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1、译林版牛津英语八年级上册第一学期期中考试试卷A. To work there. B. To visit a friend. C. To have a holiday.(总分 100 分考试时间 100 分钟)( )9. Whats the time now?注意事项:1、请将第 I 卷(选择题)的答案填涂到答题卡上,否则无效。 2、请将第 II 卷(非选择题)的所有答案写在答题纸上。第 I 卷 选择题 (共四大题,计 55 分) 一、听力部分 (本题共 20 小题,每题 1 分,共 20 分)A) 根据你所听到的对话选择合适的图片或答案。每段对话读两遍。( )1. Which girl is

2、Mary?A. B. C.A. 7:00. B. 7:15. C. 8:00.( )10. When was Jack born?A. In 1993. B. In 1995. C. In 1997.B) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 12 题。对话读两遍。( ) 11. Who are they?A. A mom and a son. B. A doctor and a patient (病人). C. A teacher and a student.( )12.What are they talking about?A . Where to eat lunch. B. When to

3、 eat lunch. C. What to do on the playground.C)听一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。请根据内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完 成信息记录表。短文读两遍。Some information about MaryLast term She studied at 13 Middle School.This term All her teachers and classmates are nice to her. But she still feels 14 .( )2. Where will we go the coming holiday?

4、TodayIts her15 day at the new school.A. B. C.( )3. What kind of animal are they talking about?A. B. C.( )4. What does the boy often do after school?A. B. C.( ) 13. A. Sunshine B. Star C. Moon( )14. A. excited B. unhappy C. afraid( )15. A. first B. third C. secondD) 听第二篇短文,短文后有 5 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选

5、项中选出正确选项。短 文读两遍。( )16. Why is Eddies father in hospital?A. A motorcycle hit him. B. He was hurt in a bus accident.C. A car hit him when he was walking.( )17. What do the doctors say about his leg?A. It is not too serious. B. It is very serious.C. It doesnt need an operation(手术) at all.( )18. How lon

6、g should Eddies father stay in hospital?A. For one week only. B. For one month. C. For at least two weeks.( )19. What do Eddie and his mother bring him every day?A. Fruit and a newspaper. B. Food and paper C. Snacks and magazines.( )20. What should Eddies father do now?( )5. How long does Tom spend

7、on his hobbies now?A. Feel sorry for himself.B. Follow the doctors words.A. About two hours. B. About half an hour. C. About an hour.( )6. Why didnt the man catch the plane?A. Because he didnt start early. B. Because he didnt know the way to the airport. C. Because the traffic was too heavy.( )7. Ho

8、w often do they have a class meeting?A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Every Wednesday.( )8. Why is the woman going to New York?C. Go home to stay with his family.二、单项选择 (本题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)( ) 21. John is excellent runner. He often comes _ first in the race.A. an; the B. the; the C. a; / D. an

9、; /( )22. Flying to Beijing _ less time than taking the bus but _more money.A. takes; spends B. takes; costs C. costs; costs D. spends; costs( ) 23. Shanghai is bigger than_ in Jiangsu and bigger than _ in China.第 1 页 共 5 页A. any city; any other city B. any city; any cityC. any other city; the other

10、 cities D. any other city; any city( ) 24. Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday? _, Ill be free then.A. Sorry, I cant B. Not at all C. What a pity D. Sure, Id love to( ) 25. You neednt _ those things if you _ them.A. buy; neednt B. to buy; do not need C. buy; do not

11、 need D. to buy; neednt( ) 26Is your mum badly ill?No, _, only a little cold.A. serious anything B. serious nothing C. nothing serious D. anything serious( ) 27. Must I answer the question in English?No, you _. You _ answer it in Chinese.A. dont have to, may B. cant, can C. dont have to, must D. mus

12、tnt, can( ) 28. He thinks English is _ maths,so he doesnt study English hard.A. as important as B. more important than C. less important than D. so important as( ) 29. You look quite tired. Youd better _ arest.A. to stop to have B. stop to have C. stop having D. to stop having( ) 30. People in the U

13、K say “holiday” while people in the USA say _.A. cookie B. store C. movie D. vacation( ) 31. _great time they had_ Qingdao last summer holiday.A. What a; to visit B. What; visiting C. What a; visiting D. How; visiting( ) 32. The weather in Beijing is colder than _ of Nanjing.A. those B. it C. this D

14、. that( ) 33. The number of tigers _ getting _.A. is; smaller and smaller B. are; smaller and smallerC. are; fewer and fewer D. is; fewer and fewer( ) 34. Daniel will come back from Japan tomorrow. I hope _come to our party this weekend“Oh, I hear in the past he always spent all his time 42 and ”“No

