北师大版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Memories Lesson 14 Grandpa's Memories 第二课时教学设计.docx

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1、Unit 5 MemoriesL14 Grandpas Memories Period2教材内容分析:第二课时是一节语言知识教学课,包括词汇的使用和功能句的运用。首先回顾第一课时的学习内容,关注词汇在听力中的含义和用法,以及表达惊喜和兴奋,表达失望和悲伤的功能句。然后通过听力和语音训练,让学生关注语调和功能句的语意功能。最后依据所给的特定情境,运用本课的功能句,表达自 己的心情,同时能根据同伴的描述,给予反馈。教学目标:在本节课学习结束时,学生能够:1、 发现并总结表达惊喜和兴奋、表达失望和悲伤的功能句;2、 运用表达惊喜和兴奋、失望和悲伤的功能句描述所给的特定情境,表达 自己的心情;3、 依

2、据同伴的描述,给予反馈。教学过程:教学活动设计意图互 动 模式 & 时间VocabularyGet the Ss to read the dialogueIWbetween Linda andher 学生回顾上节课 PWgrandpaand then pay attention to 的对话内容,关 CWthe following sentences with 注划线单词的意 6Step 1underlined words.1.The German planes思和用法,为下often 面的词汇学习做Lead-inbombed the cities at night. 2. That woul

3、d be scary.3. His building was hit by a bomb.4. He said they were expecting it. 5. That was lucky.6. Luckily no one in the family was hurt.7. Later, he moved to the UnitedStates and married yourgreat-grandma. Get the Ss to translate thesentences and the underlinedwordsinto Chinese in groups.铺垫。Compl

4、ete the sentences with the 处理本课的重点 IWStep 2Vocabulary in usecorrect form of the words. (Activity 词汇 5)bomb, scary, expect, luckily, move expect to do sthCW2FunctionRead the dialogue again and fill IWin the blanks.Then check the 借助听力内容, PWanswers. (Activity 6)Wow, you look so young! / Is it? / He did

5、?让 学 生 通 过 观 CW察、体验,学习 12有关感叹与失望StepKeyOh, no! That would be scary. / That 的功能句。 was lucky. / Thats so sad! / That3 s good. Get the Ss to observe theseexpressio sentences and find them what thens sentences are expressing.Expressing surprise or excitement通过听力、语音 IWExpressingsadnessdisappointment or 练

6、习,让学生在 CW听力中体会感叹 5Deal with Pronunciation: Tone of 与 失 望 的 功 能voice and meaning. (Activity 9)句。 Have the Ss finish WbP109 Listening A&B Get the Ss to choose the bestexpression to complete theconversation. (Activity 7)Sentences in useAsk Ss to talk about emotionsand explain how one feels in pairs.Eg:

7、 A: You look excited today. What happened?B: My mum told me that I couldtake a trip alone during myvacation. Now I am thinking where I should go.Then ask them to practicePWCW15S tep 4T alkaboutemotionsaccording to theExample and the tables.学生运用所学功能句进行同伴问答练习,帮助学生能熟练运用功能句表达自己的You seem to be very happy

8、. You look nervous.You look sad.You are excited.You seem very angry.You look puzzled.You look surprised.You look frightened.心情。using keyexpressioYou seem to be disappointed.nspairsinMy teacher told me that. I dont know.I cant understand.I think.I dont remember.I forgot.I hope.Write the situations on

9、 cards andget the Ss to choose and role-paly it. (Activity 8)Situations1. You lost something and found it later. 2. You won a prize or competition.3. You had an exciting trip or holiday. 4. You were sad or unhappy.学生通过抽取卡片的形式,进行问答练习,给他们提供更多的练习机会。Homework:Make a new dialogue using the key expressions in pairs, then share it in the next class.Finish off WB P110


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