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1、高中英语阅读理解 ( 社会文化 ) 常见题型及答题技巧及练习题( 含答案 ) 及解析一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1阅读理解The British live on a small island. They are surrounded by thesea, so it is not surprising that the sea has always played an important role intheir lives. After the development of large, ocean- going sailing ships in the fifteenthcentury,

2、 the sea became even more important to the countrys development. Shipssetting sail from England determined to extend Britains territories, its wealthand its knowledge of the world. Ships returned to England bringing goods, peopleand new ideas from foreign places. By the nineteenth century, Britain h

3、ad the largest,most powerful navyin the world.The great sailing ships were so much a part of British life thatthey even affected the language.Many English expressions we use today were originallynautical(航海的 )terms, although mostpeople no longer realize this. For example, people commonlydescribe an

4、honest and fair business deal as being above board. Thisexpression was originally used in sailing ship times when secretive, dishonest shipsbusiness would be carried out below decks (below the boards) out ofpublic view.On the other hand, honest business was always conductedon deck (above theboards),

5、in the open where everyone could see what was going on.Pipe down!,meaning Be quiet!,is anothercommonexpression that has nautical origins.The ships boatswain ( 水手长 ) would blow a whistle, or pipe, at theend of the day to indicate (表明) to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep.Most na

6、tive English speakers have heard the expression notenough room to swing a cat, but few know that the cat does notrefer to a small furry animal with four legs and a tail. The cat isactually a short form of cat of nine tails a whip with nine, knotted( 打结的 ) tails. Aboatswain needed a lot of spacein or

7、der to swing the whip properly when lashing ( 鞭打 ) a poor sailor under his control!( 1) The British have been strongly influenced by the sea because _.A. they occupied more land around the world B. they got more wealth from the sea C. they live on an island surrounded by the sea D. they had the larg

8、est navy ever( 2) If someone is open and above board, it means he is _.A. secretiveB. honestC. cheerfulD. dishonest( 3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sailors need to go to sleep when they hear a whistle.B. Sailors will be whipped if they do business below decks.C. A poor

9、 sailor may be whipped nine times a day.D. There is no spare room to raise cats on ships.(4) What is the main idea of the passage?A. The business on British sailing ships.B. The influence of British sailors language on English.C. The sailing history of England.D. The sailing story of British sailors

10、.【答案】 (1) C( 2) B( 3) A( 4) B【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇 明文,英国作 一个 国,四周 海,海洋在英国人的生活中起着重要的作用。英国曾有着 大的海 。一直以来,水手 常使用的一些航海 丰富并影响着英 言。(1)考 理解。根据第一段中的“They are surrounded by the sea, so it is not surprisingthat t he sea has always played an important role in their lives.可知,英国被海洋 ” ,海 英国人的生活影响很大。故 C。( 2 )考 猜 。根据第二段中的

11、business deal as being “ aboveboard“ peoplecommonlydescribean honestand fair”可知,如果 ”一个 公正的人就会被 是aboveboard 。”故 B。(3)考 理解。根据第三段中的“The shipsboatswain ( 水手 ) would blow a whistle, orpipe, at the end of the day to indicate ( 表明 ) to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep. 可”知船上的水手 会在一天

12、束的 候吹口哨或吹笛子,向水手 表示 安静下来睡 了。故 A。(4)考 主旨大意。第一段介 英国是一个受到海洋影响的国家,四周 海,航海在人 的生活中起着重要的作用。以此引入主 即水手 在航行 使用的一些航海 英 言所 生的影响。故 B。【点 】本 考点涉及 理解, 猜 和主旨大意三个 型的考 ,是一篇文化 ,要求考生在捕捉 信息的基 上, 一步根据上下文的 关系, 行分析,推理,概括和 ,从而 出正确答案。2 理解Some international languages are widely used formany purposes. Some minority languages wil

13、l die out and some nations tend tokeep minority languages. I reckon that most common used internationallanguages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities.On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.There are many languages in the entire world buttwo or t

14、hree minority languages die out each year. Some countries try to savedying languages. For instance, Australian Government created a project to savethe language and culture of Maori who are Australian aborigines. And there areother projects to keep minority languages such as American Indian language.

