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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级模拟182公共英语二级模拟182第一部分 听力理解第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When will the bank be open on Saturday?A.12 noon to 9 p.m.B.9 a.m. to 5 p.m.C.9 a.m. to 12 noon.答案:

2、C听力原文M: I hope that the bank will be open.W: The sign says: nine a.m. to five p.m. weekdays, nine a. m. to twelve noon Saturdays, closed Sunday.2. Where did the woman say she put her glasses?A.In the cupboard.B.On the desk.C.She couldnt remember exactly.答案:C听力原文M: I cant find your glasses, Martha. W

3、here did you say you put them?W: I didnt say, but keep looking till you find them.3. Why was Nancy late?A.She got up later than usual.B.The bus was late.C.She forgot she had classes.答案:A听力原文M: Nancy, why were you late today?W: I overslept and missed the bus.4. What was the girls low grade?A.140.B.50

4、.C.90.答案:B听力原文W: One of her grades was 90, and another was 50.M: Her work is very uneven.5. Who gave Jim flowers?A.The man.B.Jim.C.Mary.答案:C听力原文M: Why did Mary give Jim flowers?W: I think yesterday was Jims birthday.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读

5、各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the man first suggest the woman to do?A.To learn how to play guitar.B.To choose something easier.C.To play the piano.答案:C听力原文6-7F: Id be happy to take up a new hobby. Anything to suggest?M: How about piano? Its really exciting to

6、play the piano in front of an audience.F: But they say its very hard to learn. Id like to have something easier.M: Then how about guitar? Its fashionable for young people.F: I think Im old enough to follow that trend. Something that suits my age?M: I really have no idea.F: Well, how about window sho

7、pping? You dont have to think of anything when youre window shopping, do you?2. What is the new hobby the woman chose for herself?A.Something that suits her age.B.Go window shopping.C.Make regular visits to shops.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3. Where did Gail spend the nights in the country?A.In a farm

8、 house.B.In the open.C.At a hotel.答案:B听力原文10-12W: Morning. Gail. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country?M: Yes. We had a great time. And some friends went along with us.W: Where did you stay? In a hotel?M: No. We camped in the mountains. We cooked all our meals over an open fire.W. Sounds great.

9、Was the weather good?M: The sun shone nearly every day and it didnt rain at all.W: Did you like the people there?M: Yes, they were friendly. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.W: I hope I have chance to go there for my holiday.M: Its really a good chance.4. How was the weather in the co

10、untry?A.It snowed a lot.B.It rained nearly every day.C.There was a lot of sunshine.答案:C5. What did Gail think of the people in the country?A.They were tall.B.They were strange.C.They were friendly.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What are the two speakers doing?A.Watching a movie.B.Having dinner.C.Makin

11、g soup.答案:B听力原文 6-7M: This soup is delicious. Whats in it, Mary?W: I am sorry, what?M: You know sometimes I think you watch too much TV.W: Oh, I hardly ever watch TV.M: Are you serious?W: Well, sometimes I watch the morning shows and I usually watch the late movies.M: And you always have dinner in f

12、ront of the TV. I mean, you never talk to me.W: Yes, I do. I talk to you during commercials. 本题需要考生听清整个对话,并根据常识和逻辑来进行判断。对话中,男士首先说汤味道很好,并询问女士汤里有什么,而女士没有听清;接着男士抱怨女士看电视看得太多,女士否认后又承认;最后男士指出女士总是在吃饭时看电视,从不跟他说话,女士则反驳说看广告时会跟他说话。由此不难推知,他们正在吃饭,而女士则是边看电视边吃饭,所以才没听清男士的话并招来男士的抱怨,故选B。 7. What makes the man unhappy

13、?A.The woman doesnt cook very well.B.The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.C.The woman watches too many commercials.答案:B解析 在最后一个话轮中,男士指出:you never talk to me(你从不跟我说话)。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. Whats the woman?A.A foreigner.B.A reporter.C.An ordinary Chinese.答案:C听力原文 6-9M: Hello. Im from CCTV. Can I

14、 ask you some questions?W: Sure, go ahead.M: What are you feeling today?W: Happy and excited. You see, everybody is enjoying our National Day as well as the Mid Autumn Festival. Its quite special.M: Yes, China is developing very rapidly.W: Thats true. In July, we won its bid for the 2008 Summer Olym

15、pics. In August, we made the 21st University Games the best in its history.M: You know quite a lot.W: Of course. And in September, news came that our country would become a member of WTO. Still to come this month is the economic APEC summit in Shanghai.M: So many things for us to be proud of. Beside

16、s, I should say our mens football team has made for the World Cup final in 2002. Thats inspiring news.9. How many great events in China this year did they mention in their conversation?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.答案:C10. When will the economic APEC summit in Shanghai be held?A.In August.B.In September.C.I

