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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级真题2008年09月(无听力)公共英语二级真题2008年09月(无听力)第一部分 听力理解(略)第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. I dont think Jill would be a good teacher. Shes got _ patience with children.A.plentyB.muchC.lessD.little答案:D解析 本题考查对句意的理解。前半部分的句意为“我认为基尔不是个好老师

2、”,所以后半部分应该为“她对孩子没有多大耐心”,所以答案为D。问题:2. I _ talk to Sue about our lunch date. I cant meet her today because I am not feeling well.A.canB.mustC.wouldD.might答案:C解析 本题考查情态动词的用法。句意为“我要和Sue说下午餐约会的事,由于我感到不太舒服,所以今天不能和她见面了”。would有“很想”的意思,所以答案为C。问题:3. _ me the keysyoure in no fit state to drive.A.To giveB.Givin

3、gC.GiveD.Given答案:C解析 本题考查祈使句的用法。本句意思为“把钥匙给我,因为你不在开车的状态”。祈使句要使用动词原形,所以答案为C。问题:4. I hate _ when theres no computer in the office.A.thatB.thisC.themD.it答案:D解析 本题考查宾语从句的用法。hate后面缺少一个宾语。本句的意思是“我不喜欢办公室里没有电脑”。it指代了theres no computer in the office这种情况,是形式宾语,所以答案为D。问题:5. Are you done with the book I gave you

4、?Not quite. Ive read all _ the last chapter.A.butB.towardC.untilD.beside答案:A解析 本题考查but的用法。本句的意思是“我除了最后一章节,其他的都读了”。toward“朝,向”;until“直到为止”;beside“在旁边,在附近”。由排除法可知只有A符合句意。问题:6. Joseph is at the stage _ he can say single words but not full sentences.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.where答案:D解析 本题考查定语从句的用法。此句的先行词为at

5、 the stage,表示一个地点,因此选择 where。本句意思为“约瑟夫正处在这么一个阶段,现在他只能说出单个的词而不会说完整的句子”。问题:7. As gas is getting more and more expensive, many people are _ public transportation.A.looking forB.setting upC.turning toD.changing into答案:C解析 本题考查词组意义辨析。look for“寻找”;set up“建立”;turn to“求助于,询问,开始,转向”;change into“把变成,换(衣)”。句意为

6、“因为油价越来越贵,所以很多人都开始乘坐公共交通工具,所以答案为C。问题:8. Would you mind holding the door open for me, please?_.A.Dont mention itB.Oh, with pleasureC.Well, thats all rightD.Thank you all the same答案:B解析 本题考查情景会话。句意为“你能为我扶下门吗?非常乐意。”“非常乐意”即with pleasure,这是习惯性用法,所以答案为B。A和C都是别人说感谢自己说的“不用谢”,D为别人帮自己没有起作用等时答谢时说的。问题:9. Liz wo

7、nt be at work next week_a well-earned break.A.she has hadB.she hadC.she was havingD.she is having答案:D解析 本题考查时态。此句表达的是将来的含义,A、B、C都不符合,只有D为现在进行时表将来。问题:10. _ the town was attacked by the storm several times, little damage was done.A.AsB.IfC.SinceD.Although答案:D解析 本题考查连词的用法。从后半句可知“并没有产生多大的损害”,因此前后应该是转折关系

8、,所以答案为D。问题:11. Sorry, am I in your way? Ill move. _.A.Oh, well done!B.Well, thats my pleasure.C.Go ahead.D.Thank you for your kindness.答案:D解析 本题考查情景会话。句意为“对不起,我是不是挡住你了,我来挪一挪。太感谢了!”四个选项中表达感激的只有“Thank you for your kindness”。问题:12. I havent seen you since you came back from holiday, _ a nice time?A.Do

9、you haveB.Did you haveC.Have you hadD.Had you had答案:B解析 本题考查时态。句意为“从你度假回来就一直没有看见你。玩得开心吗?”从前半句可知,假期是很久以前的事了,因此应该用过去时。问题:13. Though Mary continued working, she kept looking at the clock _, thinking of her sick baby in hospital.A.all the timeB.at onceC.after a whileD.for a moment答案:A解析 本题考查副词短语的用法。句意为“

10、虽然Mary继续工作着,可她一直看着钟,担心着她生病住院的孩子。”all the time正好表达了“一直”的含义;at once“立刻,马上”:after a while“过一会儿”;for a moment的意思是“一会儿”。问题:14. Not knowing the language of the country he was visiting, John had a hard time making himself _.A.understandB.understoodC.understandingD.being understood答案:B解析 本题考查宾补的用法。约翰是让自己为人理

