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1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 494Part Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.You should write a letter of thanks based on the outline given below in Chinese.在你生病住院期间,同班同学过来看望你,为此你给他们写信来表达你的感激 之情,并告知现状。写作导航1.

2、对同学的探望表示感谢;2.阐述同学的探望对自己带来的帮助;3.表明目前 自己的现状;4.再次表示感谢并落款。Part Reading ComprehensionPassage OneWhen young women were found to make only 82 percent of what their male peers do just one year out of college, many were at a loss to explain it.A ll the traditional reasons put forward to interpret the pay gap

3、that women fall behind when they leave the workforce to raise kids, for example, or that they dont seek as many management rolesfailed to justify this one. These young women didnt have kids yet. And because they were just one year removed from their undergraduate degrees, few of these women yet had

4、,the chance to go after (much less decline) leadership roles.B ut there are other reasons why the pay gap remains so persistent. The first is that no matter how many women may be getting college degrees, the university experience is still an unequal one. The second is that our higher education syste

5、m is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students years on campus.Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place. It is not. Studies

6、 show that while girls do better than boys in high school, they start to trail off during their college years. They enroll in different kinds of classes, tend to major in less rigorous (非常严格的) subjects, and generally head off with less ambitious plans.As a result, its not surprising that even the be

7、st educated young women enter the workplace with a slight disadvantage. Their college experience leaves them somewhat confused, still stumbling (栽倒) over the dilemmas theirgrandmothers generation sought to destroy. Are they supposed to be pretty or smart? Strong or sexy (性感的)? All their lives, today

8、s young women have been pushed to embrace both perfection and passionto pursue science and sports, math and theaterand do it all as well as they possibly can. No wonder they are not negotiating for higher salaries as soon as they get out of school. They are too exhausted, and too scared of failing.2

9、、 Traditionally, it is believed that women earn less than men because _. A. they have failed to take as many rigorous coursesB. they do not feel as fit for management rolesC. they feel obliged to take care of their kids at homeD. they do not exhibit the needed leadership qualities3、 What does the au

10、thor say about Americas higher education system?A. It does not offer specific career counseling to women.B. It does not consider its economic impact on graduates.C. It does not take care of women students special needs.D. It does not encourage women to take rigorous subjects.4、 What does the author

11、say about todays college experience?A. It is different for male and female students.B. It is not the same as that of earlier generations.C. It is more exhausting than most women expect.D. It is not so satisfying to many American students.5、 What does the author say about women students in college?A.

12、 They have no idea how to bring out their best.B. They drop a course when they find it too rigorous.C. They are not as practical as men in choosing courses.D. They dont perform as well as they did in high school.6、 How does the author explain the pay gap between men and women fresh from college?A. W

13、omen are too worn out to be ambitious.B. Women are not ready to take management roles.C. Women are caught between career and family.D. Women are not good at negotiating salaries.Passage TwoWhat makes a group intelligent? You might think a groups IQ would be simply the average intelligence of the gro

14、ups members, or perhaps the intelligence of the teams smartest participant. But researchers who study groups have found that this isnt so.Rather, a groups intelligence emerges from the interactions that go on within the group. A teams intelligence can be measured, and like an individuals IQ score, i

15、t can accurately predict the teams performance on a wide variety of tasks. And just as an individuals intelligence is malleable(可塑的) and expandable, a groups intelligence can also be increased. Here are five suggestions on how to guide the development of smart teams:1. Choose team members carefully.

16、 The smartest groups are composed of people who are good at reading one anothers social cues, according to a study led by Carnegie Mellon University professor Anita Williams Woolley and published in the journal Science.2. Talk about the how. Many members of teams dont like to spend time talking abou

17、t process, preferring to get right down to work but Woolley notes that groups who take the time to discuss how they will work together are ultimately more efficient and effective.3. Share the floor. In the most intelligent teams, found Woolley, members take turns speaking. Participants who dominate

18、the discussion or who hang hack (畏畏缩缩) and dont say much bring down the intelligence of the group. Alex Sandy Pentland, an MIT professor who studies group dynamics (团体动态), has found that in smart teams, members connect directly with one another not just with the team leader and theyre constantly eng

19、aging in back channel or side conversations that supplement the main discussion.4. Foster (培养) informal social connections among members. The smartest teams spend a lot of time communicating outside of formal meetings, says Pentland. He tells of a call center where team members coffee breaks were st

20、aggered (错开的) across the workday. Changing the schedule so that all members had a coffee break at the same time led them to do their work more efficiently and feel more satisfied with their jobs.5. Be open to external influences. In the most successful groups, Pentland discovered, team members regul

21、arly take off on their own to explore and discover. They then bring that information back to the group, stimulating the groups work with flesh insights fro1Tl the world outside the Conference room.7、 Which of the following is true about a groups IQ?A It equals to the IQ score of its smartest member.

