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1、9A Unit6 TV programmes 单元测试卷班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分: _一、单项填空(每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)( )1. The lazy boy _ go to school_ 9 oclock yesterday morning.A. didnt; when B. doesnt; untilC. wont; when D. didnt; until( )2. The blackboard_ everyday.So it is. Its our duty to keep it clean.A. was cleaned B. cleansC. is cleaning D.

2、 is cleaned( )3. The action _ film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.A. 100-minutes B. 100-minuteC. 100 minute D. 100 minutes( )4. _ Millie was in the USA, she learned more about the history of it.A. When B. As C. While D. Since( )5. _ Simon gets home late? he will miss the beginn

3、ing of his I favourite cartoon. A. If B. Whether C. Before D. Since( )6. _ the weather report says it is going to rain ,you won t have to take an umbrella with you.A. If B. Whenever C. Unless D. Before( )7. _people are waiting in line._them is about three hundred.A. A number of ; A number of B. The

4、number of;A number ofC. The number of;The number of D. A number of ; The number of( )8. The dog _for two months. Its _ made us very sad.A. has been dead; died B. died; deadC. has been dead; death D. died; death( )9. Some men _ police uniforms are searching for the murderer in the forest.A. with B. o

5、n C. in D. by( )10. Millions of people _cancer from all over the world every year.A. die away B. die out C. die of D. die upon( )11. Graveyard Midnight is a _.A. drama series B.cartoon C.documentary D.horror film( )12. Can you imagine _ I want to see my daughter again? She has been abroad for 3 year

6、s.A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how much( )13. Can you help me _who broke the window?A. find out B. look for C. find D. look( )14. I like many kinds of sports, _swimming, basketball and running.A. the same as B. for exampleC. such as D. as an example( )15. There was _ people in the hall _

7、it was too noisy.A. so many; that B. too much; thatC. so much; that D. too many; that二、完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)C reativity is the key to a bright future. Here is _1_schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.D rew worked for a company in 1925. At work he invented a kind of

8、material _2_enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Drew didnt stop and finally, using his own time,made a kind of tape,which now is used everywhere by many people. And his company learned from its _3_.Now the company asks its workers to _4_ 15 percent

9、 of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas.Creativity is not something one is just born with. A person with high intelligence does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of _5_ your intelligence to think of new ideas that are good for something.We know th

10、at many schools have tried to develop students creativity, but some teachers only want to develop students reading, writing and math skills, and have to _6_ creativity for correct answers. Children from such schools can give correct answers, but they are unable to use _7_ to work out problems.It is

11、important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should learn to make decisions and understand their _8_. Even though its choosing between two kinds of food _9_ lunch,decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use

12、 their time or spend their money, but not help too much if they make the wrong decision. The child may have a _10_ time, but that is all right.( )1. A. when B. where C. how D. what( )2. A. thick B. wide C. light D. strong( )3. A. effect B. thought C. suggestion D. mistake( )4. A. take B. cost C. spe

13、nd D. pay( )5. A. finding B. using C. taking D. improving( )6. A. grow up B. catch up C. give up D. hurry up( )7. A. it B. them C. that D. ones( )8. A. meanings B. conversations C. results D. questions( )9. A. with B. to C. of D. for( )10. A. hard B. lucky C. happy D. mad三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AIs r

14、eading better than watching TV? I believe it is. Is reading better than playing video games? I m not so sure if it is. If learning is important to you, but not necessarily so,and if pleasure is what you want ,these activities can be pleasant in their own way, Reading might be better than many activi

15、ties if you want to educate yourself and improve your chances of succeeding in your work. If youre serious about creating the/habit of reading,whats important is finding a time you can read every dayoften thats early morning or late at night,or both. For others, it might be during their lunch break.

16、 You only need to read for 10 to 20 minutes a day to form the habit.Then,you need to find a place thats comfortable. Make sure it has good lighting, the temperature is nice and youre in a good chair. Or you can find some place that you can relax in without falling asleep, although theres nothing wro

17、ng with sleep.Next,be sure to shut off the TV,Internet,cell phone,radio, or other music. Let reading be a quiettime. Mark an “x” on your calendar every day you read, and try to keep your unbroken “x” es going as long as possible. A habit is much easier to form if its something you enjoy, not somethi

18、ng you are made to do. So make the time, you spend reading a joy. Ive been a lifelong reader, so the pleasure of a good book is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to lose myself in the world of a book.( )1. The importance of reading depends on _.A. what youre going to readB. why you want

19、 to readC. where you decide to read D. when you begin to read( )2. If you want to create a habit of reading,the first thing to do is to _. A. ask the writer for some advice B. find a comfortable placeC. make a proper time plan D. mark an “x” on the new calendar ( )3. While you are reading,youd bette

20、r _.A. make sure you are alone B. mark a big “x” in your notebook C. find a good chair with good lighting D. be concentrated and quiet( )4. Reading may become your habit more easily when _.A. it is something you enjoyB. you dont use Internet or cell phonesC. your unbroken“x”es last for a long timeD.

