老友记第4季 第5季台词.doc

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1、Season 31 of 43 PagesSeason 4parents.Monica: Hey.Ross: (Ross hugs his mom and dad)Hi. Mom. Dad.Mrs. Geller: Sweetheart. Oh sorry were late, my fault, I insisted on riding the tube.Mr. Geller: (embarrassed) Judy, the kids.Mrs. Geller: Jack, thats what they call the subway.Mr. Geller: Ohh, I thought t

2、hat you.Ross and Monica: Dad, dad. We got it! We Got It!Emily: Ohh, here comes my dad and stepmum. Mister and Misses Geller, this is Steven and Andrea Waltham.Mr. Waltham: (Shaking everyones hand.) Hello. Hello. How do you do? How do you do? Very nice to meet you. (Looking over at his wife.) Darling

3、 its the Gellers. (She pays no attention shes talking on a cellular phone.) (Louder) Darling, its the Gellers. (Shes still not responding.) Shes very self-absorbed, you know. I should never have married her.Mrs. Waltham: (Looking evilly at her husband) Sorry, what?Mr. Waltham: Its the Gellers!Mrs. W

4、altham: Where?Mr. Waltham: Well theres one (pointing towards Jack) and theres another (pointing towards Judy).Mrs. Waltham: Lovely to meet you.Mr. Waltham: Terribly nice of you to offer to pay for half the wedding. (He hand a multipage bill to Jack.)Mr. Geller: Ohh forget it. Too hell with tradition

5、, were happy to do it.Mrs. Geller: We know how expensive weddings can be, besides this may be the only wedding we get to throw (patting Monica on the shoulder.).Monica: Ha ha, a joke thats funny in all countries.(Ross quickly directs the families to their tables.)Scene: Chandler and Joey are standin

6、g by the kitchen entrance. A waiter comes out.Waiter: Sir? (Looking at Joey.)Joey: Whats in it?Waiter: Goat cheese, water chestnuts, and panchetta. (Joey Looks down disgustingly at the food.)Joey: (Looking up at the waiter)Thats not food.No, I dont, no.(Taps Chandler on the shoulder.) Everythings di

7、fferent here.I want to go home. I.I miss my family. I miss the coffee house. I cant even remember what Phoebe looks like.Chandler: Joey, its been three days, okay. Your just a little homesick, Okay. Would you just try to relax. Just, just try to enjoy yourself.Joey: (Pointing at Chandler.) Your diff

8、erent here too. Your mean in England. (Chandler throws his hands up to his head in frustration. They walk away from each other.)Camera pans to the Geller family table. Ross, Rachel, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are there.Mr. Geller: (Looking at ht wedding bill.) What the hell!Ross: whats up, Dad?Mr. Geller:

9、This bill for my half of the wedding. its insane.Mrs. Geller: How could it be so much? The receptions at their house.Mr. Geller: (Pointing items out on the bill.) Flowers, liquor, recarpet first floor. New guest bath, landscaping. Im paying to remodel this guys house. (Angrily gets up.) Im going to

10、give that son on a bitch, a piece of my mind.Ross: (Holding him back.)Dad, dad, please. Look I dont want anything to upset Emily tonight. Alright, shes had a hard enough couple of days as it is. (Picks up the bill.) Now here, here, let me go talk to him, okay?Mr. Geller: And you tell him no one take

11、s advantage of the Gellers.Mrs. Geller: Ooh, Jack.(He looks over to her) Sometimes I forget how powerful you can be. (They embrace and kiss passionately.)Monica: (Looking nauseous from her parents kissing.) And Im going to go get drunk. (Gets up to get a drink.)Scene: An airport in New York.Rachel:

12、(Running to the ticket counter) Ooh, ooh, ooh,ooh,ooh. (Slightly out of breath) Hi.Ticket Agent: (Cheerfully.) Hello.Rachel: (Faking cheerfulness.) Hello. Umm, when is your next flight to London?Ticket Agent: (looking at her computer terminal) Theres one leaving in thirty minutes.Rachel: Ohh, good.T

13、icket Agent: And I do have one seat left. Rachel: Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you.Ticket Agent: The last minute fare on this ticket is twenty seven hundred dollars.Rachel: (looking through her wallet.) Ohh, I just dont think I have enough left on my credit card.Ticket Agent: Well you can split

14、it with another credit card.Rachel: Ohh, okay, how about five. (She hands her all the credit cards.) Ohh, thank you.Ticket Agent: Im just going to need to see your passport.Rachel: (Looking through her purse.) Okay, you know what? I dont have it, but I can tell you exactly where it is on my night st

15、and, and.okay. But you know what? I have my drivers license and I have a twenty. (She slides it across the counter.)Ticket Agent: (Slides the twenty back and tosses her credit card onto the counter.)Scene: The Rehearsal dinner hall. Ross is at the Walthams table discussing the bill.Ross: Look, face

16、it, my father is not going to pay for the build-in barbecue and believe me you can kiss you gazebo goodbye. Now I might be able to get you the new lawn.Mr. Waltham: Ahh, then you have to give us the lawn ornaments.Ross: I go back there with lawn ornaments, hes going to laugh in my face.Mrs. Waltham:

17、 This is ridiculous. I mean we had an agreement. (Ross looks frustrated. She begins to scream at her husband.) Will you say something, Steven?! Please!Mr. Waltham: Dont take that tone with me. (She looks evilly at him.) All-all right you can. (He looks over at Ross and Shrugs.)Scene: The Girls apart

18、ment. Phoebe is dialing the phone and Rachel runs in the door.Rachel: (Running to her room.) Hi, Pheebs.Phoebe: (Looking relieved. She puts down the phone.) Oh thank god. Oh, you changed your mind. Oh, look I know you probably want to be alone, and you dont want to talk about it, thats fine. I just

19、want you to know, I think you are doing the right thing and.Rachel: (Running back out the door with her passport.) Bye, Pheebs.Phoebe: (Trying to get up.) Wait! Where are you going?! What are you doing?! No! Wait! (Not able to get up.) God! Why am I always pregnant when she does that?!Scene: The Reh

20、earsal Dinner Hall. Chandler, Joey, Ross, Emily, Monica, and all the bridal party are seated at the table. Chandler gets up to make a toast.Chandler: Id like to toast, Ross and Emily. Of course, my big toast will be tomorrow at the wedding, so this is kind of my little toast or Melba toast, if you w

21、ill. (No one in the room laughs. He starts to get flustered.) Okay. I known Ross for a long time. In fact, I knew him when he was going out with his first girlfriend. (Ross looks embarrassed.) And I thought things were going to work out for him.Until the day he over inflated her. (He laughs. Jack lo

22、oks at Judy and no one in the room laughs.) Ohh, Dear God. (A cellular phone rings.)Mrs. Waltham: Hello, Waltham Interiors.Phoebe: Oh, hi, Mrs. Waltham. I need to speak with ether one of the best men, or Rosss sister Monica.Mrs. Waltham: Who is this?Phoebe: Oh, Im Phoebe Buffay. Im one of Rosss best

23、 friends.Mrs. Waltham: Well, if youre on e of Rosss best friends, why arent you here?Phoebe: Yeah, um, I cant fly. Im having my brothers babies.Mrs. Waltham: Oh, am I on the radio?Phoebe: No.umm, could I talk to one of them? Its very very important.Mrs. Waltham: No, Im bored with you now. Im going t

24、o cut you off. (She hangs up.)Phoebe: Ohh! Okay, Im going to have to kick her ass too.Chandler: (Continuing his toast.) And Im sure were all very excited that Ross and Emily are getting married at Montgomery Hall. I mean to think, my friend getting married in Monty Hall. (No reaction from the people

25、.) Ohh, come on! Monty Hall! Lets make a Deal! Come on, you people! All right, forget it! Congratulations, Ross and Emily. (He sits down.)Joey: Hey, best man number two, Joey Tribbiani. Now Im not good with the jokes like Chandler here. Boy.but ahh, I just want to say congratulation to the happy cou

26、ple. I first met Ross in this coffee house back home.Home.New York City.Where everybody knows my name. Well anyway, I love you guys. (pointing at everyone.) But not as much as I love America. (Looking at Chandler.) Could we please.go home now?(One of the bridesmaids, Felicity, puts her arm around Jo

27、ey.)Felicity: (Putting her arm around Joey.) Are you going home? I was hoping to get to know you better.Joey: (Putting his arm around her.) Im not going anywhere, sweetheart.Scene: Later that evening at the rehearsal dinner. Chandler and Monica are sitting on a sofa. Chandler is covering his face in

28、 embarrassment because of the toast.Monica: I was laughing. (Patting him on the knee.)Chandler: Out loud?Monica: Well I didnt want everyone to think I was stupid.Chandler: So how are you doing?Monica: My mothers driving me crazy, but Ross is getting married. Im happy. (A drunken man approaches.) Im

29、not going to let anything spoil that.Drunk Man: I just want to say that Ross is a wonderful young man.Monica: Well, thanks, we like him.Drunk Man: My god! You must have been a teenage when you had him. (Monica stares straight forward after the comment. Chandler tries to console her by patting her on

30、 the shoulder.)(Ross and Emilys parents are seated at a table. Ross is between them and they are discussing the wedding bill.)Mr. Geller: Theres no way in hell, Im paying for it.Ross: Look, were down to just one point. Could we please, maybe just settle it after the wedding.Mr. Geller: All-right fin

31、e, but I just want to say, Im not paying for your wine cellar. You thieving, would be speaking German if it werent for us, cheap little man. (Emilys stepmum looks shocked. Jack and Judy get up and leave.)(Chandlers trying to console Monica.)Chandler: The guy was hammered, okay? Theres no way, you lo

32、ok like Rosss mother.Monica: Then why would he say it?Chandler: Because hes crazy. Okay? He came up to me earlier and thanked me for my very moving performance in Titanic.Monica: Oh, my mothers right. Im never going to get married.Chandler: Ahh, you know what? That is.Who wouldnt want you?Monica: Oh