15、However, the worldwide job market usuallyrequires candidates who can speak English or other international languages.People who cannot speak lingua franca (共通 ) could hardly be promotedat work. For example, some companies need an employee who can deal withforeigncompanies. So most people tend to lear

16、n at least one international languagethat helps them to find a better job.Therefore, world needs one common lingua francathat should be spoken in any country. Consequently, one common language shouldbe a required subject in every school. So anyone speaking one common languagecan travel without worri

17、es to any point of the world and trade their products. Peoplewill not be forced to learn many languages.In conclusion, we should help minority nationsto keep their languages for the cultural diversity. To ease the worldwidecommunication among nations, we should create a common language and provideco

18、urses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.(1) What does the underlined word“reckon ” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Deny.B. Fear.C. Ignore.D. Think.( 2) What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A. Not all minority languages are useful.B. Some minority languages have died out.C. Maori is attra

19、ctive to Australian tourists.D. American Indian language is well preserved.( 3) Why do most people study more international languages?A. It benefits their journey.B. They can earn more money.C. It does good to find a good job.D. They are eager to get promoted.( 4) How can we stay away from language

20、problems?A. By learning a common language.C. By studying more languages at college.【答案】 (1) D( 2) B( 3) C( 4) AB. By wiping out minority languages.D. By communicating more with foreigners.【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,一些国际语言被广泛用于许多目的,多数人学习更多的国际语言是为了找到一份好工作。作者建议通过学习一种共同的语言来解决语言问题。(1)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“Some minority

21、languages will die out and some nationstend to keep minority languages.一些少数”民族语言消亡,一些国家倾向于保持少数民族语言。 ”I reckon that most commonusedinternationallanguages ease our life quality andcommunication with dif ferent nationalities. 我认为”最常用的国际语言缓解我们的生活质量和与不同民族的沟通。由上下文联系推知划线词的意思是“想,认为 ”。故选 D。(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“

22、There are many languages in the entire world but twoor three minority languages die out each year.可知一些少数民”族的语言已经灭绝。故选B。(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“So most people tend to learn at least one internationallanguage that helps them to find a better job.多数人学习更”多的国际语言是为了找到一份好工作。故选C。( 4 )考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Toease thewor

23、ldwidecommunicationamongnations, we should create a common language and provide courses of it. As a result, no one willface a language issue. 可知通过”学习一种共同的语言来解决语言问题。故选A。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解Spending Christmas in a foreign country

24、 can be a truly eye-opening experience, especially sinceits easy to believe that as a worldwide festival, most countries probably celebrate it in a fairlysimilar manner. Being from the UK, Christmas for me means spending time with family andfriends, exchanging presents, eating and drinking, and, of

25、course, hiding from the cold. InColombia, however, Christmas is viewed much more as a time which devotes itself to religion.With celebrations beginning on 7 December, Columbia is recognized as having the longest Christmas celebrations period in the world. The celebrations generally begin in the even

26、ing with the lighting of candles, either in the streets, parks or outside peoples homes. Cities are lit up by candles, as this day marks the beginning of the Christmas period. Although decorations have been up since early November, another tradition in Colombia is that during the nine days before Ch

27、ristmas, family members and friends meet up to pray, sing songs and share traditional foods at home.Probably the biggest surprise for me has been the music people listen to during the Christmas period. At first, you could easily mistake these songs for the classic salsa, which is played all year rou

28、nd. However, after asking a Colombian if it really felt like Christmas music, they explained to me that the songs are loved more for the memories they symbolize than for the way they sound, and that Colombia has been through so many dark periods in history, it was important to hold on to the good me

29、mories of years gone past.Being in a country like Colombia during this festive period has taught me that you dont need to be religious to take part in these Christmas traditions.( 1) Whats the authors opinion of Christmas?( 2) What can we learn about the Christmas music?( 3) What do Colombians do du

30、ring the Christmas celebration period? A.Enjoy traditional foods.B.Go to the church together.C.Learn abut home decorations.D.Have a one-month-long holiday.( 4) Colombians love the songs mainly because _.A.they sound extremely wonderfulB.they express best wishes for the futureC.they represent good me

31、mories of the pastD.they have been passed down for generations【答案】 ( 1) B( 2) B( 3) A( 4) C【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了在哥伦比亚圣诞节的意义及人们的庆祝方式。( 1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ Being from the UK, Christmas for me means spendingtimewith family and friends, exchanging presents, eating and drinking, and, of course, hidingfromt

32、he cold. 可”知在作者眼里,圣诞节意味着与家人和朋友共度时光,交换礼物,吃喝玩乐。圣诞节是团聚的时间不是独处的时间。故选B。( 2)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“ In Colombia, however, Christmas is viewed much moreas a time which devotes itself to religion.可知在哥伦比亚”,圣诞节更多的是作为宗教节日被庆祝的,故选 B。( 3)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“ anothertradition in Colombia is that duringthe ninedays before Chris