21、 you spend 10 to 20 minutes reading after lunch( )5. Which of the following CANNOT be used to describe the writer?A. He prefers to play video games rather than watch TV.B. He is an old man with the best reading habit.C. He thinks its normal to fall asleep while reading.D. He has done a lot of resear

22、ch on reading.B( )6. A fashion show will last _ on Friday.A. for two hours B. for two and a half hoursC. for three hours D. for three and a half hours( )7. According to the ads, a qualification is needed if a person wants to work _.A. at Zhongshan School of Hotel B. at Zhaoyang Primary SchoolC. at X

23、inhua Supermarket D. at Silver Sea Hotel( )8. Maria has a lot of experience working with children. She wants to get a new job. She may call_.A. 0755-84869855 B. 0755-84889655C. 010-23678893 D. 010-23768893( )9. Mr. White has a restaurant,and he wants to find some new delicious food for his customers

24、. He can go to _.A. Xinhua Supermarket B. Zhongshan School of HotelC. Silver Sea Hotel D. Zhanjiang( )l0. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the four ads?A. Show. B. Fish. C. Music. D. Pay.CGood news! For the coming film festival, there are some promottons(优惠)in Tzmes Cinema. This festival l

25、asts seven days, from Friday, June 20th, 2014 to Thursday, June 26th, 2014. Here is the poster.( )l1. Which movie can you watch on the afternoon of June 24th?A. Frozen B. Captain Amerzca C. Where are we going, Dad? D. Spiderman( )l 2. You can find the following information in the poster except _ _.A

26、. the price of films B. the place of the cinemaC. the time of the film festival D. the phone number of the cinema( )l3. If you want to watch Captain America with your father and your five-year-old brother, you need to pay_ _.A.¥80 B.¥160 C. ¥120 D.¥240( )l4. When can you watch films with 50% off ?A.

27、 On June 20th. B. On June 23rd. C. On June 24th. D. On June 26th.( )l5. Which of the following is TRUE about the poster?A. All the people can be offered a free bottle of soft drink.B. All the people will pay for the tickets during the film festival.C. People will not be allowed to enter the cinema w

28、ithout student ID.D. People without student ID can also enjoy the special price on Tuesday.四、词汇检测(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。1. Some students are having a _ (每周的)test in the classroom.2. _ (幸运的是),no one was badly hurt in the accident yesterday.3 Its said that the fam6us star Z

29、hang Ziyi will_ (出席).4. Cant you find his report a bit_ (乏味的)?5. As we can,t all agree on this matter,lets _(投票)on it.6. Its_ (傻的)of you to argue with your classmates about some little things.7. She is very young but she can _ (面对)the difficulty with courage.8. Why not come on the picnic? Are you_?9

30、. What do you think of the _ businessman?Though he has a lot money,lie isnt happy at all.10. Lets play computer games after school.It s just a _ of time. We should do some reading instead.五、句子翻译(每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)1.如果下周六有空,我们就去钓鱼。_2.这篇文章不是和那篇一样有趣。_3.你认为这部由李安导演的电影怎么样?_4.在你看了这部纪录片之后,你将会认识到保护野生动物的重要性。_5.

31、什么阻止他们按时到达电影院?_六、书面表达(共 1 题,满分 20 分)假如你是一名中学生,面对琳琅满目的电视节目,你最喜欢的节目是什么呢?以“ My Favourite TV Programme”为题,写一篇 100 左右的短文,同时发表自己对花费时间看电视 的看法。 .My Favorite TV Programme_ _ _ _ _ 参考答案一、 1 一 5 DDBCA 6 一 10 CDCCC 11 一 15 DDACA二、 1 一 5 CDDCB 6 一 10 CBCDA三、 (A) 1 一 5 BCDAB (B) 6 一 10 DACAC (C) 11 一 15 ABCCD四、 1

32、. weekly 2. Luckily 3. attend 4. boring 5. vote 6. silly 7. face 8. scared 9. wealthy 10. waste 五、1. We are going to go fishing if we have time/are free next Saturday.2. This article isnt as interesting as that one.3. What do you think of the film directed by Li An?4. After you watch the documentary

33、, youll realize the importance of protecting wild animals.5. What Stopped/prevented/kept them from getting to/ arriving at/reaching the cinema on time? 六、One possible version:My Favourite TV ProgrammeThere are many different kinds of programmes on TV every day, such as cartoons, cooking programmes.

34、fashion shows, sports, news, and so OA As a middle school student, I like watching sports prpgrammes and documentaries best. I like Sports World best because it covers different spoils such football,basketball,swimming and badminton and there are a number of interesting interviews, of famous players

35、. When they lose, I feel a. little disturbed, but I still like them. So I want to be happy when they are happy and sad when they are sad.I also like the documentaries. which are broadcast on Saturday evening best. Documentaries tellme a lot about nature, history and facts in real life. I can learn more about the past and present. I think it is necessary for us to spend some spare time watching TV every day. Watching TV canhelp us relax and give us some useful information. Its of great value to our life and study. Dagree with me?


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