15、w,” Jack interrupted him again, “Paul has a big restaurant. At school he had no money to eat beef or chicken. ” This time the priest didn t answer 43_. But Jack was impatient, “ 44 _ dont you say a word? Is Good fair or unfair?”“I think God is fair. Success is a ladder( 梯子). If you always put your t

16、wo 45 in the pockets and stop struggling(奋斗), you cant arrive at the top of success forever.”( ) 36. A. many B. few C. little D. much( ) 37. A. useless B. helpless C. unfair D. unfriendly( ) 38. A. never B. always C. usually D. often( ) 39. A. cheerful B. patient C. hard D. hard-working( ) 40. A. re

17、ading B. speaking C. writing D. hearing( ) 41. A. English B. DIY C. PE D. Chinese( ) 42. A. exercising B. swimming C. playing D. designing( ) 43. A. carefully B. quickly C. slowly D. happily( ) 44. A. How B. When C. Which D. Why( ) 45. A. eyes B. hands C. arms D. legs四、阅读理解(本题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

18、( A )We surveyed 300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:A. him to B. he toC. hellD. he would( ) 35. Dont forget to give my best wishes to your parents. _.A. Yes, I

19、 will B. Yes, I wont.C. Sorry, I will D. No, I wont三、完型填空(本题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Jack was a young man from a very poor family. He worked in a small company and made 36_ money every month. He always felt awful. One day he stood with an old priest( 牧师) in a church. He said, “God is really 37 . Do yo

20、u know John? He is my best classmate. He was the worst student at school. He 38 did his homework after school. But now he is a successful writer.”The priest answered, “Now he is quite 39 . He always keeps on 40 his novels far into the night”Jack interrupted(打断) his words., “Justin is my classmates,

21、too. His body was very weak at school. He was usually in hospital because of his sick legs. He couldn t have 41 lessons at all. But now he has become a popular sports star.”( ) 46. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A. 20. B. 50. C. 60. D. 75.( ) 47. The people of 27-35

22、enjoy _ most.A. watching TV B. going to the moviesC. playing computer games D. taking a walk( ) 48. According to the survey, which two activities do most people enjoy doing?A. Playing computer games and watching TV. B. Watching TV and going to the movies. C. Playing computer games and taking a walk.

23、 D. Going to the movies and taking a walk.第 2 页 共 5 页( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?A. Fewest people like taking a walk.B. The people of 11-18 like taking a walk most.C. 90 people like going to the movies in the 19-26 group.D. The people of 27-35 like playing computer

24、games most.(B)There are many kinds of animals that live in the forest, such as mice, rabbits, squirrels, owls and bears.Animals in the forest depend on( 依靠) one another for food. Many small forest animals, such as mice, eat green plants for food, and then larger animals eat them. This is called a fo

25、od chain(食物链).A food chain begins with the sun. The green plants in the forest use the suns energy( 能源) to make food for themselves. It is called photosynthesis(光合作用).Forest plants produce flowers and seeds. Mice eat the flowers and seeds. The mice get their energy from the plants, and the mice beco

26、me food for a larger animal, such as the hunting hawk. So the energy from the sun passes from the plants to the mice to the hawk. A break in any part of this food chain means some animals may not have enough food to eat.( )50. Photosynthesis takes place when _.A. larger animals eat small animals B.

27、green plants use the suns energy to make food C. forest animals eat the food made by green plants D. the food chain is broken( )51. What is the first link(环节) in a food chain?A. The sun. B. The earth. C. Green plants. D. Forest animals.( )52. Animals sometimes cannot find enough food because _.A. it

28、s cloudy B. there is very little food in a forestC. photosynthesis stops D. there is a break in the food chain(C)Last weekend, our family went to have Christmas dinner in a restaurant. We were the only family with a baby in the restaurant. Suddenly, my baby Erik became excited when we were enjoying

29、our meal. I looked around and saw an old man with old clothes and dirty old shoes. His hair was unwashed. He was smiling at my Erik.“He might hurt my Erik,” I thought. Everyone in the restaurant looked at us and the old man. Then we decided to leave. The old man sat between the door and us.As I walk

30、ed closer to the man, I turned my back. Suddenly, Erik leaned(倾斜) over my arms, reaching with both arms in a babys pick-me-up position(姿势). Before I could stop him, Erik had got away from my arms to the mans. Soon the very old smelly man and my young baby developed a kind of friendship.Erik put his

31、little hand on the mans face, and I saw the old man closed his eyes and tears running down his face. His aged hands held my baby so gently(温柔地). A moment later, the old man opened his eyes, passed me my baby and said,“Thank you, Madam. Youve given me the best Christmas gift.”I cried, with my face bu