11、解,因此要用动词的过去分词作宾补,因此选B。问题:15. If you spend _ time with a baby long enough, youll get _ feeling for how the baby is feeling.A.a; aB./; aC.the; theD.the; /答案:B解析 本题考查冠词的用法。本句中,spend time为短语,“花时间跟婴儿呆在一起”,a feeling指“一种感觉”,所以答案为B。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的(A、B、C、D)三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 My father believed tha

12、t there were mysterious forces (神秘的力量) at work in the world. One day, he was lecturing me on these mysterious forces 1 suddenly the door opened, and a women entered, 2 two geese. She smiled 3 and looked frightened. Soseph, I have a very 4 problem. These dead geese, they keep shrieking (尖声叫)in such a

13、 sad voice . 5 hearing this, my father turned pale. 6 dead geese dont shriek, my mother cut in. Youll hear for yourself, replied the woman. It is impossible to 7 what I heard. My hands grew 8 and I wanted to run from the room. Father was no less 9 than I was. He jumped away from the table. Soseph, w

14、hat shall I do? the woman cried. 10 ? Im a poor woman. Two geese! They 11 me a fortune! Father did not know what to answer. 12 face was growing sharper and more 13 I want to hear it again, she said. And so for the second and the third time, the shrieks were 14 . Nobody said anything. The woman asked

15、, Well, I didnt 15 it, did I? Suddenly my mother laughed. Did you 16 the windpipes (气管)? my mother asked. The windpipes? No. Let me 17 , said Mother. She took hold of one of the geese, and pulled out the wind-pipe. She did the same with the other one. I was surprised by my mothers 18 Now, try it aga

16、in. I was 19 to hear the geese shriek, but they were dead silent. There is always 20 Dead geese dont shriek, said my mother. Now go home and cook them for the meal. They wont make a sound in your pot. 1.A.whenB.whileC.thenD.later答案:A解析 句意为“他正在讲关于这种神秘力量的时候,就在那个时候门突然开了。”when有“在那个时候,当时,其时”的意思,符合句意。whil

17、e的意思是“与同时”;then,later都是“稍后,然后”的意思,均不符题意。2.A.cookingB.carryingC.deliveringD.examining答案:B解析 此句的意思是“一个妇女手里拎着两只鹅走了进来”,carry有“拿、提”的意思,符合句意;cook“烹饪,烹调;deliver“递送,传送,运载,发言”;exam“考试,检验”,均不符合题意。3.A.nervouslyB.cheerfullyC.jokinglyD.surprisingly答案:A解析 根据后面的frightened 判断,B、C排除。surprisingly“令人吃惊地”,放人句中为“令人吃惊地笑”

18、,显然不符合句意,故A(表“紧张地”)正确。4.A.simpleB.suddenC.unusualD.interesting答案:C解析 根据文章意思,死鹅还会叫,应该是一件十分奇怪的事情。A、B、D显然不符合文意,只有unusual的意思是“不寻常的、罕见的”,所以答案为C。5.A.UponB.InC.OfD.At答案:A解析 此句的意思是“一听到这个,当时我父亲脸色就苍白起来”。on/upon+动词的进行时表示“一就”,为固定搭配,因此选A。注意:“at+名词”也常表示一听到,如:At the good news,we were very excited。6.A.AsB.AndC.NowD

19、.But答案:D解析 根据句意,此处应为转折。虽然父亲相信世界上有神秘力量存在,但是真的一旦出现奇怪的现象,他也是觉得难以置信,尤其是死鹅竟然会叫。7.A.rememberB.understandC.describeD.bear答案:D解析 根据上下文,此句的意思是“作者忍受不了死鹅发出的声音,吓得直冒冷汗,直想夺门而逃”。remember“记得”;understand“理解”;describe“描述”。只有D符合题意。8.A.hotB.coldC.stillD.restless答案:B解析 根据上下文,作者无法忍受死鹅发出的声音,手脚冰凉,因此选cold。9.A.curiousB.excit

