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1、高考英语短文改错专项训练20篇1 President Abraham Lincoln often visited hospital to talk with woundeed1._soldiers during Civil War. Once, doctors pointed out a young soldier who was2._dead and Lincoln went over to his bedside. “Is there anything I can do for you?”3._asked the president. The soldier obviously didnt

2、 recognize Lincoln, and with efforts4._he was able to whisper. “Would you please to write a letter to my mother?5._A pen and a piece of paper was provided and the president carefully began6 ._writing down that the young man was able to say: “My dearest mother, I was7 ._terrible hurt while doing my d

3、uty. Im afraid Im not going to recover. Dont8 ._feel sorry, please. Kiss Mary aand John for me. Must God bless you and father.” 9 ._He was too weak to continue, so Lincoln signed the letter for him and add, 10._“Write for your son by Abraham Lincoln.”2 Dear Peter,How are you getting on? I wrote to t

4、ell you there1. _will have a talent show for foreigners who are learning2. _the Chinese in China. It is called Learning Chinese, Singing3. _Chinese songs and I sure it will give you a good4. _chance to showing your talent in Chinse. As far as I5. _know, your Chinse are good enough. And please let6.

5、_me to know if you need my help. The contest will7. _held in February, 19th, 2006 and there will be a8. _living show on TV. The deadline of the entry time is9. _Jan. 30th, and the place is the Beijing Broadcast Station.10. _3 I am worker at the tap water company. I find that1. _people were becoming

6、more and more careful about2. _health. If the tap water appear a little bit unclear3. _and muddy, the telephone will ring again and again.4. _Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the5. _protection of water resources. For the sake of our6. _health, we should take good care our water reso

7、urces7. _and environment. There is a saying “Whether we do8. _not careful protect our environment the last drops9. _of water we will see them will be our own tears.10. _4 Dear Mr Johnson,Ive learned from a newspaper that some clerks wanted in1. _your company. I am eager to be one of them. So Im writ

8、ing the2. _letter. My name is Zhang Hua. I was born in the Hebei Province3. _and Im in good healthy. Ive just graduated from the Chinese4. _Department of Wuhan University. Ive done very well in all subject,5. _but Im especially good at computer studies and English. I can6. _read science books in Eng

9、lish and doing some writing in Engish7. _as well. Besides, I know a few French. And in my spare time,8. _I like to play basketball very much. It is said your company is9. _very famous and is well managed. Ill be very glad whether you let10. _me work for it. Im looking forward to hearing from you soo

10、n.5 This afternoon, I had such interesting experience. 1. _ On my way to the cinema, I saw a case to fall off2. _a mans bike. So I shouted out at him to stop. Unluckily3. _he didnt hear me and ride away. I was wondering what4. _to do while an idea occurred to me. I stopped a taxi and5. _quickly got

11、into it with the case. Soon we caught up6. _with the man. Get the case back, he was so thankful that7. _he offered me some money, and I refused it politely.8. _ Then the driver drove me to the cinema. When I paid for him, the driver pushed my hand away, saying9. _with a smile, “Neither will I receiv

12、e your money.”10. _6 Dear Lili,I am a senior student. I like make friends with1. _people and I do my best to get well with everyone.2. _But last week I had found out that one of my3. _friends wrote their diary, saying that she disliked me4. _and she doesnt want to be my friend any longer. And5. _now

13、 she has started making fun of me because of6. _Im fat. Im kind to her but how cant she be friendly7. _to me? As for losing the discouraging weight,8. _should I do more exercise? Use pill? And do you9. _know any other ways? Please give me some advices.10. _7 Two millions American women enter the wor

14、k force every1. _year. The workers including all ages and backgrounds:2. _college graduates starting their careers, young3. _housewives be anxious to increase the family income,4. _society women in search prestige (声望), and older5. _women have lost their husbands or who cant stand their6. _empty hou

15、ses after the last child have left. Altogether,7. _more than half of women in the US are now working or8. _hunting of jobs. Although most of them are still9. _holding tightly to the womanly jobs, such nursing10. _and teaching a growing number of pioneers are coming into other fields.8 Dear Bob,Im gl

16、ad t learn about that youre coming to England 1. _during the summer vacation. Now Im talking you about2. _meals in England. They are much the same in other3. _countries, with the exception of breakfast. I expect youve4. _heard all about English breakfast, with their porridge or5. _cereal, toast and

17、so on. Very little people like chocolate6. _for breakfast. In the afternoon, about four oclock, near7. _everybody has tea. The two main meal of the day, lunch 8. _and dinner, are both more and less alike. Most people have9. _lunch about one oclock and dinner at half past seven, or late. 10. _9 Li Mi

18、ng, who has been working as postman for1. _two years, always wears a suit of green uniforms.2. _He worked with care as well as with effort. He 3._serves for the people heart and soul. Every day he 4. _gets up early to deliver newspapers or magazines.5. _He is so careful and he has never been wrong.6

19、. _One day he had to send a dead letter and it happened7. _to be raining hardly outside. But he set out immediately.8. _He had asked nearly everybody in the district after9. _he tried to hand the letter to the right person.10. _10 Last week, S.H.E. announced they would perform in Guangzhou on Januar

20、y 15. After checked on the Internet, Peng quickly phoned1. _up friends to spread news. Peng likes theTaiwanese band which is2. _made up from Selina, Hebe, and Ella. “I love their music, their 3. _health images and everything related to them.” said Peng. It is4. _not just in the mainland where the th

