六年级下册英语试题数词和冠词专项练习 人教Pep.docx

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1、专项练习一、在空白处填上适当的冠词,不需要的填“/”。1) at _home 4) catch _ bad cold 7)_ English book 10) _melon 2) go to_ bed 5) have_ good time 8) _ spoon 11) _ eraser 3) go to _school 6) _red apple 9)_ orange二、选择填空1.There is _ “m” in the word “primary”A.an B.a C.the D./2.This is _ orange bike .A.a B.an C.the D/3.It always

2、 takes us half _ hour to have _ long walk after supper .A.a,a B,a ,the C.an , a D.an , the4.English is _ useful language in _ world .A.an , the B.a , the C.the , / D./ , the5.We are going to _ cinema this evening .A.the B./ C/a D.an6.Hes standing on _ other side of _ river .A.a , a B.the , the C.the

3、 , a D.a , the7._ potato is a vegetable , not _ fruit .A.The , an B.The , a C.A, the D.An, /8.He was _ first to come .A.The B.a C.the D./9.Do you see _ book on _ table ?A.the , a B.a, an C.an , an D.a , the10.Wheres _ desk ? Its in _ middle of the room .A./ , / B./ , a C.a , / D.the , the11.He is _

4、friend of mine .A.an B./ C.the D.a12.There is _ university near the farm .A.a B.an C.the D./13.He died in _ autumn of 1989 .A./ B.the C.a D.an14. I have _ book . I t s _ interesting one . I like reading _ books very much . A.a, an ,/ B.a , / , the C.an , an , the D./ , an , /15. Today is _ Childrens

5、 Day .A.a B.an C.the D/16.This is _ bag . That is _ eraser .A.a, a B.a , an C.an , a D. an , an能力测试一写出相邻的数词1. twenty2. five3. twelve4. fifty-eight5. ninety6. seventy7. thirty-eight8. one hundred9. one thousand10. one二、选择正确答案1.There are days in a year.A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds an

6、d sixty-fiveC. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five2.There are students in this school.A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty sixC. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six3.My brother is in .A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade On

7、eC. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one4.He was doing some washing .A. at eight yesterday morning B. yesterday morning eightC. yesterday morning at eight D. by eight yesterday morning5.There are months in a year. December is the month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C.

8、 twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth 6.Sunday is the day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second D. third7.Autumn is season in a year.A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. third8.Tom was to get to school and I was .A. first; ninth B. the first; the ninth C. a first; a ninth D. the second; the n

9、inth9.Whats the date today? Its.A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4th 10.Monday is the second day, and .A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifthC. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday11How soon will he be back ?In _Aa hour Bhalf a hour Ca hour and half Dhalf an hour 12Hey

10、!Lets play_ basketballAan B/ Cthe Da13We study English at_ schoolAan B/ Cthe Da14Give me_ green coat ,pleaseAan B/ C the Da15This is_ photoLook at _photoAa;the Ba;/ C an;the D/;the 16_ horse is_ useful animalAA;a BA;the C The;a DThe;an 17In _spring ,it is sunny and warmAa Ban C the D/18We live on _

11、sixth streetAa Ban Cthe D/19_ third month of_ year is MarchAA;The BThe;a C The;the DA;a20They speak_ ChineseThey live in_ ShanghaiAa;a Bthe;the C /;the D/;/四写出下列时间的表达方式(用两种方式)。(1)8:10 _;_ (2)9:50 _;_ (3)8:08 _;_ (4)11:15 _;_ (5)12:30 _;_ (6)1:05 _;_ (7)2:45 _;_ (8)3:26 _;_ (9)4:32_;_ (10)12:50 _;_ 五

12、用适当的冠词填空,不填的地方画“/” 。1.This is_ bus 2. _ bus is _English bus3.Its time to go to_ bed 4.Thats_ football5.I like to play_ football6.You look_ same7.My sisters name is_ Sue8.I can see _ball9._ ball is under the table10.Look at that boy11. _ boy is_ friend of mine12. Mary is _English girl13. She is not_ Chinese girl14. Where is _ teacher ?I dont know15That is my_ watch


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