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1、 人教精通六年级上册英语期末复习题 单项选择专项练习1.( )-I have_at 7:30 in the morning. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner2.( )-I get up _6:30. A.in B.on C.at3. ( )_do you do on Saturdays? I often go and see a film. A. What B.Whats C.Where4. ( )-My mother is _actress. A.an B.the C.a5. ( )-My mother often takes a walk_my father. A

2、.and B.to C.with6.( )-My mother often reads English stories _-me. A.to B. for C.with7. ( )-I_have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. A.dont B. doesnt C.am not8. ( )-She _get up at 6:30 in the morning. A.dont B. doesnt C.isnt9. ( )-Mr Liu _us English. A.teach B.teaching C.teaches10. ( )-Kate usually _

3、her mum to do the housework. A.helps B.helping C.help11. ( )-Lisa is a good student, we should learn_her. A.to B.for C.from12. ( )-What _Peter do on Saturdays? He usually_the floor. A.do ,clean B.does,clean C.does,cleans13. ( )-_a supper kid! A.What B.How C.Whats14. ( )-My hobby is _stamps. A.collec

4、t B.collects C.collecting15. ( )-I like_picture cards. A.collect B.collects C.collecting16. ( )-_your hobby? A. What B.Whats C.Hows17. ( )-Whats your _hobby? -_ hobby is planting flowers. A. dad, His B.dads, He C.dads, His 18. ( )-Whats your grandpa doing? _is fishing. A.His B.He C.She19. ( )-What _

5、 you interested in? A.do B.are C.does 20.( )- Im interested in_dolls. A. make B.making C.makeing21. ( )-_ you like _come to my birthday party? -Sure,Id love to. A. What,to B.Would , / C.Would, to22. ( )-Here_some chocolates for you. A.is B.are C.am23. ( )-Here_a teddy bear for you. A.is B.are C.am24

6、. ( )Here is a birthday cake _ you. A.to B.for C.with25.( )-What _ cake would you like? -Id like a chocolate cake. A.kind B.kind of C. of26.( )-I_a heart-shaped cake. A.like B.would like C.would27.( )-Can I have some jelly? -_ A.No,you can. B.Sure. C.Yes,I can.28. ( )-_do they celebrate the birthday

7、? -First, they light the candles and then. A.How B.What C.Whats29. ( )-Lets _a wish together. A.making B.makes C.make30. ( )-You should _out the candles,Lisa! A.light B.cut C.blow31. ( )-It can show our love_you. A.to B.for C.with32. ( )-There are twelve_in a year. A.year B.month C.months33. ( )-_is

8、 the second month of the year. A.January B.February C.March34. ( )-March is the _month of the year. A.fourth B.three C.third35. ( )-_is on June 1st. A.New Years Day B.Labour Day C.Childrens Day36. ( )-Tree Planting Day is _March 12th . A.in B.on C.at37. ( )-Mothers Day is _May . A.in B.on C.at38. (

9、)-Easter is in March_April. A.and B.or C.with39. ( )-Look,they are_Spring Festival. A.celebrate B.celebrates C.celebrating40.( )-May is the_month of the year. A.five B.fiveth C.fifth41. ( )-July 1st is the Communist Party _China. A.to B.of C.in42. ( )-August 1st is_ A.Army Day B.the Partys birthday

10、C.National Day43. ( )-The students are giving _teachers flowers. A.they B.their C.them44. ( )-In September,Students go back_school. A.in B.of C.to45. ( )-December is the _month. A.last B.first C.twelve46. ( )-September 10th is _Day. A.Teacher B.Teachers C.Teachers47. ( )-There_four _in a year? A.is,

11、seasons B.are,season C.are,seasons48. ( )-_is the first season. A.January B.Spring C.Summer49. ( )-Springtime _around March. A.begins B.begin C.beginning50. ( )-Summer begins _June. A.about B.around C.and51. ( )-Winter begins around _. A.March B.September C.December52. ( )-What _spring like? -Trees

12、have green leaves. A.is B.does C.do53. ( )-There are_of flowers on the peach trees. A.lot B.a lot C.some54. ( )-Birds sing_welcome the spring. A.of B.for C.to55. ( )-Some animals wake up_their long sleep. A.from B.for C.to56. ( )-What do people do_spring? A.on B.in C.at57. ( )-Everyone _the spring.

13、A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoying58. ( )-Sometimes there is _rain. A.fat B.heavy C.hot59. ( )-In summer,students _their holidays. A.have B.has C.on60.( )-_do students do on summer holidays? -They go on a trip. A.What B.Whats C.How61.( )-Whats summer _? -The weather is very hot and theres a lot of rain. A.

14、doing B.do C.like62.( )-_is the third season. A.summer B.winter C.autumn63.( )-Winter is the_ season. A.second B.third C.fourth64. ( )-The weather is cold and it often _. A.snow B.snows C.snowing65. ( )-Look! This farmer is_apples. A.pick B.picking C.picks66. ( )-Spring is the _season. A.white B.gol

15、den C.green67. ( )-Winter is the _season. A.white B.golden C.green68. ( )-In autumn,The leaves on the trees are_and brown. A.white B.yellow C.green69.( )-What do people do in autumn? -They_. A.make a snowman B.cut rice C.go to a summer camp. 70.( )-What do people do in winter? -They_. A.play with snow B.pick apples C.go swimming.


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