walk keep feel learn remember1The old man often walks half an hour in the afternoon. 2I put the fish in the ice box to keep it fresh.3How do you feel today?Very well.4Can you tell me how to learnEnglish well?5Please remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(53 分15 分)


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