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1、高一上学期等级考试英语试题(扫描版)答案第二部分 阅读理解第一节 21-23 ADA 24-27 BCAD 28-30 ADB第二节 31-35 BDGCE第三部分 语言知识应用第一节 完形填空 36-40 BDACA 41-45 BDBCA 46-50 DBDCA 51-55 BDCAC 第二节 语法填空56. Truly 57. participants58. to 59. being listened 65. her66. feel第四部分 写作 第一节 书面表达 参考范文: Possible answer:Dear Chris,67. how 68. what 69. will enc

2、ourage 70. who/thatHow is everything going these days? I am writing to invite you to join my class in an outing organized by me this Saturday, June 10th.We will start at 6 oclock early in the morning from the school gate, and then take a bus to Yinling Mountain, where we will climb the mountain in t

3、he morning and then have a picnic at noon. If you could come, there is no need for you to take food but youd better wear sports shoes and suitable clothes.We will be rally glad if you can come. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua第二节 书面表达参考范文:Possible answer:Paragraph 1:Seeing what was going o

4、n, my dad put his hand in his pocket, pulled outa$20 bill anddropped it on the ground. Then he picked it up and tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.” The man turned around and saw the money. He knew what was going on, he looked straight into my dads

5、 eyes, took my dads hand in both of his, squeezed the $20 bill tightly, and with his lip shaking and a tear running down his cheek, he replied, “ Thank you, thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family.Paragraph 2:That day my father and I went back to our car and drove home without an

6、y tickets. We didnt go to the circus that night. When I asked my dad why he did so, Dad said, “My child, it was a desperate, heartbreaking and embarrassing situation for a father. Surely he wasnt begging for a handout, but he reminded me of my father, when I was young.” He paused for a while, as if wandering in his memory. “ We should appreciate what we have obtained from life and seize every opportunity to help others. We didnt go to the circus tonight, but we didnt go without. Now, who wants an ice cream?”


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