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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟116公共英语一级模拟116第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。 下面,请听这些句子。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析Class One went to the zoo the day before yesterday.名师解析 录音原句意为“一班前天去了动物园”。图片A中的字显示为动物园 (zoo)

2、,图片B中的字显示为公园(park),而图片C中的字则为电影院(cinema)。从原句可清晰听到“200”一词,所以正确选项为A。2.答案:C解析Alice likes Chinese silk very much.名师解析 录音原句意为“Alice非常喜欢中国的丝绸”。图片A为餐具及米饭 (rice),图片B为牛奶(milk),图片C为丝绸(silk)。原文中的silk容易与milk相混淆,但由题意可知中国以丝绸闻名,牛奶并非中国特产,所以正确答案为C。3.答案:A解析Rice is what Wangli often had in dinner.名师解析 录音原句意为“王利在晚餐上经常吃饭

3、”。图片A为大米(rice),图片B为面条(noodle),图片C为汉堡(hamburger)。从原文可清晰听到“rice”一词,故选A。4.答案:C解析In spare time, he always plays the piano.名师解析 录音原句意为“在空闲时间,他经常弹钢琴”。图片A为萨克斯(sax),图片B为鼓(drum),图片C为钢琴(piano)。从原句可清晰听到“piano”一词,故选C。5.答案:A解析Dont go across the railway! Its dangerous!名师解析 录音原句意为“不要穿越铁路,太危险了”。图片A为铁路(railway),图片B为

4、公路(road),图片C为河流(river)。从原句可清晰听到“railway”一词,所以正确答案为A。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:C解析The ground is covered with antumn leaves.名师解析 录音原句意为“地上铺满了秋叶”。选项中各图片均有落叶,但图片B中最少,图片C中最多。由原句“covered”即覆盖可知落叶非常多,选项C较符合题意。故选C。7.答案:C解析You should take notes during the class.名师解析 录音原文意为“上课时你应该记笔记”。图片A中为书(book),图片B中为作业本和笔,

5、应表达做作业(do homework),图片C中为笔记本与笔,表示记笔记 (take notes)。由句中“take notes”一词可知只有选项C符合题意。故选C。8.答案:A解析There are a number of apples on the table.名师解析 录音原文意为“桌上有很多苹果”。选项中图片A中桌上有很多苹果,图片B中只要一个,图片C中一个也没有。根据句中“a number of”可知选项A符合题意。故选A。9.答案:A解析Could I have a look at your passport, please?名师解析 录音原文意为“我能看一下你的护照吗?”图片A中

6、的字显示为护照 (passport),图片B为身份证(identity card),图片C为机票(air ticket)。从原句可清晰听到“passport”一词,所以正确答案为A。10.答案:C解析John jumps very high.名师解析 录音原句意为“John跳得很高”。图片A中的人在跑步(run),图片B中的人在滑雪(ski),图片C中的人则在跳高(jump)。从原句可清晰听到“jump”一词,所以正确答案为C。第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案。每段话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题。每段对话读两

7、遍。 下面,请听这些对话。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is true about Susan?A.She sleeps very late.B.She gets up late.C.She takes exercises every morning.答案:C解析F: Susan gets up at half past 5 to run every day.M: She must be sleeping very early every night.名师解析 对话中女士说Susan每天早上五点半起来去跑步,男士说“她一定每天晚上睡得很早”。题目问关于Susan哪

8、个选项正确。选项A“她睡得很晚”显然不对,选项B“她起得很晚”也错误。只有选项C“她每天早上做运动”符合题意。故选C。2. What does the woman mean?A.The man doesnt work hard.B.She failed the exam too.C.There are reasons to fail this exam.答案:C解析M: I failed again in this exam.F: Oh. well. everyone thinks it difficult this time.名师解析 对话中男的说考试又失败了,女的说每个人都认为这次考试很难

9、,可知她并不认为考试失败是男的自身原因。题目询问女的所说话的意思。从对话可知选项A“男的没有努力学习”不符合题意,选项B“她也失败了”未提及,只有选项C符合题意。3. Who are the woman and the man?A.Husband and wife.B.Mother and ion.C.Friends.答案:A解析F: Do you still remember the day when we first met?M: How could I forget, my dear? It has been 50 years since then.名师解析 对话中女士说“你还记得我们初

