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1、20112012学年度武汉市部分学校九年级调研测试英语试卷第1卷(选择题85分) 注意事项:1 .答题前,孝生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡指定位置;2 .每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡上将对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答在试卷上无效;3 .考试结束,监考人员将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分:听力测试(共三节。满分25分)第一节(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分) 第一部分听了面6个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。1. A. Its

2、Jack s.B. A camera. C. Its black.2. A. At about 11: 30. B. It was exciting.C. Many friends came.3. A. Theyre sports shoes. B. Theyre the rig size.C. Theyre mine.4. A. Very smooth B. Very tired. C. Quite well.5. A. By taxi.B. Mary and Kate. C. With Jack6. A. Coffee B. Hot.C. Expensive.第二节(共6小题,每小题1分,

3、满分6分)听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。 7. Where does the woman come from?A. From Canada. B. From America. C. From France.8. What does the woman mean?A. The soup isnt enough.8. She has had enough.C. The soup is too hot.9. Where does the woman work?

4、A. At the bookstore. B. At the post office. C. At the library.10. Who keeps the dictionary now?A. Kate. B. Judy. C. Tony.11. Where are the two speakers talking?A. On the street. B. On the phone. C. At the office door.12. What can we know about the man?A. The man sells pet dogs.B. The man helps other

5、s look after dogs.C. The man cant look after himself well.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听每段对话和独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独自读两遍。听第13段材料,回答第13至第15题。13. What did Marco do yesterday?A. Working. B. Boating. C. Fishing.14. Who is Steve?A. Marco

6、s brother. B. The womans son. C. Marcos classmate.15. What do we know about Steve?A. He wanted to study at Cambridge before.B. He is now studying at Harvard.C. He has no interests in business.听第14段材料,回答第16至第18题。16. What are they going to buy?A. A pair of gloves, B. A skirt. C. A dress.17. What color

7、 does Peter prefer?A. Bright color. B. Dark color. C. Light color.18. Why does Kate not like the light color one?A. Easy to get dirty. B. Too small. C. Very expensive. 听第15段材料,回答第19至第21题。19. What happened to the man?A. He didnt go home last night.B. He was angry with his friend.C. His wife was angry

8、 with him.20. Why did the man come home late last night?A. He had a lot of work to do.B. He met an old friend.C. He went to look for Lily.21. What did Lily ask the man to do?A. To come back home early.B. To bring his friend home.C. To have a heart to heart talk.听第16段材料,回答第 22至第25题。22. Why does Sally

9、 sometimes go home late?A. Because she has something more to do.B. Because there is no bus after work.C. Because the manager has talks to her.23. What happened one morning?A. She got up late.B. no bus came late.C. The driver was angry with Sally.24. Who did the manager shout at?A. All the waitresses

10、. B. The driver. C. Sally.25. How did the manager feel that morning?A. Rather bad. B. Very sick. C. Quite excited.第二部分笔试部分二、选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)从题中所给的 A B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。26. -Can you help me? This bag is heavy for me.-Certainly.A. so B. much C. very D.too27. -Are you interested in going to the foot

11、ball game?-Yes,.A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. I d like to28. -Have you done your school report yet?-No, I ll finish in ten minutes.A. another B. other C. more D. 1ess29. -W0uld you mind my taking this scat?A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course notC. Yes, take it please D. No, you can t take

12、it.30. -Is Jack coming?-Im not sure. He be here at any moment.A. must B. will C. should D. can31. -I had a really nice weekend in the country.A. Oh, thats very nice of you B. CongratulationsC. Its a pleasure D. I m glad to hear that32. - I flew to Shanghai for the fashion show last week.-Is that you

13、 had a few days off?A. why B. when C. what D. where33. - How about that T-shirt, Tom? It will surely look good on you.-Great. Its the right I want.A. kind B. piece C. pair D. size34. - Well, I cant your address.-Oh sorry, I11 tell you again.A.see B. understand C. read D. say35. - Were ready for the

14、picnic this Sunday.-Im you will have a nice time.A. afraid B. happy C. sure D. sorry 36. - Susan, you look tired today.-I want to at the airport early this morning. Now I feel sleepy.A. see Bob off B. wake Bob up C. send for Bob D. take off Bob 37.- When will you be with your work, John?-Who knows?

