五年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 Lesson 2Don’t shout,please.鲁科版.docx

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1、Unit 2 Good BehaviourLesson 2【教学目标】1 Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the words: put, far, near, to listen, speak, and read the words and phrases: shout, seat, get off.2 Enable the students to listen, speak, read and use the sentences: Dont shout. Dont put your bag on the seat. P

2、lease take my seat.3 Enable the students to use the sentences.4 Cultivate the students civilized behavior in deferent places.【教学重点】Enable the students to use the sentences to talk about how to do in deferent places. 【教学难点】The sentences Dont put your bag on the seat. Please take my seat.【教学方法】Listen

3、to the tape and repeat; Lets chant; practice the dialogue【教学准备】Word cards, teaching pictures, CAI, tape and recorder【教学过程】Greetings and free talk.T1GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: Im fine. Thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thanks.2Free talk.Look at me. (T says and do the actions

4、.)1 / 6SI can sing. I can draw. I can run. What can you do?Can you sing?Can you sing in the library?Can you draw?Can you draw on the wall?Can you run?Can you run on the bus?So we can say:Dont sing in the library.Dont draw on the wall.Dont run on the bus.Lets follow the rules. OK?Ask and answer.Yes,

5、I can.No, I cant.Yes, I can.No, I cant.Yes, I can.No, I cant.OK.Now lets chant.Dont shout in the library.Listen,chant.clap andDont draw on the wall.Dont run on the bus.Lets follow the rules.Can you try?Show me your hands. Lets clap and chant.Claptogether.and chantLead in1Lead in.We know we cant run

6、on the bus. Can we run in classroom?Can we shout in classroom?shoutLook! Shout.Do you know the meaning?2 / 6No. We cant.No. We cant.大声说,喊叫 Practice the word oneLook at the girl. Shes shouting. Can youby one. say something?Yes. This is the title of this lesson.Read the title.Dont shout, please.Practi

7、ce pair by pair.New teaching.Watch and finish.1 Look! Danny is shouting on the bus. Lets say something to him.What else does Danny do on the bus? Lets watch the video and finish thesentences.(1) Dont Shout .(2) Put (3) Take 2 Now lets watch again and answer the questions.(1) Is the zoo far?(2) Where

8、 will they get off ?3 / 6Practice in groups.Dont shout, please.Learn to know themeaning and practice thetwo sentences.Check in groups.Do you know the word far?Do you remember Get on?The opposite of Get on is Get off. Do you know the meaning?The answers.(1) No, its near.(2) Theyll get off at the next

9、 stop.Answer and practice.far-远的上车下车3Listen and read.Listen and repeat.Read by yourself.Read in roles.Practice: Ask andanswer in pairs.Ask and answer.PracticeCan you Talk about the pictures? Group work.Look at the picturesand practice thesentences.Extension1We should follow the rules.As we know, in

10、public we have to follow many rules.2Just like This. Look!Do you know the signs? Can you say something? You can say them with Dont4 / 63What else do you know? Lets talk about. 4Practise in groups.What can you do or what cant you do in classroom? Please talk about in group and make rules in classroom

11、.5 Talk about in class and write your opinions. Then put the them on the boardTipsDont smoke/ swim /run.Group work.Some students try totalk.Group work.6Wow! So many. Lets follow the rules. OK? Lets work together.Good behavior or bad behavior.7 Now look at some pictures about behavior. Can you be a j

12、udge? Lets see which good behavior is or which bad behavior is.7 OK! You did a good jobWhat about your behavior? Please talk about your behavior after class.Talk about.Write them down.Put them on the boardSpeak loudly.5 / 61Talk about your behavior.2 Learn to know Rules in classroom.LetsRead and copy.6 / 6


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