10、次见面的那天吗?”男士回答“我怎么会忘记呢,亲爱的?都50年了(it has been 50 years since then)。”题目询问说话者的关系。从对话可推测男士与女士为丈夫与妻子,而不是母子或朋友。故选A。4. What is the man?A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A shop-assistant.答案:B解析M: Its nothing very serious. Just take the medicine twice a day.F: Thank you very much.名师解析 对话中男士说不是很严重,服药一天两次就好。女士表示感谢,可见男士为

11、医生,女士为病人。题目询问男士职业,选项A“教师”与选项C“店员”均错误。正确答案为B。5. What does the man mean?A.He agrees with the woman.B.He doesnt agree with the woman.C.He doesnt understand.答案:B解析F: I think a round table matches our room much more.M: Do you really think so?名师解析 对话中女士认为圆桌更配他们的房子,男士说“你真的这么想吗?(do you really think so)”可见男士

12、并不这么认为(dont agree with the woman)。题目询问男士说话的意思。只有选项B符合题意。故选B。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What is man talking about?A.The stars axe beautiful.B.The stars are not beautiful.C.He is asking the woman if the stars are beautiful.答案:A解析M: Look at the stars! Arent they beautiful!F: Yes. I agree.名师解析 对话中男士说“看星星!

13、多漂亮啊!”女士表示赞同。题目询问男士谈论什么。根据题意,男士所说“Arent they beautiful!”并不是问女士星星是否漂亮,而是感叹它们漂亮,所以答案为A。7. What does the man imply?A.The coke costs nothing.B.There is no coke here.C.The coke has sold out.答案:A解析F: Can I have some coke? How much are they?M: Oh. they are for free here.名师解析 对话中女士要买可乐,并询问价格,男士说这里的可乐免费(they

14、 are for free here),并不是说没有可乐或已卖完。题目询问男士说话的意思,答案应为A。8. What does the woman think of the people in the town?A.They are not friendly.B.They are easy to make friends with.C.She doesnt know them.答案:B解析M: The people in this town are not easy to make friends with.F: Im afraid I dont quite agree with you.名师

15、解析 对话中男士表示很难与这个镇里的人交朋友,女士不同意他的看法(Im afraid I dont quite agree with you),可见她认为很容易与这个镇里的人交朋友。题目询问女士怎么看待这个镇里的人。根据对话应选B。9. When does the concert finish?A.6:30.B.8:30.C.9:30.答案:C解析F: When will the concert finish?M: Well. it starts at six thirty, and will lasts three hours.名师解析 对话中女士问音乐会什么时候结束,男士说六点半开始,将持

16、续三个小时。可见音乐会将在九点半(9:30)结束。题目询问音乐会结束的时间,根据题意答案应选C。10. What will the man do next?A.Go to swim.B.Go to bed.C.Go to the bathroom.答案:C解析M: I feel like taking a hot bath right now.F: Go now. The water is already made.名师解析 对话中男士想要马上洗个热水澡,女士表示水已准备好,可以立即去洗 (go now)。题目询问男士下一步会做什么,选项A“游泳”与选项B“睡觉”均错误,答案为C。 (如需获取

17、本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. What can we learn from this conversation?A.Grace will never go shopping anymore.B.Grace loves shopping.C.Grace has not been shopping this week.答案:B解析M: It is impossible for Grace not to go shopping just for a week!F: Yes. It is her life.名师解析 男士说,Grace一周不去购物都不行,女士说那是她的生命。It is imp

18、ossible for sb. to do表示“对某人来说某事是不可能的”。题目问从对话中可知道些什么,文中并没有说Grace不会再去购物,也没有说她本周没有去购物,只能看出她非常喜欢购物,所以选B。12. What is the woman asking about?A.What the exhibition about.B.The place of the exhibition.C.The time of the exhibition.答案:B解析F: Where is the exhibition on?M: Main Street. No. 6.名师解析 女士问展览在哪儿举行,男士说在