15、My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.A. on B. through C. over D. for 38. - Can you get it done in two days?-Well, Ill my best.A. make B. do C. keep D. get 39. - Hi, Bob.-Hi, Jack.?A. Got breakfast B. And you C. How are you doing D. How do you do 40. - Do you know?-He s our

16、 new English teacher.A. who is that man B. who that man isC. that man is who D. that man is whom 三、完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 41-55各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选出 一个最佳答案。Ana, a beautiful young country girl from a poor family, lived near a wide and dangerous river in the jungle. The river was (41) for i

17、ts crocodiles and fast moving water. On the other (42) of the fiver lived Anas boyfriend, Ken. He was working hard to save money for their wedding, and Ana had not seen Ken for six months.Ana was feeling very (43) without Ken, and was eager to see him. She asked Marc to take her across the river in

18、his boat. Marc, who was a very tough(固执 的)businessman, said it would (44) Ana $800. She did not have that much money and would not be (45) to save it in years. She begged(乞求)Marc to take her across thefiver in his boat. Finally, Marc said he would take Ana if she (46) for him for two months.Ana know

19、 Ken did not like Marc and she (47) what to do. She asked her younger brother, Ethan, for help. She explained her (48) to Ethan but he said it was not his problem and she needed to (49) for herself.Ana was very (50) and even more eager to see Ken. She was so in love with Ken she (51) agree to Marcs

20、request.After two months, Marc took Ana across the river for Ken. They were both very happy and excited to see each other. Before long, Ken asked Ana (52) she had crossed the fiver. Ana told him the (53) and Ken became very angry. He told Ana that he would not marry her. Ana crossed the river again

21、and went home heartbroken.WhenAna returned home, she met an old friend, Daniel. She told Daniel her (54) story. Daniel looked at Ana with a smile and said, Ana, I have always (55) you, I will marry you.4l. A. made B. expected C. known D. changed42.A. endB. sideC. bottomD. edge43.A. angryB. lonelyC.

22、embarrassed D. calm44.A. saveB. madeC. bringD. cost45.A. ableB. willingC. afraidD. satisfied46i. A. waitB. careC. workD. serve47.A. knewB. choseC. realizedD. wondered48:A. planB. situationC. secretD. experience49.A. decideB. askC. payD. think50.A. upsetB. movedC. certainD. relaxed51.A. shouldB. coul

23、dC. mustD. had to52.A. whetherB. whyC. howD. when53.A. newsB. truthC. 1ieD. reason54.A. interesting B. boringC. sadD. terrible55.四A. loved、阅读理解B. missed(本题30分。C. preferred每小题2分)D. appreciated阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、R C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。ASix miners ( 矿工)were excavating ( 挖掘)coal in a deep mine. Suddenly, the m

24、ine fell down and the exits were blocked (封锁).Accidents always happened inthat area. By experience, they knew that the biggest problem was lack of oxygen. The air in the mine could only keep them alive for three hours.Amongthe six miners, only one had a watch. So they made him tell them the time eve

25、ry half an hour. When the first half of an hour passed, the miner who had a watch said, “ Half an hour passed. He worried because he knew that he was telling them how far they were from death. Then he got an idea. He decided not to make his friends die so painfully. The second half of an hour passed

26、, but he said nothing. When another fifteen minutes passed, he said,“An hour already. ”In fact, it had passed 75 minutes. Another hour passed, the miner said,a Anotherhalf an hour. The other five miners all thought that only 90 minutes had passed.Only the miner who had a watch knew that 135 minutes

27、had already passed.Four hours after the accident, rescuers (救援者)came. To their surprise, five of the miners were still alive and only one diedhe was the one who had a watch.This is the power of faith. The miner who had a watch gave hope to his friends. However, he died because he knew the truth.56.

28、The reading is mainly about.A. how the accidents happenedB. why the miners had three hours to lastC. one miner giving hope to his friends to liveD. the six miners helping each other to stay alive57. The biggest problem in the mine was.A. faith B. water C. food D. air58. We learn from the reading tha

29、t.A. accidents seldom happened in that areaB. the six miners had no experience of accidentsC. five of the miners stayed alive for more than 4 hoursD. a watch is helpful for miners lives to last59. The reason why one miner died was that.A. he was the weakest one among the six B. he knew the exact tim

30、e in the mine C. the other five had no watches D. he was last to be taken out60. The rescuers had thought.A. only one of the miners would have diedB. only one of the miners would have been aliveC. no one of the miners would have diedD. no one of the miners would have been aliveBMy dear father,You wi

31、ll be glad to hear that I arrived here safe and sound last Friday afternoon, and I am now hard at work again.There are about forty boys in my class, and I hope that by the end of this term I shall stand among the first two or three.For this,I must work hard.I often think of your kind words of advice

32、, and I am trying my best to put them into practice, and to waste as little time as possible.With love to my mother, brothers, sisters, and yourself.Yourlovingson.61. The reading above is.A. an email B. an advertisement C. a letter D. a report62. The boy is.A. a hard-working student B. the only chil