22、B It helps increase its participant sintelligence.C It can predict its performance on various tasks.D It makes the interactions between members possible.8、 What does Anita Williams Woolley say about members of intelligent teams? AThey pay attention to discussing work process.B They prefer to get wor

23、k done right away.C They know clearly about every work process.D They are more capable of making use of time.9、 According to Alex Sandy Pentland, the intelligence of a group can be _. Aimproved by its members direct contact with each otherB increased by its members engagement in side conversationsC

24、expanded by the dominator of the group discussionD brought down with the absence of the team leader10、 What does Pentland mean by telling about the story of the call center? ACoffee breaks make members more efficient and satisfied with theirjobs.BInformal social contacts among members establish more

25、 efficient work. CCoffee breaks should be guaranteed to team members across the workday. DTeam leaders formal meetings with members should be cancelled.11、 By Be open to external influences. (Line 1, Para. 7), the author suggests _.A teams absorb new insights from the world out of the officeB teams

26、leaders do not sitting in their office and issue ordersC team members explore and discover all by themselvesD teams accept both good and bad effects brought by other teams Part Translation12、中国梦中华民族历经磨难(trials and tribulations) ,自强不息,从未放弃对美好梦 想的向往和追求。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是近代以来中华民族的夙愿。实现 中国梦,必须弘扬中国精神。用以爱国主义

27、为核心的(patriotism-imbued)民族精神和 以改革创新为核心的时代精神振奋起全民族的“精气神”。实现中国梦,必须凝聚中 国力量。我们要用13亿中国人的智慧和力量,把我们的国家建设好,把我们的民族发 展好。答案:Part Writing1、范文A Letter For GratitudeDear Classmates,First of all, please allow me to say Thank you to all of you. It is very kind of you to spare your valuable time during the period of

28、final examinations and come to see me.Your visit has brought me much confidence and power to overcome the illness. During the first several days in hospital, I felt quite lonely, anxious and frightened. I was almost collapsed by some pessimistic thoughts. But then you shown up, along with your smili

29、ng faces and warm words. Your appearance has made me feel that I am the luckiest person in this wonderful world. Now I regard the illness as nothing but a chance to harden myself. These days my condition has obviously improved thanks to the Careful treatment by the doctorsand nurses. I will probably

30、 get recovered in a couple of weeks. I hope that I can see you earlier.Again, special thanks go to all of you.Sincerely Yours,Li MingPart Reading ComprehensionPassage One2、B第2段第1句破折号中间的内容是人们的传统看法,指出女性挣钱比男性少是因为女性 要离开职场养育孩子,或者是因为女性没有寻求同样多的管理职位,故答案为B)。其 中的do not feel as fit for management roles是对dont s

31、eek as many management roles的同义转述。A)是根据第4段最后一句设置的干扰;C)中的“感觉有义务”在文 中并没有体现;D)在文中找不到依据。3、B第3段第3句指出,美国高等教育体系设计并未重视学生在校学习几年后会得到的经济 成果,故答案为B)。其中的does not consider its economic impact是对is not designed to focus on the economic consequences的同义转述。A)和C)在文中没有提及;D)是 根据第4段最后一句中的tend to major in less rigorous subj

32、ects设置的干扰。 4、A这三句均指出大学经历是不平等的。根据文章可知,这里所说的不平等是指对男学生 和女学生来说,大学经历是不平等的,故答案为A)。其中的different是对unequal的 同义转述。B)是根据最后一段第2句中的still stumbling over设置的干扰;C)是根据 最后一段最后一句中的They are too exhausted设置的干扰;D)在文中没有提及。 5、D第4段第3句指出,研究表明,尽管女孩在高中时表现得比男孩好,但是在大学那几年, 她们的优势开始衰退,故答案为D)。其中的dont perform as well是对trail off的 同义转述。

