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1、名校名 推荐 Unit 3 Under the sea language points 课时作业I. 完形填空I ve been obsessed困扰( ) with languages for as long as I can remember. My dadcould talk to everyone with ease, confidently1between languages. His abilitiesmade a big impression on me, but he didn2meto follow his lead.I wasn t a(n) 3language learn

2、er. I made slow progress in French at schooland almost gave it up. But things felt different when I4German atuniversity loving many German writers in translation, I wanted to read them in their5tongue, and that s been my main6 for learning new ones since. Once I gotGerman, I was7;French, Latin, Gree

3、k and Sanskrit quickly followed. The ideaof having a8overview of the world has always fascinated me, and9languages seemed a good way of achieving that. By my 20s, I d set my heart on10the rest of my life to learning as many as I could.I m often asked what the 11is, and whether some people have a gif

4、t forabsorbing words and phrases. The truth is that it s down to endless12 hours of reading, studying and practicing grammar. 13 , all these wonderful languages start to swim into focus, and ever-increasing numbers of great works become14 .It s hard, but the 15 can be thrilling. When I started study

5、ing Spanish,there was a moment when the living language suddenly 16 itself to me. Something 17 happened when I heard Swedish spoken around me. It seemed to18 elements of languages I was familiar with. The more of them I know, the more I see how interrelated they are. All it took was three weeks and

6、I was able to 19 effectively in complex conversations.Now, I can read about three dozen languages and speak most of them fluently. Ithink I m much richer for thatit makes me more 20 .1.A.distinguishingB.switchingC.comparingD.dividing2.A.threatenB.encourageC.promiseD.trust3.A.sensitiveB.averageC.indi

7、vidualD.natural1名校名 推荐 4.A.took onB.put downC.made upD.went over5.A.simpleB.sharpC.nativeD.polite6.A.advantageB.appreciationC.foundationD.motivation7.A.shockedB.relievedC.depressedD.hooked8.A.comprehensiveB.historicalC.scientificD.skeptical9.A.speakingB.selectingC.imitatingD.acquiring10.A.adjustingB


9、ed17.A.reasonableB.significantC.similarD.funny18.A.substituteB.combineC.promoteD.transform19.A.compromiseB.competeC.communicateD.compensate20.A.arbitraryB.objectiveC.considerateD.confident .任务型阅读(2018 兴化市第一中学模拟考试)I ve always been an optimist and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that thepower of

10、 creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.For as long as I can remember, I ve loved learning new things and solvingproblems. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I washooked. It was a clunky old Teletype machine and it could barely do anythingcom

11、pared to the computers we have today. But it changed my life.When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a visionof“ a computer on every desk and in every home” , which probablylesoundedtoo a littoptimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But

12、we believed that personal computers would change the world. And they have.2名校名 推荐 And after 30 years, I m still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventhgrade.I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed ourcuriosity and inventivenessto help us solve problems that

13、 even the smartest peoplecouldn t solve on their own.Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a windowinto all of the world s knowledge. They re helping us build communities around thethings we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matterwhere

14、they are.Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something everyday that I love to do. He calls it-dancing to“ worktap” . My job at Microsoft is aschallenging as ever, but what makes me-dance“totapwork” is when we show peoplesomething new, like a computer that can recognize yo

15、ur handwriting or your speech,or one that can store a lifetime s worth of photos, and they say,“ I didn t kncould do that with a PC!”But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC, there are lots of otherways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. There

16、are still far too many people in the world whose most basic needs go unmet. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world.I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back tothe world. My wife, Mel

17、inda, and I have committed to improving health and education in a way that can help as many people as possible.As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less poignant ortragic than the death of a child anywhere else, and that it doesn t take much to man immense difference in t

18、hese children s lives.I m still very much an optimist, and I believe that progress on even the worldtoughest problems is possibleand it s happening every day. We re seeing new drugsfor deadly diseases, new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to the healthproblems in the developing world.3名校名 推荐

19、 I m excited by the possibilities I see for medicine, for education and, of course, for technology. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity andwillingness to solve tough problems, we re going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.Fueling our cre

20、ativityOutlineSupporting details7 , I believe the power of creativity and intelligence can makethe world better.BeingAn old Teletype machine, which made me8in thecomputer, changed my life.enthusiastic 9what sounded crazy, Paul Allen and I dreamt of therebeing a computer for everyone.For 3 decades, I

21、 still have a deep10 for the computer.I feel lucky to do something challenging at Microsoft, and I have asense of11 when we present people something new.BeingComputers are the most incredible tool, and there is no 12 indevotedterms of problem solving.Computers are transforming how we learn,13our hor