32、rning hot. A child saw a soul(灵魂), but a mother saw only a kind of clothes.( )53. The family decided to leave the restaurant because they _.Ahad finished the meal already Bhad some important things to doCthought the food there was bad Dworried about their babys safety( )54. We can learn from the pas

33、sage that Erik _.Ashowed kindness to the old man Bhad seen the old man beforeCwas popular in the restaurant Dwas hurt by the old man( )55. What is the best title of the passage?AA special restaurant BA lovely baby CSoul and clothes D. Parents influence on babies 第 II 卷 非选择题 (共五大题,计 45分)五、词汇 (本题共 15

34、小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)A) 根据句意、中文提示或英文释义写出句中所缺单词。56. He is an _ boy. We all believe what he says.57. Which _(语言) is the most popular? I think its English.56. I dont like the play at all. It was so _(not interesting) that I almost fell asleep.56. Some animals like bears like to sleep _ the winter.57. _(狼)

35、 can hear, see and smell things far away.B) 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。luck ill correct they my61. The Grade 8 students enjoyed _ in the park last Saturday.62. If you answer the question _, I will give you a candy as a gift.61. My cousin Daniels English is better than _.61. When I finally passed the driving tes

36、t, I felt I was the _ person in the world.62. Tom didnt come to school because of his _.C) 用方框内所给动词的适当形式填空。lose plan fly attend watch66. The students _ their trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Lets go and join them67. Mum, with Dad _ TV between 7:00 and 7:30 every evening.68. Who _ kites with you last Sunda

37、y?My friends did.69. Pandas _ their homes if we dont make laws to protect them.70. Sandy advises us _ the meeting instead of going outside.六、句型转换(本题共 5 小题,每空 0.5 分,共 5 分)71. He has to exercise more to keep fit. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to exercise more to keep fit ?72. Tom is not so careful as Daniel. (改为同义句

38、)Daniel is _ _ than Tom.73. You shouldnt climb the rocks. ( 改成祈使句 )_ _ the rocks.74. Dad caught a bad cold last week. (改为否定句)Dad _ _a bad cold last week.第 3 页 共 5 页请案答题上75. I was late because I got up late this morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you late this morning?七、写出下列单词划线部分的音标(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分)76.mean / / 7

39、7.repair / / 78.shy / / 79.helpless / /八、课文填空 (本题共 8 小题,每小题 0.5 分,共 4 分)He once tried to put in a 80 light in his bedroom, but he made a 81 .Then his 82_ house had a power cut. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and 83 the room with water.When Xi Wang

40、was born, she 84 just 100 grams. In the 85 , she drank her mothers milk. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she learned to look after herself. 86 , giant pandas face many problems in the wild. We should take 87_ right away.80._ 81._ 82._ 83._84._

41、85._ 86._ 87._九、短文填空 根据首字母和短文内容写单词,完成短文。(8 小题,每小题 0.5 分,共 4 分) After hearing that the price of the gasoline (汽油) will get high again, some people in Guangdongwent to the gasoline station to b_88_ the gasoline. Here is a story just for fun. Mr. Zhangs home iswhat he hears.So it is hard to say that le

42、arning English is easy. We must do a lot of practice. And practice needs great efforts and takes much time. Good teachers, record, tapes, books, and dictionaries will be helpful, but they cannot do the students work for him.96. How many languages are very important in the world?_97. Which countries

43、use English as the mother tongue?(至少两个例子) _98. What does the writer think of the ads in the newspapers or magazines? _99. Which language is easy to learn?_100. If we want to learn English well, what shall we do?_十一、书面表达 ( 10 分)青少年杂志正在举办以“My best friend”为题的英语征文活动,假如你是 Jack, 请根据下表 中的要点,用英语为该杂志写一篇短文,介绍

44、你的好友 Andy。five kilometers away from his work place. He usually goes to work by b_89_. But last night he基本情况大眼高个,在一混合学校,八年级 3 班;擅长各学科, 最爱物理played computer games till 12 oclock and got up l_90_ this morning. When he went downstairs, he found his bike was broken.Bad luck. He had to ask a rickshaw(人力车)

45、for h_91_.The puller (车夫) of the rickshaw was tired when they got to Mr. Zhangs office. He asked 10 yuan for his work. Mr. Zhang was surprised to h_92_ that. He said. “Isnt it 1 yuan every kilometer?” The puller became unhappy, “Dont you know the price of the gasoline is much higher now?” “But it has n_93_ to do with your work.” Mr. Zhang said. “Nothing? Dont you know I d_94_ my car to work this morning?” the puller shouted. Mr. Zhang, the poor man, p _95_ 10


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