33、tmas, family members and friends meet up to pray, sing songs and sharetraditional foods at home.可知在哥”伦比亚,家人和朋友团聚祈祷,唱歌,共享传统食物。故选 A。( 4)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“ the songs are loved more for the memories theysymbolize than for theway they sound, and that Colombia has been through so many darkperiods in history,

34、 it was important to hold on to the good memories of years gone past.可知哥”伦比亚圣诞音乐让人喜爱是因为它们所象征的记忆,是要保持对过去岁月的美好记忆。故选 C。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。4阅读理解BEIJING/SAOPAULO-Chinese traditions like cockfighting like-flying and fireworks have been quite common in Br

35、azil for many years.Despite the thousands of kilometers between them, Chinas historical and artistic mark on Brazil has existed for about 300 years, said Brazilian sinologist (汉学家 ) Jose Roberto Teixeira Leite in his book China in Brazil. Influences from China can date from the colonial period, even

36、up to the time after after Brazils independence. The commercial relationship between the twocountries has existed for a long time, he noted, adding that incoming ships would fill up Brazilian cities like Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and Recife with Chinese products like porcelain ( 瓷器 ), silk and fans H

37、e also found Chinese influence not only in the arts and architecture of Brazil but also in the most diverse areas of Brazilian society, like the economy, medicine and popular culture. At the end of the 19th century, in Pernambuco, (a state in northeastern Brazil), there was a custom that children sl

38、ept with clothes decorated with Chinese dragons. Teixeira added.The book took him about 15 years to finish. The impact of the book surprised me, though itwas published by a university publisher and it had a print run of just 1,000 copies, he said. Some have said that the book represents a turning po

39、int in Chinese studies in Brazil.Besides, the sinologist did research on the mark and presence of China in the architecture and arts of Brazil. It was through art that China awoke in me, first, curiosity, after that, interest, and finally, passion, Teixeira said.In 1992, the sinologist visited Macao

40、 to do research for his doctoral thesis about the marks and presence of China in Brazil, and that trip impressed him a lot. In 2013, Teixeira had a chance to visit the Chinese cities of Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai, and got to know the past and present of the great country culturally, as well as i

41、ts incredible material development.( 1) What does the underlined sentence imply?( 2) What marks a new stage of Chinese studies for Brazilian?( 3) What fired the sinologists passion for Chinese studies?( 4) What is the best title for this passage?A.The Impression of China on Sinologist.B.China and Br

42、azil in Eyes of SinologistC.An Introduction to Sinologists New BookD.The Future of China-Brazil Trade Relations【答案】 ( 1) D( 2) C( 3) A( 4) B【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了巴西汉学家Jose Roberto Teixeira Leite 眼中的中国和巴西。( 1)考查句义猜测。根据第二段中的“ Influences fromChina can date fromthecolonialperiod, ev en up to the time aft

43、er after Brazils independence.可知中国的影响可”以追溯到殖民地时代,甚至到巴西独立之后。从画线句所在的句子“Atthe end of the19th century,inPernambuco,( a state in northeasternBrazil) , there was a custom that children slept withclothes decorated with Chinese dragons可知 19 世纪末,在巴西东北部的一个州,伯南布哥,有一个习俗,孩子们睡在装饰有中国龙的衣服上。因此,划线句子显示的是中国对巴西社会各个领域的影响

44、。故选D。( 2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的 Theimpact of the book surprised me, though it was published by a university publisher and it had a print run of just 1,000 copies,have said th at the book represents a turning point in Chinese studies in Brazil.可知这本书的影响令我吃惊,尽管它是由一家大学出版社出版的,印刷量只有1000 册。有人说这本书代表了巴西中国研究的一个转折点。因此

45、,这本书标志着巴西人的汉语研究进入了一个新的阶段。故选C。( 3)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的 It was through art that China awoke in me, first,curiosity, after that, interest, and finally, passion, Teixeirasaid. 可”知正是通过艺术,中国在我心中觉醒,首先是好奇心,然后是兴趣,最后是激情,特谢拉说。因此,是艺术激发了这位汉学家对中国研究的热情。故选A。( 4)考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知,巴西汉学家Jose Roberto Teixeira Leite 从艺术,商业,经济,医学,文化,建筑等方面介绍了中国对巴西的影响。所以短文的最佳标题为“汉学家眼中的中国和巴西”。故选 B。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,句义猜测和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。5阅读理解Americans gave nearly $300 billion away last year. Do you know the reason? Beyond the noble g


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