22、izonswherever we are.I m bound to give my fortune to the world just in15 .BeingAll children are created equal, and it doesnt take muchato makedifference in their lives.14Great importance is being 16to the health problems indeveloping countries.参考答案完型填空4名校名 推荐 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。 作者并不是一位有语言学习天赋的人,但是在读过一些德

23、国作家的翻译作品后 ,他有了学习德语的动力。作者从此一发不可收拾 , 学习并掌握了多种语言。 在学习这些语言的过程中 ,作者发现了语言的内在联系。 1.B 作者从有记忆起就为语言所困扰 ,而父亲可以轻松地和每个人交谈 ,自信地在不同语言中转换。 distinguish 区分 ;switch 转换 ;compare 比较 ;divide 分割。根据空格后 between languages可知 ,作者的父亲掌握多种语言 ,可以在与人交谈时自如地转换语言。故选B 项。2.B 父亲的能力给作者留下了很深的印象 ,但是他并不鼓励我以他为榜样。threaten威胁 ;encourage鼓励 ;promi

24、se 允诺 ;trust 信任。父亲自己擅长多种语言 ,但是没有鼓励孩子也一定要这样。 encourage sb. to do sth鼓.励某人做某事 ,符合语境。故选 B 项。3.D 作者不是一个天生的语言学习者。 sensitive敏感的 ;average平均的 ;individual 个体的 ;natural 天赋的 ,天生具有某种能力的。故选 D 项。4.A 当作者在大学开始学习德语的时候 ,事情有了改观。 take on承担 ,雇用 ;put down 放下 ,记下 ;make up 编造 ,弥补 ;go over 仔细检查。 take on 表示 “承担 ”时相当于 accept,

25、符合题意 ,故选 A 项。5.C 作者很喜欢很多德国作家的翻译作品 ,所以他想读他们用母语写的作品。 simple 简单的 ;sharp 尖利的 ,尖锐的 ;native 本国的 ,本族的 ;polite 有礼貌的。 native tongue 本族语 ,母语 ,符合句意。故选 C 项。6.D 那也是作者从此开始学习新语言的主要动力。 advantage优势 ;appreciation 感激 ,欣赏 ;foundation 基础 ;motivation 动力 ,动机。故选 D 项。7.D一旦作者懂了德语 ,他就上瘾了。接着他又学习了法语、拉丁语、希腊语和梵语。 shocked震惊的 ;reli

26、eved 宽慰的 ;depressed沮丧的 ;hooked 着迷的 ,上瘾的。从学德语开始 ,作者接二连三地学习了多种语言,可见作者对学语言着了迷。故选D 项。8.A对世界有个全面了解的想法一直让作者深深着迷。comprehensive全面的 ;historical 历史的 ;scientific 科学的 ;skeptical 怀疑的。作者学习多种语言就是要全面了解世界。故选 A 项。5名校名 推荐 9.D 学会 言似乎是 一点 (全面了解世界 )的好方法。 speak说 ;select 挑选 ;imitate 模仿 ;acquire 得 ,学到 ,acquire languages学会 言

27、 ,符合句意。故 D 。10.B到作者二十多 的 候 ,他已 下定决心要 生致力于学 尽可能多的 言。四个 都可与介 to 搭配。 adjust.to. 整 ,适 ;devote.to.致力于 ,投入 ;reduce.to.减少到 , 落到 ;attach.to.附到 之上。根据 境可知 B 。11.A 常有人 作者 (学 言的 )秘 是什么 ,是否有些人有理解 和短 的天 。 secret秘密 ,秘 ;purpose 目的 ;benefit 利益 ;puzzle 谜, 。根据 and 后面的 whether some people have a gift for absorbing word

28、s and phrases可知 ,人 关心的是学 言的秘 。故 A 。12.C真相就是无数个小 的 注 、学 和 法。expectation 期望 ;admiration 佩 ;concentration 注 ;evaluation 价。学 言 ,无 是 、学 , 是 法 ,都需要 的 注。故 C 。13.A逐 地 ,所有 些美妙的 言开始 入焦点( 得清晰 )。 gradually 逐 地 ;suddenly 突然地 ;regularly 有 律地 ;usually 通常。 言的理解并不是突然 生的 ,而是在学 的 程中逐 得清晰 ,故 A 。14.B越来越多的 大作品 得容易理解了。aff