21、ree girls are popular. In the5. _past few months, the band had passed through many countries.6. _When the three girls entered into a singing contest in 2000,7. _nobody of them ever dreamed of being a superstar. Ella once 8. _said when asked about the secret of their success. “We are9. _happy to be t

22、he girl next door, singing sisters.” 10. _11 A burglar which broke into a Spanish seaside house1. _and felt aslelep after helping himself to food and wine2. _from the fridge arrested by police yesterday. The owner3. _of the house told reporters he has found the man asleep4. _on his living-room sofa

23、on his return. He said he thought5. _the man was his son, and when he got closer, he realized6. _he was a burglar. He immediately telephoned the police7. _and they arrived as quick as he expected. He told reporters8. _that there was nothing leaving in the fridge, but that9. _nothing value had been s

24、tolen.10. _12 There are some good reasons for teachers to wear uniforms.1. _First, uniforms would make teachers to look too much the2. _same. In educatin, its important for teachers to be different.3. _Students will learn just as many from a teachers personality as4. _they will learn his knowledges

25、of a subject. They will also 5. _feel boring if all their teachers are wearing the same uniforms.6. _Second, a uniform might make a teacher look like the7. _policeman or an official. Teachers already had a lot of authority8. _in the classroom, so wear uniforms would not be necessary and9. _might eve

26、n be a worse idea. The uniforms might make the10. _students afraid.13 My interest had changed from food to books since1. _I went to high school. In the past I was real interested2. _with all kinds of food. In summer liked to buy ice cream3. _and cold drinks, and in winter I liked to buy sweet, cakes

27、4. _and some other food. Whenever I went for walk with my5. _parents I would ask them to buy me something for me.6. _However, after I went to high school, I found I was putting up7. _weight, for I had to give up habit of eating my favorite foods.8. _Now I like to spend money on all kinds of books. M

28、y9. _parents were always complaining that I am a money spender.10. _14 People often have troubles getting used to a new culture. They1. _are usually very happy when they first arrive at a foreign country. 2. _Therefore, if they stay a long time, they may start to feel different3. _stages of culture

29、shock. They can get lonely or sad because they4. _cant deal with the local people. How quick you get used to culture5. _differences may be depend on the way you learn. Thats a problem6. _if they cant speak the language. On other hand, some can study7. _the situation and make good guesses about the c

30、ulture. When he8. _finally began to understand some of the language and make some9. _new friends, they wll gradually enjoy themselsves and feel satisfying.10. _15 As a student I dont want my teacher visit my home.1. _I prefer my teacher to talk face to face with me rather than2. _talk with my parent

31、s, especially when I have done anything3. _wrong. If he tells my parents about this, he will be punished 4. _by them. Besides, its waste of time and energy since both5. _my parents and my teacher is very busy. Our daily life will6. _be disturbed. Good teachers should also be our good friend.7. _They

32、 can give good advice to us and helped us. They8. _should often encourage us. But we will try to do better9. _at our study and work and make more progress.10. _16 Today many families have our own televisions, and a1. _lot of people like watching TV. TV is playing important2._part in peoples everyday

33、 life. By watch TV, people know3._many things in other places of the world. It helps people4._learn more new things and master better ways work5._out problems. It also makes people to feel that the world6._is too small. It is really interested to watch TV. However,7._spending too much time watching

34、TV is badly, especially8._for your eyes. Youll have fewer time for word and stydy.9._So youd better watch TV in your spare time and never watching it too long.10._17 The Beijing 2008 Olympics will be held in two weeks1._earlier than were planned because of weather concerns.2._The Games was scheduled

35、 between July 25 and Auguest 10.3._But at Beijings request time will be moved to August4._8-24. The change should mean better weather condition5._with fewer heat and an decreased risk of storms.6._Beijing had asked the dates to be changed avoid the7._height of the Beijing summer, where temperaturs8.

36、_reach by 38 degrees or so. It marked the first9._time the IOC had put the dates again after the host10. _city was selected. 18 Many animals have their own languages. They1._use signals which has meanings. For example, when2._a bee has found some foods, it goes back to its home.3._It is impossible f

37、or a bee tell the other bees where4._the food by speaking to them, but it can do a little5._dancing, that tells the bees the information about the6._food. Some animals show how they feel it by making7._sounds. It is not difficulty to tell if a dog is angry 8._because it bark. Birds make several diff

38、erent sounds,9._and every has it own meaning. Humans make sounds 10._in the same way.19 It was raining. In his way home from school1._Peter saw an old man walking with difficult in the2._rain without a umbrella. Peter went up to him3._and offered share the umbrella with him. The old4._man in poor he

39、alth, so Peter tried to hold5._the umbrella. But he was too short to hold it high6._enough. While wondered what to do, he saw the7._old mans stick and had an idea. He had tied the stick8._to the handle of the umbrella and made them longer9._Now we shared the umbrella. Peter was happy.10._20 Before w

40、indows were used, old house in Northern Europe1._and Britain were very darkness. Thheir great rooms were high, 2._with only one hole in the roof to let in the smoke from 3._cooking fire. As time went on, people begin to make the holes 4._bigger so as to have more light and air in their homes. The 5.

41、_first English window was just a small open in the wall. It6._was been cut long to let in as much light as possible,7._and narrow, to keep out a bad weather. However, with the window8._cut long, more wind than light would come in. That is when9._it called “the winds eye”. And the word “window” comes from10._two ancient words for “wind” and “eye”.1. hospitals2. + the3. dying4. V5. to6. were7. what8. terribly9. May10. added1. 2. 3. 4. 1. write2. be3. the4. + am5. show6. is7. to8. on9. live10. V1. + a2. are3. ap


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