20、edC.frightenedD.interested答案:C解析 根据下文,父亲甚至是跳着离开了桌子,说明他也很害怕,所以答案为C。10.A.Throw them outB.Set them freeC.Leave them behindD.Sell them out答案:A解析 本句的意思是死鹅还会叫,妇女很害怕,但又舍不得,不过相信神秘力量的父亲建议把它们扔掉。throw them out“把它们扔掉”;set them free“把它们释放”;leave them behind“丢掉”;sell them out“卖掉它们”,所以答案为A。11.A.broughtB.costC.wast

21、edD.saved答案:B解析 a fortune意为“一笔财富”。从上文可知,妇女家很穷苦,舍不得扔,故此,cost me a fortune最合理,所以答案为B。12. A. Fathers B. Mothers C. The womansD. My答案:C解析 父亲一直向他人讲述存在神秘力量,如今他对死鹅都束手无策,妇女的脸变得更苍白了,所以答案为C。13.A.hopefulB.friendlyC.seriousD.nervous答案:D解析 妇女来的时候,就很紧张,现在得知大家都不能帮助她解决问题,变得更紧张了,因此选D。14.A.madeB.heardC.arrivedD.follo

22、wed答案:B解析 根据句意,声音又一次被我们听到,所以答案为B。15.A.meanB.noticeC.designD.imagine答案:D解析 根据上下文,人们听到了死鹅的叫声,妇女说自己说的话并非空穴来风,不是自己的想象,而是真的,所以答案为D。16.A.removeB.changeC.breakD.block答案:A解析 从下文可知,母亲把鹅的气管取了出来,所以,这里选remove,意思是母亲问妇女“你把它们的气管取出来了吗”。17.A.do itB.watch themC.stop itD.catch them答案:C解析 母亲心里已经知道事情的真相了,她想出了办法让鹅“停止”渗叫,

23、所以答案为C。18.A.actionB.courageC.strengthD.speed答案:B解析 对于大家都很害怕的事,母亲却能想出办法解决,“我”被她的“勇气”折服了。所以答案为B。19.A.tryingB.pretendingC.expectingD.preparing答案:D解析 “我”对母亲的做法不大相信,认为母亲解决不了问题,因此仍“准备”听到死鹅的惨叫,所以答案为D。20.A.a factB.a truthC.a methodD.an explanation答案:D解析 本句的意思是“凡事皆有因,死鹅是不会叫的”,与开头“我父亲相信世界上存在着神秘力量”形成鲜明对比。expla

24、nation的意思是“说明、解释、理由”,符合题意。第三部分 阅读理解A The success story started in northern Italy towards the end of the Second World War. Leone Benetton had a bicycle rental (租赁) business in the town of Treviso. He wanted his oldest son Luciano to study and become a doctor. After Leone died, the family was poor and

25、 Luciano decided to leave school and get a job. He found work in a clothing store but soon had his own ideas and started a family clothing company producing colorful woolen sweaters for people only used to wearing dull colors. Shops selling only Benetton sweaters opened in many Italian cities and by

26、 1974 there were stores in France, Germany and Belgium. It was clear that at this stage the success of the Benetton business lay in the strength of the family. In 1975 Luciano married the 20-year-old Marina Salomon who worked in one of his shops. After careful research, Benetton opened his first sho

27、p in the USA, in Manhattan, New York, where it attracted some very special customers including Princess Diana and Jackie Onassis. In 1982 Luciano was introduced to Oliviero Toscani, the photographer who was to change the image (形象) of Benetton forever. Although Benetton was growing very quickly, the

28、y needed an international image and for this reason in the early 1980s they decided to provide money for Formula 1 motor racing. This was followed by the advertising campaigns (广告攻势) for which the company became famous. Luciano Benetton succeeded in turning the company he started in the 1950s into o

29、ne of the worlds most successful businesses but he paid a high personal price. He spent so much of his life working and traveling that he lost touch with his family and friends. 1. What did Luciano Benettons father hope he would do?A.Sell clothes.B.Build a factory.C.Learn medicine.D.Run a bicycle bu

30、siness.答案:C解析 细节题。根据文章第一段中的第二句He wanted his oldest son Luciano to study and become a doctor可知,父亲希望他学习医学,成为一名医生,所以答案为C。2. Who played an important role in the early development of Lucianos business?A.His father,B.His family.C.Princess Diana.D.A photographer.答案:B解析 细节题。根据文中第二段中的第一句可知露西阿诺贝纳通早期的成功是依赖于他家族

31、的实力。所以答案为B。3. When did Luciano Benetton start his family clothing company?A.In the 1950s.B.In the 1960s.C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1980s.答案:A解析 推理题。根据文章最后一段第一句中的in the 1950s可知,他开始创立他的家族服装公司是在20世纪50年代,所以答案为A。4. How did Luciano Benetton make his company world famous?A.By inviting famous people to his sho