29、ordable 担得起的 ;accessible可接近的 ,易懂的 ;invisible 看不 的 ;assessable可估价的。当 言开始 得清晰,作者也就能 理解更多的作品。accessible通常表示 “可到达的 ,可接近的 ”,也可以指“(事物 )易懂的 ,(人)易相 的 ”。故 B 。15.D 学 言很 ,但是回 是令人 的。 circle 圈 ;beginning 开始 ;option 选择 ;reward 酬 , 。此句 段的主 句 ,根据后面的 When I started studying Spanish, there was a moment.等内容可知 , 然学 言的

30、程辛苦 ,但是回 丰厚。故 D 。16.A 当作者开始学西班牙 ,有那么一刻 , 种 活的 言突然就将自己展 在他面前。 reveal 示 ,展 ;explain 解 ;limit 限制 ;recommend推荐。作者在学 言的 程中 ,有了 悟的感 ,就好像 言自己展 在他面前。 reveal oneself展 自己 ,符合句意。故 A 。6名校名 推荐 17.C 当作者在周围听到瑞典语时 ,相似的情景也会发生。 reasonable合理的 ;significant 重大的 ;similar 相似的 ;funny 可笑的。根据语境可知选 C 项。18.B 这似乎是把作者熟悉的语言元素结合在一

31、起了。 substitute 替代 ;combine 结合 ;promote 提升 ;transform 转换。根据后面一句可知 ,作者认为学的语言越多 , 就越能看清语言间的相互联系 ,也就是将之前学到的语言的元素结合在了一起。故选 B 项。19.C只花了三周时间作者就能够在复杂的谈话中有效沟通。compromise 妥协 ;compete竞争 ;communicate 沟通 ;compensate补偿。根据句中的in complexconversations可知 ,应是谈话中的沟通交流。故选C 项。20.Darbitrary 武断的 ;objective 客观的 ;considerate体

32、贴的 ;confident 自信的。作者从一个没有语言学习天赋的人成长为一个懂得多种语言的人,这使他更加自信。故选 D 项。 .任务型阅读 语篇解读 作者一直都是一个乐观主义者,他认为这根植于自己的信念,即创造力和智慧的力量可以让世界变得更美好。本文作者论述的是“如何推动我们的创造力 ”。7.Optimistically 根据第一段 I ve always been an optimist and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the wo

33、rld a better place中.的 optimist 可知 ,我乐观地认为 ,创造力和智慧的力量可以让世界变得更美好。此处副词修饰整个句子 ,故答案为 Optimistically 。8.interested根据第二段中的So when I sat down at a computer for the first time inseventh grade, I was hooked. It was a clunky old Teletype machine and it could barelydo anything compared to the computers we have

34、today. But it changed my life可.知 ,一台老式的电传打字机 ,让我对电脑产生了兴趣 ,改变了我的生活。故答案为interested。9.Despite根据第三段中的When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30years ago, we had a vision of“ a computer on every desk and in every home” , whiprobably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers

35、were the size7名校名 推荐 of refrigerators.可知 ,尽管听起来很疯狂 ,Paul Allen 和我都梦想着能让每个人都有一台电脑。故答案为Despite。10.affection根据第四段 And after 30 years, I m still as inspired by computers as Iwas back in seventh grade可.知 ,30 年来 ,我仍然对电脑有很深的感情。故答案为affection。11.achievement/satisfaction 根据第七段中的My job at Microsoft is as chall

36、engingas ever, but what makes me-dance“tapto work” is when we show people somethingnew, like a computer that can recognize your handwriting or your speech, or one that can storea lifetime s worth of photos可知.,我很幸运能在微软做一些有挑战性的事情 ,当我们向人们展示一些新的东西时 ,我有一种满足感。故答案为achievement/satisfaction。12.match/equal/co

37、mparison 根据第五段 I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventivenessto help us solveproblems that even the smartest people couldn t solve可on知 their,计算own机是.最不可思议的工具 ,在解决问题方面没有什么可以与它匹敌。故答案为match/equal/comparison。13.broadening/widening 根据第六段 Computers

38、 have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the worl d s knowledge. They re helping us build communities around the things we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matter where they are可.知 ,计算机正在改变我们学习的方式 ,无论我们在哪里 ,都在拓宽我们的视野。故答案为broade

39、ning/widening。14.responsible根据倒数第四段第一句I believe that my own good fortune bringswith it a responsibility to give back to the world. 可知 ,要有责任感。故答案为responsible。15.reward/return根据倒数第四段第一句I believe that my own good fortunebrings with it a responsibility to give back to the world.可知 ,我一定会把我的财富给这个世界 ,作为回报。故答案为reward/return。8名校名 推荐 16.attached根据倒数第二段最后一句We re seeing new drugs for deadly diseases,new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to the health problems in the developingworld. 可知 ,发展中国家的健康问题非常重要。故答案为attached。9


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