17、n October.答案:C11. Which of the following words can best describe the feeling of the Chinese people when they talk about their country?A.Interested.B.Proud.C.Encouraged.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. Where does the dialog take place?A.At home.B.At a hotel.C.In a store.答案:C听力原文 12-14M: Excuse me, how m

18、uch does an ice cream cost?W: Two yuan. And how many do you want?M: Two, please.W: Anything else you want to buy?M: Oh, yes, I still want some bread. A piece of bread, please.W: Here you are. 1.5 yuan a piece.M: By the way, do you have any fruit here, such as apples or oranges?W: Im sorry we havent

19、got any.M: All right. Heres the money for you.W: Thank you.精解 题干问:“对话发生在什么地方?”对话中男士问了冰淇淋的价格,又买了一片面包,说明对话的场合是在商店里。所以本题选C。13. What does the man buy at last?A.Some fruit and bread.B.Some ice creams and bread.C.Some apples and oranges.答案:B精解 题干问:“这位男士最后买了什么?”对话中男士除了买了冰淇淋和面包外,还问商店里有没有水果,店员说:“对不起,我们没有水果。”

20、所以男士最后只买了冰淇淋和面包,即答案选B。14. How much should the man pay in total?A.1.5 yuan.B.2 yuanC.5.5 yuan答案:C精解 题干问:“这位男士总共应该付多少钱?”对话中男士要了两个冰淇淋和一片面包,冰淇淋的价格是2元一个,面包是1.5元一片,总共花了5.5元,答案选C。第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. We are trying our best _ the poor children who lost their parents.A.help

21、ingB.to helpC.helpsD.help答案:B解析 本题考查固定短语的用法。try ones best to do sth尽力做某事。问题:2. John is doing very well in school and it is quite _ that his mother should be proud of him.A.normalB.naturalC.generalD.usual答案:B精解 本题考查形容词。normal意为“正常的。正规的,标准的”;natural意为“自然的,自然界的,天生的”;general意为“一般的,普通的,综合的,概括的”;usual意为“平

22、常的,通常的,惯例的”。句子是说杰克的成绩非常好,妈妈为自己的孩子感到骄傲应该是很自然的。所以本题的正确答案为B。 拓展 common, general, ordinary和usual的区别:这四个词都有“普通,一般”的意思。common指某事物经常在许多地方发生或被发现,有平常无奇的意味,可引申为“平凡”之意,例: This is quite a common occurrence像这样的事常常发生。general指“普通的,一般的”,与“高级的”相对应,例:The book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist

23、这本书是为一般读者写的,不是为专家写的。ordinary是依照,般标准来判断,因此有平淡无奇的意味。例:His speech is just ordinary他的演说就是平淡乏味。Ordinary men and women can work miracles in our country. 在我国:普通男女都能创造奇迹。usual强调遵循常规,一贯如此q例:The morning he came earlier than usual, for it was not an ordinary day. 今天上午他到得比平常早,因为这是不平凡的一天。He paid the usual fee。他按

24、规定交费了。 问题:3. I quickly answered your letter, for, if I delayed, you _ I was not concerned about your difficulties.A.had thoughtB.thoughtC.would thinkD.were thinking答案:C解析 本题考查虚拟语气。句中讲的是过去的事情,应该选用would+动词原形。句意为“我很快给你回了信,因为如果推迟了,你就会认为我对你的困难漠不关心。”知识拓展 虚拟语气基本结构:虚拟条件句可分为两类:一类是叙述与现在事实相反的情况,一类是叙述与过去事实相反的情况

25、。另外还有一类用于推测将来的情况,也称为推测条件句。其结构如下 (would有时可以换用should,could或might)。(1)与现在事实相反:条件从句为If I(we,you,he,she,it,they)+动词过去式(be动词的过去式一律用were),结果句用I(we,you,he,she,it, they)+would+动词原形。(2)与过去事实相反:条件从句为If I(we,you,he,she,it,they)had+过去分词,结果主句用I(we,you,he,she,it,they)+would +have+过去分词。(3)与将来时间相反:条件从句一般有三种形式。一般过去式、

26、were+不定式、should+动词原形,结果主句为would (should)+动词原形。问题:4. News writers know their readers have limited time and usually give the _ develop-ments of an event first.A.newestB.latestC.nearestD.earliest答案:B问题:5. Hi, Tracy, you look tired. I am tired. I _ the living-room all day. A.paintedB.have been paintingC

27、.had paintedD.have painted答案:B问题:6. Its quite difficult _ whether Joe will be fit for the job.A.seeB.to seeC.seeingD.to be seen答案:B解析 本题考查动词不定式做真正主语的用法:句中的形式主语是it,而真 正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语to see whether。所以本题答案 是B。问题:7. Why didnt you make me a telephone call yesterday? I_about it.A.should be toldB.ought to

