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1、人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit1 Hello!第三课时学案The Third Period一、教学内容三上 Unit1 Hello (Cartoon time )二、教学目标1.熟练运用日常用语: Hi/ Hello, ImGoodmorning/afternoon/evening/night .2. 知道 I m=I am3. 正确辨认新朋友: Sam, Bobby4. 能体会故事的幽默之处并在教师的帮助和引导下表演故事。三、教学重难点1. 学生不同的情境下能够准确并且熟练地运用Hi/ Hello, ImGoodmorning/afternoon /evening/night.和周围的人打

2、招呼或做自我介绍。2. 能明确知道“ I ”的音、形、义以及 I m=I am 这一表达法四、教学准备 PPT五、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. 听唱歌曲 Good morning 。2. 学生以同桌或四人小组的方式展示他们创编的歌曲。Step 2 Revison(1) Review “Hello/Hi, Im ”T:Hello/Hi, I m MissS:Hello/ Hi, Im.(T 示范,学生同桌,小组表演)(2) Review characters “ Miss Li, Su Hai, Liu Tao, Mike ” T: Wehave some new friend

3、s . Do you remember them ? Please them , OK ?.introduceS: Hello/ Hi, Im.T:Yes. You can also introduce like this“Hello/Hi,I am ”Teach: I m=I am(T 出示不同头饰,学生根据头饰来做自我介绍)(3) Review the daily expressions( 出示不同情境,让学生选择合适的句子来问好)(出示一帮孩子)引导学生复习classT: Look, here are a lot of students ,what can Su Hai say ?S:

4、Hello, class.T: What can the students say ?S: Hello, Su Hai.( 同上创设情境,复习 Goodmorning, Goodafternoon ,Goodevening ,Goodnight.)(4) Review the storya.Show the pictures (引导学生回顾图片 )In the morning , Mike meets Miss Li ,What can they say ?In front ofthe classroom, Mike meetshis classmates,what they cansay ?

5、In the classroom , Mike meets Yang Ling , what they can say ?In the afternoon, Miss Li comes to the classroom , what they can say ?b. Ss read the story together .c.Act in groups .(佩戴头饰,学生分角色表演)Step 4 Cartoon time1.T show the pictures of Cartoon time ,and let the students guess .( 同学们,猜猜看这个故事讲的什么?)T:

6、 (Show the pictures of the cat and the mouse)Look , heres a cat and a mouse . Do you like them ? They are Samand Bobby .Ss: (Read the names after the teacher .)T: How can they introduce themselves ?S: Hello/ Hi , I m /I am Sam/ Bobby .Good morning/ afternoon /evening/night, Sam /Bobby .( 全班一起用不同的方式和

7、Sam及Bobby打招呼问好。 )2.T:What happened between them ? (引导学生预测文本 )Are they friends ?What will they say ?Watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions .3.T: Let s read the funny story together .Ss: Read the story after the tape .4. ( 引导学生体会其中幽默部分 ) T:Are Sam and Bobby friends now ? Ss: Yes .T:How abou

8、t Bobby s friends ?Are they Sam s friends ,too ?Ss: No .T: Why ? What did they do ?Ss:( 用中文表述自己对图片的理解)5.Read the dialogue.(跟读 - 齐读 - 分组读)6. Act the funny cartoon .( 学生佩戴头饰上台表演,T及时给与评价。 )Step 5 Practise1. (创设情境,让学生正确运用不同的话语问好) T:If Sam and Bobby meet in the afternoon , what they can say ? T: If they

9、meet in the evening, what they can say ?2. 出示图片及文字,让学生匹配练习。3. 通过 chant , 让学生进一步巩固所学。Good morning , good morning .早上好。Good afternoon ,good afternoon.下午好。Good evening , good evening.晚上好。Good night, good night!是晚安!4. Magic eyes.让学生快速辨别句子和人物图片。 用人物的头饰和出现的句型进行对话练习。Miss Li,Su Hai,Liu Tao,Mike, Sam and Bobby, class (配以不同的时间场景 )Step6 Homework1. 听录音,跟读模仿 Cartoon time ,并以四人为一组表演该故事。2. 学唱字母歌曲。六、板书设计Unit 1 HelloI m= I amSamBobbyGood morning./Good afternoon/Good evening.(Good night.)


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