32、ps.B.By supporting research on clothing.C.By opening shops in New York.D.By advertising in car raving.答案:D解析 细节题。根据第三段,露西阿诺贝纳通投资赞助了F1车赛,令他的公司一举成名,所以答案为D。5. Benettons early products were different from other ones in _.A.materialB.colorC.sizeD.price答案:B解析 细节题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句话可知,他为曾经只穿灰暗颜色衣服的人们制作了色彩鲜艳的羊绒衫

33、,说明主要的不同在于颜色,所以答案为B。B People who love music, who can lose themselves in a book, or who can spend hours painting a picture of a mountain, know the deep satisfaction that can be found in art. It is not easy to express this satisfaction in words. But, in some partly mysterious (神秘的) way, works of art a

34、re among the things of highest value in our lives. A fine piece of music, a masterpiece of painting, or a first-class play has the power to hold our fullest attention. We are completely lost in it, and everything works out right. The music comes to the right close at the right time and in the right

35、way. The play ends, not necessarily on a happy note, but in a way that seems enjoyable. As we get to know more about painting, its parts seem to belong together and to be made for one another. We see harmony (和谐) in the object and feel harmony within ourselves. When the beautiful experience has ende

36、d, we often feel uplifted and refreshed. Our eyes and ears, or our understanding of other persons and values, may be sharpened and improved. We may feel more at home with ourselves. Works of art have value for us in some such ways as these. It is this value that marks the difference between great ar

37、t and simple entertainment(娱乐). A work that is fairly easy to understand takes little effort on our part. It may give us pleasure, but it does not touch our feelings or attract out attention at a deep level. 1. What is the main idea of the text?A.Music has a power to catch all our attention.B.Art of

38、 high values can improve us as human beings.C.Its difficult to express our satisfaction from works of art.D.Simple entertainment is easy to understand and can give us pleasure.答案:B解析 主旨题。这篇文章主要给人们讲述了艺术品带来的享受,D未提到艺术品,故排除。A、C不全面,艺术品不仅仅只有音乐,本文也不仅仅告诉我们“人们很难表达对于艺术品的满足感”,所以答案为B。2. One most important value

39、 from enjoying great art lies in _.A.giving all our attention to artB.getting satisfaction easily from itC.the harmony experienced in ourselvesD.being able to share with other people答案:C解析 细节题。根据文章第二段最后一句we see harmony in the object and feel harmony within ourselves,可知艺术品的一个重要价值在于在我们心里找到一种和谐,所以答案为C。

40、3. According to the writer what kind of art may be regarded as great art?A.Plays that end on a happy note.B.Objects that make us feel at home.C.Works that move us at a deep level.D.Paintings that express life experience.答案:C解析 推理题。根据文章第二段中The play ends,not necessarily on a happy note,but in a way th

41、at seems enjoyable可知A错误。B、D说法正确,但表达不全面,object不仅仅指艺术品,绘画只是艺术品中的一种,所以答案为C。4. One thing that simple entertainment may fail to give us isA.a ready sense of funB.an easy touch of pleasureC.a quick feel of excitementD.a real understanding of life答案:D解析 细节题。根据文章最后一段的最后一句It may give us pleasure,but it does

42、not touch our feelings or attract our attention at a deep level可知答案为D。C Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book that has encouraged you? A book that is of great value in the history of a subject you care about? A book with some personal importance to

43、you? A work by Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Tolkienor something only you would think of ? If there is, there may well be a copy in Leeds University Librarys Special Collections, and from as little as 25 you can Adopt-A-Book at Leeds. We will place a bookplate in the book recording your support for the

44、 Library. You can also adopt a book as a gift for someone elseperhaps to celebrate a special event, like a birthday or wedding. Please help us to protect our rare (珍稀的) books and keep them safe for present and future users. Our copies of many of the most important works ever printed are kept in safe

45、 conditions and the collections are well known worldwide. They are consulted (参阅) by thousands of students and researchers visiting from all over the world, and you may have worked with the valuable works yourself during your studies. When you adopt a healthy book, you help us to revive (使复苏) another thats not so fit! 1. The writer uses questions at the beginning _.A.to show the value of works by Shakespeare, Newton and TolkienB.to show the popularity of the library with students and teachersC.to draw readers attention to the low price


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