28、have been toldC.should have toldD.ought to be told答案:B解析 本题考查“情态动词+tell的用法。“ought to/should+完成时”可表示一个“应该在过去某时做而没有做的动作,或者表示动作按理该发生了,但实际上未发生”,可译为“本该”,综合后面“I”应该是被告诉,所以答案为B。问题:8. Dr. Richard will come to explain_.A.us for the problemB.us the problemC.the problem to usD.for us the problem答案:C解析 explain s

29、th.to sb意为“给某人解释什么”。句意为Richard会来给我们解释这个问题的。”知识拓展 explain的常用含义:解释,说明,讲解,阐明,为辩解,辩护,说明的理由。explain the word properly in English用英语正确地解释这个词;explain the situation讲解形势;You neednt explain你不用解释!问题:9. The old man _ the memory of his dead wife.A.embracedB.disclosedC.cherishedD.stored答案:Ccherish意为“对怀有”;embrace意

30、为“拥抱”;disclose意为“揭开,透露”。问题:10. Due to a sudden change in weather, the match has been _ until next Monday.A.put downB.put onC.put upD.put off答案:D解析 本题考查动词短语的用法。put down意为“记下,写下,放下和镇压”;put on意为“把放上去”;put up意为“建造,供住处,张贴,举起和留宿”;put off意为“推迟和延期”。这里只有D符合题意。知识拓展 更多有关put的短语:put aside“把放在一边”, put away“把收起来”,

31、put forward“提出建议”,putout“放出,生产,熄灭,关掉”,put together“把放在一起”,put up with“容忍”, put through“接通(电话)”。问题:11. Little John caught a bad cold because he_in the snow all afternoon.A.had been playingB.is playingC.had laidD.lay答案:A解析 过去完成进行时。由于主句为过去时,从句应当为过去时或过去完成时为佳。laid为及物动词lay(放、摆、生)的过去式和过去分词,故不通;lay为lie的过去式,

32、意为“躺、位于”等概念,因此,综合考量,应选A,句意为“小约翰患了重感冒因为此前他整个下午都在雪地玩。问题:12. There are a lot of bitter stories _ his success.A.afterB.behindC.underD.down答案:B解析 本题考查介词用法。本题句意为:他成功的背后有很多辛酸的故事。 behind ones success是固定搭配,表示“成功的背后”。知识点 behind与after辨析。behind与after都可用作介词,表示“在之后”, behind更强调位置先后,after则强调时间先后。例如:He came in and s

33、at behind me他进来坐在我身后。The boy was hiding behind the door 男孩藏在门后。She entered the room after her mother她在母亲(来到) 之后进入房间。After you with the paper,please。请您看完报纸后给我:问题:13. _salary up by 25%, the doctors and nurses in this hospital were both very happy.A.AsB.ForC.WithD.Through答案:C解析 本题考查独立主格结构的用法。题目看似简单,实则有

34、一定难度。注意,前一部分并无谓语动词,说明其并非独立完整的句子,则若填入A和B只能为介词而非连词,词义应分别为“作为”和“因为”,而非“由于”,意思不通顺;C为独立主格结构,即with(可省略)+(名词或代词)主格+逻辑谓语(以非谓语动词或其他形式出现),符合题意。问题:14. Without someone to_for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for Tom.A.turn toB.turn upC.turn overD.turn on答案:A精析 本题考查的是有关于turn的词组。turn to是“求助,转向”的意思。

35、turn up是“出现,到来”的意思。turn over是“滚动,翻转”的意思。turn on是“打开”的意思。根据题意,故A正确。知识拓展 注意turn to中的to不是不定式符号,而是介词。问题:15. Nowhere else in the world _ more beautiful sight than in Switzerland.A.you can findB.is foundC.can you findD.has been found答案:C解析 本题考查倒装句式的用法。否定词nowhere放在句首,句子要倒装:否定词十助动词(be动词)+主语。常放在句首的否定词有:nowhe

36、re(没有地方),never(从不),hardly,scarcely(几乎不),little(几乎没有)等。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 I usually dont take the subway to get to my office, but its a good thing I did last Tuesday. I 1 a man sitting opposite me who 2 to be extremely nervous. He was 3 wide-eyed at one of the adv

37、ertisements in the car. Then his hands started to 4 . I took my medical bag and 5 to him. Well, what 6 seems to be wrong with you? I asked. He pointed at an advertisement 7 the good qualities of a 8 kind of shirt. It 9 : It will not wilt, shrink, crease, or wrinkle. Well, 10 about it? Im going 11 ,