33、d in his familyC. very naughty D. not likely to make a study plan63. We know from the reading the boy.A. is far behind the others in his class B. has no plan of his studyC. doesnt follow others advice D. 1ives away from the family64. The boy hopes in the new term.A. to make two or three new friendsB

34、. to become top in his classC. to think of his fathers adviceD. to practice his writing a lot65. The boys father.A. cares a lot about his sonB. doesnt like the son living at homeC. knows little about teaching his sonD. loves the son only in the familyCKin Bogue, a janitor (看人)in California, worked o

35、vertime to save money for a trip to Thailand to visit her family and friends. She saved over$900 and was planning to buy a ticket, but she lost her wallet with all her money and credit cards.Kin looked through the garbage and all thebuildings where she worked but cameup empty-handed. She went homehe

36、artbroken, believing that she had lost her money for good .While Kim was home, sad and depressed, a homeless man was searching through the garbage looking for things to sell. As he was looking through a garbage bag, he found something wrapped in a plastic bag.The homeless man, who did not want to be

37、 identified (确认),took the walletto Sherry Wesley. Wesley knew the man from her volunteer work at a homeless shelter. He came to me with the wad (叠)of money and said, This probablybelongs to someone that you work with. Can you return it? Wesley works in one of the buildings that Bogue cleans and she

38、knew Bogue had lost her wallet.Bogue was amazed when she heard the good news. I couldn t believe it when they called me, she said. He has a very big heart. If someone else had found it, the money would be gone.As a reward, Bogue gave the man $100. The homeless man gave half of the money to Wesley, w

39、ho then donated it to charity.66. From the reading we can know Bogue works.A. with Wesley B. at a super market C. in Thailand D. at a garbage dump 67. Kin Bogue saved the money to.1. donate it to homeless people B. work for less timeC. make a trip around the world D. see her family and friends68. Th

40、e phrase for good in the reading means.A. going for good use B. going for good people.C. never coming back D. coming back some day69. The homeless man gave the money to Wesley not to Kin because he.A. had a very big heartB. didnt want others to know himC. didn t need any money to spend D. wanted to

41、be a well-known man70. The best title for the reading should be.A. The Homeless Man B. Lucky BogueC. Lost and Found D. $900 and Credit Cards第n卷(非选择题共35分)注意事项:用黑色墨水的签字笔或钢笔直接答在答题卡上该题对应答题区域内,答在试卷上无效。五、词与短语填空(本题共10分,每小题2分)仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结 构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)find.out/ look.up

42、/ offer / afraid / sure /take71. If you dont know the meaning of a word,it in a good dictionary.72. He me a glass of wine.73. Tom,your coat with you its cold.74. You must be of your facts before you make a decision.75. Dont be of the dog he i s quite harmless.六、阅读理解填词(本题共10分,每小题1分)先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的

43、正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends, Ian and Betty. It was a dark, w 76 night, and they did not know the road very well.They drove through Cookstown, until they found the way that they thought was the road to Dorling, where Ian and Betty lived.

44、 But it soon became c 77 that they were not on the road to Dorling at all. The road that they were on was getting narrower, and there were no other c 78 on it. The wind was blowing with every minute that p 79 .They came to a small village. They drove past a church, and then two houseswithout l 80 on

45、. There was nobody about to tell them where they were, or where the road went. Just then, Ben saw a telephone-box, fifty meters or so further on. While he walked back along the road to see if there was a n 81 outside the church. Susan telephone Ian and Betty to tell them that they were still on the

46、way.Betty was just saying that the dinner was already r 82 dry, when Ben came back to the telephone-box, his head down a 83 the wind. He said that a tree was just b 84 down across the road, and that the telephone lines were down. Susan heard nothing m 85 from Betty about the dinner.七、书面表达(本大题15分)假设彳

47、是Li Ming ,晚上你去还书给史密斯先生,他不在家,你给他用英语留下便 条。内容如下:1. 来还书正巧你外出;2. 你上个月借给我的命运 (Luck)昨晚读完;3. 我有几个关于书中内容的问题要向你请教;4. 我还想借一本类似的书,明天晚上再来:5. 写一两句话表示对史密斯先生的感谢。注意:词数60 80,便条的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。参考词汇:like this 类似 happen to v. 正巧 helpful adj.有帮助的2011-2012学年度武汉市部分学校调研测试题 英语试题参考答案 一、听力测试题(1-25小题。每小题1分,共25分)I. B 2. A 3.C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.AII. B 12. C 13.C 14. A 15. A 16.C 17.A 18. A 19. C 20. B21. A 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A二、


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