33、A)和C)在文中没有提及;B)是根据该段最后一句中的tend to major in less rigorous subjects设置的干扰。6、A末段倒数第2句指出,女大学生在刚出校园时并没有就更高薪资进行谈判。最后一句解 释了原因:她们太累了,太害怕失败了。而这同样也是解释男性和女性之间薪酬差距 的原因,故答案为A)。其中的too worn out是对too exhausted的同义转述。B)和C)均 不是刚毕业的女性遇到的问题;D)中的“不善于”在文中得不到体现。Passage Two7、C解析 根据题干中的a groups IQ将本题出处定位于文章前两段。文章第2段第2句提到,团队的智

34、商能够被测量,并且它和个体智商值一样可以 预测团队在完成各种不同任务时的表现。C是对该句的同义转述,其中的various tasks对应文中的a wide variety of tasks。第1段最后一句提到,研究团队的专家发现事 实并非如此,其中的so即指团队的智商仅仅是团队成员智商的平均,或者可能是团队 中最聪明成员的智商,因此团队智商并不等于团队中最聪明成员的智商,故排除A;B “(团队智商)能够帮助提高其成员的智商”原文未提及,故排除;D属于本末倒置,文 中说的是团队智商源于其成员之间的互动,而非团队智商使成员间的互动变成可能, 故D也与原文不符,可排除。8、A解析 根据题干中的Ani

35、ta Williams Woolley将本题出处定位于第3、4段。文中第4段第2句破折号后提到,沃利提醒说,花时间讨论如何一起开展工作的 团队最终会更高效。由此可见,高智商团队的成员会更注重对工作进程的讨论。A中的 work process对应文中的how they will work。B属于反向干扰,喜欢立即开展工作的 团队并不那么高效,故排除B;C和D都属于无中生有,故排除。9、A解析 根据题干中的Alex Sandy Pentland将本题出处定位于第5段第4句。第5段第4句提到,麻省理工学院一位研究团体动态的教授亚历克斯桑迪彭 特兰发现,在聪明的团队中,成员彼此之间直接沟通。由此可见,

36、成员间的直接沟通 能够提高团队智商。A中的direct contact with each other对应文中提到的connect directly with one another。B属于过度推断,side conversations只是成员之间私 下沟通的一种表现,并不一定能提高团队智商;由文中提到的“掌控讨论的人和畏畏 缩缩不怎么发言的人都会降低团队智商”可排除C;D属于无中生有,文中没有提到团 队领导对团队智商的影响,因此也予以排除。10、B解析 根据题干中的Pentland和call center将本题出处定位于第6段第3句。第6段第3句提到,他(即彭特兰)谈到一个客服中心,他们工作

37、时的休息时间是 错开的。后一句提到更改日程表后这个客服中心的变化:他们工作更高效,对工作的 满意程度也更高了。而彭特兰举这个例子的意图可以从上文推知。上一句提到,彭特 兰说,聪明的团队会在正式会议外有大量的交流机会。由此可以推断,彭特兰讲述这 个例子是为了说明团队成员间的非正式交流可以使工作更高效。使团队成员工作更高 效、对工作更满意的不是休息时间,而是利用统一的休息时间进行的非正式交流,故 排除A;C不是彭特兰提及客服中心的意图,也可排除;文中只是说非正式交流很有必 要,但也不意味着正式交流没有必要性,故D的说法过于武断。11、A解析 根据题干将本题出处定位于最后一段。最后一段提到,彭特兰发

38、现,成功团队的成员会经常自己出去探索和发现。然 后给团队带回信息,用会议室之外的新见解来激励团队的工作。由此可以推断,作者 认为团队很有必要从办公室之外的世界获得新见解,因此他建议要以开放的心态接受 外部因素给团队带来的影响。其他三项原文均未提及,予以排除。Part Translation12、China DreamThough the Chinese nation has gone through trials and tribulations, it constantly strives to become stronger and has never given up its pursu

39、it of great dreams. The great renewal of the Chinese nation has been a long-cherisheddream of the Chinese nation since modem times. To realize China dream, we must promote the Chinese spirit. We need to boost the morale of the whole nation with the patriotism-imbued national spirit and call of the time, namely, reform and innovation. To realize China dream, we must pool the strength of the whole country. With the wisdom and strength of the 1.3 billion Chinese, we will make China strong and the Chinese nation prosperous.


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