19、Main Street. No. 6这个地方。题目问这位女士问了哪方面的问题,可见是有关展览的地址,选B。13. How many times does the woman usually come home in a year?A.one time.B.twice.C.three times.答案:B解析M: How often do you come back home?F: En. usually. twice a year.名师解析 男士问女士多久回一次家,女士回答说每年两次,twice是2的频率副词,因此题目问女士回家的次数时,该回答两次。故选B。14. Who is the wom

20、an looking for?A.A woman in black.B.A woman in red.C.Mr. Black答案:B解析F: Excuse me, can you show me which one is Mrs. Black?M: Sure. There, the one in red.名师解析 女士问男士哪位是Black女士,男士说穿红衣服的那位就是。这里两个颜色不要混淆。Black是那个女士的姓,而不是颜色,in red表示穿红衣服的,所以题目问女士要寻找的是哪位,该选穿红衣的那位女士,而C项里如果是Mrs. Black就对了,而不是Mr。所以选B。15. What is

21、 the woman?A.A Canadian.B.A Chinese.C.An Japanese.答案:A解析M: Where are you from?F: North of Canada.名师解析 男士问女士从哪儿来的,女士回答说她来自加拿大的北部。题目问女士是哪儿人,因此应该选A项,加拿大人。第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. _ the end of the story, all the friends got together.A.AtB.InC.For答案:A解析 本题考查“at the

22、 end of”的固定用法,表示“在末尾”。选项B“in”与“end”构成固定短语“in the end”,表示“最后”,后面不能加of,不符合题意,选项C“for”不能与end搭配,也不能选。只有选项A符合题意。问题:2. He was so hungry that he had _ all the dishes.A.eaten upB.eaten outC.eaten off答案:A解析 本题要表达“他太饿了,以至于把所有的菜吃光了”。选项A“eat up”意为“吃光”,选项B“eat out”意为“上馆子吃饭”,选项C“eat off”意为“腐蚀掉”。只有选项A符合题意。问题:3. _

23、Simon _ Jack know what has happened.A.Both. and.B.Either. and.C.Either. or.答案:A解析 由题干中谓语动词“know”可知主语为复数。没有“either.and.”的结构,所以选项B不能选,选项C“either Simon or Jack”后面谓语动词应为“knows”,只有选项A“both Simon and Jack”为复数含义,故选A。问题:4. Today is Friday, and the _ is Sunday.A.day after todayB.tomorrow after tomorrowC.day

24、after tomorrow答案:C解析 由前半句“今天是星期五”,可知“后天”为星期天,而后天应用“the day after tomorrow”来表达。所以选项A、B均错误,只有选项C符合题意,故选C。问题:5. The news I _ Lisa is so surprising!A.hearing fromB.heared fromC.heard from答案:C解析 本题要表达“我从Lisa那里听来的新闻真是令人惊奇”。此处“听”应用过去时。选项A为现在分词,表示正在发生的动作,不符合题意,选项B“hear”的过去式拼写错误,应为“heard”,均不能选。所以正确答案为C。问题:6.

25、 China has _ for over 20 years.A.developB.developedC.developing答案:B解析 由题干中“for”可知本句应为完成时态“have done”的形式。选项A为动词原形,而has后面需加动词过去分词,故不能选,选项C为现在分词,也不符合题意。只有选项B为develop的过去分词,符合题意,故选B。问题:7. Lets go to visit Professor Wang, _ we?A.wouldB.shall.C.wouldnt答案:B解析 本题考查反意疑问句的正确用法。对于“Lets.”句型的反意疑问,应用“shall we?”,而不

26、是“would we”或“wouldnt we”。所以选项A、C均不能选。只有选项B符合题意。问题:8. It is the first time that you have been to our country, _?A.havent youB.dont youC.isnt it答案:C解析 此句考查反意疑问句的用法。本句为复合句,It做形式主语,谓语为is,所以反意疑问部分要用isnt it,保持与主句的主谓一致。选项A是对从句“you have been to our country”的反意疑问,不正确,选项B也不符合题意,故选C。问题:9. How do you come to Be