38、he said. I can read it to myself, but I cant say it out 12 . My dear man, I comforted him, you can say it. Of course you can. Youre 13 a little nervous. This is just a nervous attack. You must not 14 . You must try. and say it. Now say it. It. it will not wilt, crink, waek, or shrinkle, he said, and

39、 with a groan (呻吟) he 15 his face with his hands. Now come. 16 me, I told him, and learn how perfectly simple the whole 17 is. I continued in a firm voice, It will not wink, shink, wack, or cinkle. Oh, my! I 18 several times, and each was wrong in a different way. The man 19 , and appeared completel

40、y recovered. I was 20 . The man was cured. Of course, I had been putting on an act. 1.A.curedB.noticedC.taughtD.met答案:B精解 本题考查动词词义。该句意为“我注意到坐在我对面的一个人似乎神经很紧张。”cure意为“治愈,治疗”;notice意为“注意到”;teach意为“讲授,教授”;meet意为“遇到,碰见”。所以本题的答案选B。2.A.turnedB.meantC.pretendedD.appeared答案:D精解 本题考在动词词义。turn意为“(使)转动,翻转,扭转, (

41、使)变质”;pretend意为“假装,装作”;mean意为“意味着,想要,预定”;appear意为“出现,显露,看来,好像”。坐在我对面的人应是“看起来”神经很紧张。所以本题的答案选D。拓展 appear作不及物动词时,后面可以跟介词短语作状语,作系动词时可以跟过去分词、名词或代词、不定式及that,as if (though)引导的从句等。3.A.admiringB.screamingC.pointingD.staring答案:D精解 本题考查动词词义。admire意为“赞美,钦佩,羡慕”; scream意为“尖声叫,尖声喊叫”;point作动词表示“指,指向,表明”;stare意为“凝视,

42、盯着看”。从下文可知,那个人紧张地读一则广告,所以当时他一定是“盯着广告”,所以本题的答案选D。4.A.moveB.touchC.waveD.shake答案:D精解 本题考查动词词义。move意为“移动,感动,鼓动”; touch意为“接触,触摸,触及,达到”;wave意为“(挥手)示意,波动,飘动,摇动”;shake意为“摇动,颤抖,震动”。因为当这个人被问及出了什么事时,他说自己“要疯了”,可知他当时一定很激动,所以只能是手因激动而“颤抖”。答案选D。拓展 与shake有关的搭配:shake off抖落,摆脱;shake ones finger at,sb. 用食指指某人;shake on

43、eself together振作5.A.rushed overB.went onC.came backD.looked over答案:A精解 本题考查动词短语。rush over意为“急忙去做某事”; go on 意为“继续下去,进行”;come back意为“回来,在记忆中重现,恢复,反驳”;look over意为“从上面看,察看,检查,原谅”。由于那个人很紧张,所以“我”一定是拿起药箱“急忙跑过去”的。所以本题答案选A。拓展 与rush有关的搭配:rush at冲向;rush into仓促行动; rush ones fences鲁莽;rush out of奔出;rush up 催促。rus

44、h还可以用作名词。如:a rush to the goldfields淘金热;a rush for gold coins抢购金币6.A.generallyB.exactlyC.usuallyD.naturally答案:B精解 本题考查副词。exactly意为“完全地,正确地,严密地”。在这里,exactly有强调的意味,意思是“究竟,到底”。文章说我急忙跑过去,肯定是要询问情况,故应问“你究竟怎么了”,所以本题选B。generally意为“一般地,普通地,通常地”;usually意为“通常地,惯常地”;naturally意为“自然地,天然地”。7.A.telling aboutB.showin

45、g offC.calling forD.dealing with答案:D精解 本题考查动词短语。deal with意为“安排,处理,涉及,做生意”。本句意为“涉及某一品牌衬衫质量好的广告”,所以这里用deal with。tell about意为“告诉”;show off意为“炫耀,卖弄”;call for意为“要求,需要,提倡,号召”。拓展 与deal有关的搭配:make a big deal out of 美口把看得极为重要,对极为重视,就小题大作;Big deal!妙极了!(假装赞叹的讽刺语);Good deal!美俚好极了!好办法!;a big deal美口要人;重要的事;close a deal达成一项协议,完成一项交易;a good deal许多;make a deal with与做成一笔交易;与达成协议;a great deal许多8.A.commonB.regularC.famousD.certain答案:D精解 本题考查形容词词义。common意为“共同的,公共的,公有的,昔通的”;regular意为“规则的,有秩序的,经常的”; famous意为“著名的,出名的”;certain意为“确定的,某一个,无疑的,必然的,可靠的”。作者并没有确切说明衬衫的品牌和种类等问题,所以用certain更合适。9.A.admitte


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