33、h, Please?! Im a single mom, with a thirty year old son!Scene: The airport. Rachel runs up to the ticket counter.Rachel: Hi, Im back. Listen, I need to.Ticket Agent: Hello.Rachel: Hello. I need to get on the 11 oclock flight.Ticket Agent: Oh Im afraid that plane has already pulled away from the gate

34、.Rachel: Okay, you know what/ Youre going to have to call that plane and tell them to swing around and come and pick me up.Ticket Agent: I cant do that.Rachel: Sure, you know what? Come on, well just tell them that there was like a problem with like the engine.Ticket Agent: Im afraid Im going to hav

35、e to ask you to step aside, Miss.Rachel: Look, If I dont get to London! He is going to marry that other girl!Ticket Agent: I cant imagine why.Rachel: All right, you know what? I am not leaving here, until you call that plane back! (She pounds her hand on the counter twice. The ticket agent counters

36、by placing the closed sign on the counter and tapping it twice.)Scene: Chandlers hotel room. Ross bursts into the room.Ross: (Screaming) Im getting married today! Whoo-hoo!Chandler: (With the covers pulled up to his chin.) Morning, Ross.Ross: Im getting married, to.day!Chandler: Yeah you are!Ross: A

37、hh, whoo-hoo!(He runs back out the door.Monica: (Comes up for below the covers and looks concerned.) Do you think he knew I was here? (Chandler quickly looks at Monica not knowing what to say.)COMMERCIAL BREAKScene: Chandlers hotel room. Chandler and Monica are lying in the bed together talking. The

38、res an awkward air between them. They are both clutching the covers in from of them.Chandler: Well Ive-Ive never done that with you before.Monica: (In am uneasy voice.) Nope. (She chuckles uneasily.)Chandler: So, ahh, how are ya? How ya.How ya. You okay?Monica: Yep, yep.You?Chandler: Yes.Yes.Uh-huh,

39、 You?(Looking over at her. She looks back.) We did you.Monica: Well.Id better get going.Chandler: Oh yea yea, absolutely.Monica: (Scoots towards the side of the bed.) Could you not look?Chandler: I dont want to look.Scene: The Virgin Atlantic flight to London that Rachel is on.Rachel: Ohhh.(she rhyt

40、hmically taps her hands on the magazine on her lap.)Passenger: Ahh, ahh, excuse me.Rachel: Yeah?Passenger: If youre planning on doing that throughout the entire flight. Please tell me now. So that I could that a sedative.or perhaps slip you one.Rachel: Oh. Im sorry. Im very sorry. Sorry. (She hums a

41、nd sighs happily.) Its just, Im ahh, Im kinda excited. Im, ahh, going to London to ahh, tell this guy that I love him and. (He puts his headphones on to ignore her.) Scene: Joey enters his hotel room. The phone is ringing.Joey: Hello?Phoebe: (Angrily.) Hey, were the hell have you been?!Joey: Hey. I

42、spent the night out. I met this cute bridesmaid. She is so.Phoebe: I dont want to hear about her!Joey: Ahh Pheebs, you know youre still my number one girl.Phoebe: No! No, we have an emergency. Okay? Rachels coming to London.Joey: Ohh great!Phoebe: No its not great. No, shes coming to tell Ross that

43、she loves him.Joey: (Confused.) But, he loves Emily?Phoebe: I KNOW THAT! You have to stop her! Shes going to ruin the wedding!Joey: Okay.Phoebe: All right, so, okay.Joey: Hold on. Hold on. (Picking up a note pad and writing and reading the message aloud.) Rachel coming. Do.Something.Phoebe: Okay, so

44、 Im done my part, okay. Its your responsibility now, okay. The burden is off me, right?Joey: Right!Phoebe: So tell me about this girl?(The guys hotel room. Joeys there. Chandler comes out of the bathroom in a robe.)Joey: Hey. 2 of 2 PagesSeason 5Chandler: Hey.Joey: Have you seen Monica?Chandler: (Ve

45、ry defensive.) Im not seeing Monica.Joey: (With a confused look on his face.) What?Chandler: What?Joey: Look weve got to find her. Phoebe just called! Rachels coming to tell Ross she loves him!Chandler: Oh my god!Joey: I know! Thats why we got to find Monica! You know where she is? Chandler: No! Oka

46、y! Whats with the third degree?! Why dont you just shine a light in my eyes?! (Joey looks totally confused.)Scene: The plane. Rachels telling her story to the passenger on her left. The one on her left is still wearing his headphones.Rachel: .And so then I realized. All this stuff I had been doing.

47、proposing to Joshua, lying to Ross about why I couldnt come to the wedding. Was all just a way of.Passenger: (Frustrated he takes his headphones off.) Oh, oh oh! Im sorry, can I interrupt? You know I just want to say.That you are a horrible, horrible person.Rachel: Ehh, pardon me?Passenger: You say you love this man, yet youre about to ruin the happiest day of his life. Im afraid I have to agree with you friend Pheebs. This is a.this is a.terrible, terrible plan. Rachel: But he has to know how I feel!Passenger: But why? He loves this.this Emily person. No good can come of this.Rac


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