27、ijing from Guangzhou? _. A.In planeB.On trainC.By air答案:C解析 由问句“你是怎么从广州来北京的?”可知本题询问来北京的方式。“乘飞机”应该用“by plane”或“by air”来表达,而不能用“in plane”,所以选项A错误,“乘火车”应用“by train”表达,而不是“on train”,所以选项B也错误。只有选项C符合题意。问题:10. Mandy did her housework all _.A.by herselfB.by she selfC.herself答案:A解析 本题要表达“Mandy亲自做家务”,亲自用“by

28、oneself”来表达。所以选项C不能选,选项B反身代词错误,“她自己”应为“herself”,而不是“sheself”,所以也不能选,只有选项A“by herself”正确表达“她亲自”的含义。故选A。问题:11. When it was sunny, James always _ to the park.A.goesB.is goingC.went答案:C解析 本题要表达“天气晴朗时,James经常去公园”,由前半句谓语动词was为过去时态可知后半句也应保持时态一致。选项A为一般现在时,不符合题意,选项B为现在进行时,表示正在发生的动作,也不符合题意。只有选项C为go的过去时,符合题意,故

29、选C。问题:12. Philip got the _ in the match.A.fiveB.fivethC.fifth答案:C解析 本题要表达“Philip在比赛中得了第五名”,序数词“第五”应用“fifth”表达。选项A为基数词,不符合题意,选项B拼写错误,也不能选。所以正确答案为C。问题:13. Who can tell me the answer _ this question?A.aboutB.ofC.to答案:C解析 本题要表达“谁能告诉我这个问题的答案”,“这个问题的答案”中的介词应用to来表示,即“the answer to the question”,不能用介词“about

30、”或“of”,所以选项 A、B均不能选。正确答案为C。问题:14. Can I speak to Mr. Liu. Please? Sorry but hes busy _ his guests now. A.to meetB.withC.meeting答案:C解析 此题考查“be busy doing”的固定用法,表示“忙于”。选项A为动词不定式,不符合语法,选项B“with”与busy搭配应为“be busy with sth.”而“his guest”是人不是物,所以不能选。故正确选项为C。问题:15. Come on, boys and girls! Its time to go _

31、bed!A.toB.forC./答案:A解析 本题的意思是“快点,孩子们,是该就寝的时候了。”“去睡觉,就寝”用“go to bed”表示。这是习惯用语。故选A。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Spring and summer had passed. Freddie, the leaf, had 1 large. He 2 strong and green. He had first appeared in spring 3 a small one 4 a very large branch near the top of

32、a tall tree. Freddie was surrounded by 5 of other 6 . He thought they were all the same. Soon he discovered that no two were 7 . Alfred was the leaf 8 to him. Ben was the leaf on his right side, and Clare was the lovely leaf in front of him. They had all grown up together. They had learned to dance

33、in the spring winds, enjoy the sunshine 9 . in the summer and wash off in the 10 rains. 1.A.growB.grownC.growed答案:B2.A.wasB.isC.had been答案:A3.A.isB.asC.like答案:B4.A.ofB.inC.on答案:C5.A.hundredB.hundredsC.thousand答案:B6.A.leafB.leafsC.leaves答案:C7.A.likeB.sameC.alike答案:C8.A.besideB.besidesC.next答案:C9.A.la

34、zylyB.lazilyC.lazy答案:B10.A.coolingB.coolC.cooled答案:A解析 这是篇小散文。春夏过去了。Freddie是一片叶子,他开始长大了,前面有个助动词had,所以这里是完成时,必须选grown,grow的过去时是grew,作为构成完成时的过去分词是grown。Freddie很强壮,绿油油的。因为全文是过去时,所以这里的be动词也该是过去时,had been表示以前曾经怎样,不对,因为Freddie才开始长大,是现在才变得强壮的,而不是以前。他最先在春天出现时是高高的树顶上粗枝上的一片小叶子,这里主句已完整了,所以不能再用is了,而这里并没有用比喻,Fre

35、ddie本身就是叶子了,所以也不能用like像,只能用介词as,表示“以什么的样子,什么身份”,比如,我们可以说She works as a teacher她的工作是老师。Freddie被其他上百片叶子包围着, other hundreds表示其他上百片叶子,省略了leaves,无论是hundred还是thousand这里都必须用复数,否则前面必须有个数词如one hundred或a thousand。叶子的复数形式是 leaves Freddie以为所有的叶子都是一样的,但后来他发现没有两片叶子是相同的,表示相同的,可用the same或形容词alike,like不是形容词;same做表语时

36、,前面必须有the,所以这里只能用alike。Afred是他旁边的叶子,后面跟to,所以只能用next,否则就可以用beside。Freddie,Afred,Ben和Clare一起生长,他们学会在春风里跳舞,在夏日懒洋洋地晒太阳,在凉快的雨里冲洗。enjoy是个动词,lazy(懒洋洋地)如果要修饰它必须是副词,所以应该是lazily,形容词变副词时,如果结尾是y,y前面又是辅音,必须去y加ily。Cool这个词,如果做形容词用表示凉爽,如形容天气,或形容人的酷,做动词时表示“使什么凉快下来”,这里的雨使叶子感到凉快,而且是主动的,所以应该用cooling。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 从

37、上栏所给选项中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。 A. pencilB. knifeC. bookD. umbrellaE. paperF. keyG. eraser1. People use it when it is rainy.答案:D解析 下雨的时候人们使用的应该是伞(umbrella)。所以选择D。2. People use it to write.答案:A解析 人们用它来写字,七个选项中只有铅笔(pencil)最合适。故选A。3. People use it to cut things.答案:B解析 人们往往用刀(knife)来切、削东西。所以选择B。4. People use it

38、to open the door.答案:F解析 人们开门往往用钥匙(key),所以选择F。5. People use it to write things on.答案:E解析 人们往往把东西写在纸上(paper)。所以选择E。第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 OWEN, A 12-year-old Boy, Can Understand Every Word His Dog Says! Hubble, Owens new dog, is not like other dogs. Owen finds

39、 out his new pet is really from outer space (太空)! In the American film Good Boy, Owens family move around a lot. So poor Owen doesnt have any friends. Then he is given a dog as present. But he is surprised to find that his new dog has been sent from another planet (星球) called Dog Star. Thousands of

40、years ago, dogs came to take over (占领) the Earth, but those dogs didnt want to do anything and turned into pets. Now, the head of Dog Star wants to take all the dogs back. To his surprise, Owen can speak to his dog. They become very good friends. Now Owen has an important job to do: he must help Hub

41、ble keep dogs on Earth so they can live happily with man. Good Boy is about the friendship between people and pets. This film will help you find a new best friend! 1. This passage is about a Chinese movie.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 由第二段第一句中“in the American film Good Boy”可知这篇文章是关于一部美国影片,所以本题

42、“这篇文章是关于一部中国电影”错误。答案应为B。2. Owens dog is like other dogs.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 由第一段第一句“Hubble, Owens new dog, is not like other dogs”可知本题“Owen的狗与别的狗一样”错误。答案应选B。3. Hubble is a name of the dog.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 由第一段第一句中“Hubble, Owens new dog”可知“Hubble”为狗的名字。所以本题正确。答案应为A。

43、4. Hubble helps Owen save dogs on the Earth.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 由第三段最后一句“Owen has an important job to do: he must help Hubble keep dogs on Earth so they can live happily with man”可知应为“Owen helps Hubble to save dogs on earth”。所以本题错误。答案应为B。5. They win at last.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt s

44、ay.答案:C解析 文章并没有提及结果他们是否赢,所以本题“他们最后赢了”没有依据。答案应为C“doesnt say”。第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。 Summer has come, making us think of all kinds of nice things, such as holidays in the country. The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June.

45、It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing all the day. As night falls, the birds stop their song, one after another. However, they do not all sleep. When other birds are silent, a soft (轻柔) cry comes, then, after a few moments, louder. It is the nightingale (夜莺) singing his beautiful song. The nightingale not only sings at night. O


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